ProseMirror Guide (5)

정현석·2020년 12월 5일


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The editor state

에디터의 state를 구성하는건 무엇일까요? 물론 document가 있겠죠. 그리고 현재의 selection이 있습니다. 그리고 현재의 marks가 변화하는 사실을 저장하는 방법이 있어야 합니다. 예를들어 mark를 disable하거나 enable했지만 그 mark로 어떤 글자도 타이핑하지 않은 경우 같은거요.

이 세가지가 프로즈미러의 state를 구성하는 메인 컴포넌트들입니다. 그리고 이들은 doc, selection, storedMarks라는 state object로써 존재하죠.

import {schema} from "prosemirror-schema-basic"
import {EditorState} from "prosemirror-state"

let state = EditorState.create({schema})
console.log(state.doc.toString()) // An empty paragraph
console.log(state.selection.from) // 1, the start of the paragraph

그러나 플러그인들 또한 state를 저장해야하죠. 예를들어 undo history는 history change를 기록해야합니다. 이건 왜 active한 플러그인이 또한 state를 저장하는지에 대한 이유입니다. 그리고 이들은 추가적인 공간에 자신의 state를 저장하도록 정의할 수 있습니다.


ProseMirror supports several types of selection (and allows 3rd-party code to define new selection types). Selections are represented by instances of (subclasses of) the Selection class. Like documents and other state-related values, they are immutable—to change the selection, you create a new selection object and a new state to hold it.

Selections have, at the very least, a start (.from) and an end (.to), as positions pointing into the current document. Many selection types also distinguish between the anchor (unmoveable) and head (moveable) side of the selection, so those are also required to exist on every selection object.

The most common type of selection is a text selection, which is used for regular cursors (when anchor and head are the same) or selected text. Both endpoints of a text selection are required to be in inline positions, i.e. pointing into nodes that allow inline content.

The core library also supports node selections, where a single document node is selected, which you get, for example, when you ctrl/cmd-click a node. Such a selection ranges from the position directly before the node to the position directly after it.


During normal editing, new states will be derived from the state before them. You may in some situations, such as loading a new document, want to create a completely new state, but this is the exception.

State updates happen by applying a transaction to an existing state, producing a new state. Conceptually, they happen in a single shot: given the old state and the transaction, a new value is computed for each component of the state, and those are put together in a new state value.

let tr =
console.log(tr.doc.content.size) // 25
tr.insertText("hello") // Replaces selection with 'hello'
let newState = state.apply(tr)
console.log(tr.doc.content.size) // 30

Transaction is a subclass of Transform, and inherits the way it builds up a new document by applying steps to an initial document. In addition to this, transactions track selection and other state-related components, and get some selection-related convenience methods such as replaceSelection.

The easiest way to create a transaction is with the tr getter on an editor state object. This creates an empty transaction based on that state, to which you can then add steps and other updates.

By default, the old selection is mapped through each step to produce a new selection, but it is possible to use setSelection to explicitly set a new selection.

let tr =
console.log(tr.selection.from) // → 10
tr.delete(6, 8)
console.log(tr.selection.from) // → 8 (moved back)
tr.setSelection(TextSelection.create(tr.doc, 3))
console.log(tr.selection.from) // → 3

Similarly, the set of active marks is automatically cleared after a document or selection change, and can be set using the setStoredMarks or ensureMarks methods.

Finally, the scrollIntoView method can be used to ensure that, the next time the state is drawn, the selection is scrolled into view. You probably want to do that for most user actions.

Like Transform methods, many Transaction methods return the transaction itself, for convenient chaining.


When creating a new state, you can provide an array of plugins to use. These will be stored in the state and any state that is derived from it, and can influence both the way transactions are applied and the way an editor based on this state behaves.

Plugins are instances of the Plugin class, and can model a wide variety of features. The simplest ones just add some props to the editor view, for example to respond to certain events. More complicated ones might add new state to the editor and update it based on transactions.

When creating a plugin, you pass it an object specifying its behavior:

let myPlugin = new Plugin({
  props: {
    handleKeyDown(view, event) {
      console.log("A key was pressed!")
      return false // We did not handle this

let state = EditorState.create({schema, plugins: [myPlugin]})

When a plugin needs its own state slot, that is defined with a state property:

let transactionCounter = new Plugin({
  state: {
    init() { return 0 },
    apply(tr, value) { return value + 1 }

function getTransactionCount(state) {
  return transactionCounter.getState(state)

The plugin in the example defines a very simple piece of state that simply counts the number of transactions that have been applied to a state. The helper function uses the plugin's getState method, which can be used to fetch the plugin state from a full editor state object.

Because the editor state is a persistent (immutable) object, and plugin state is part of that object, plugin state values must be immutable. I.e. their apply method must return a new value, rather than changing the old, if they need to change, and no other code should change them.

It is often useful for plugins to add some extra information to a transaction. For example, the undo history, when performing an actual undo, will mark the resulting transaction, so that when the plugin sees it, instead of doing the thing it normally does with changes (adding them to the undo stack), it treats it specially, removing the top item from the undo stack and adding this transaction to the redo stack instead.

For this purpose, transactions allow metadata to be attached to them. We could update our transaction counter plugin to not count transactions that are marked, like this:

let transactionCounter = new Plugin({
  state: {
    init() { return 0 },
    apply(tr, value) {
      if (tr.getMeta(transactionCounter)) return value
      else return value + 1

function markAsUncounted(tr) {
  tr.setMeta(transactionCounter, true)

Keys for metadata properties can be strings, but to avoid name collisions, you are encouraged to use plugin objects. There are some string keys that are given a meaning by the library, for example "addToHistory" can be set to false to prevent a transaction from being undoable, and when handling a paste, the editor view will set the "paste" property on the resulting transaction to true.

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