Day 001

AWESOMee·2022년 1월 13일

Udemy Python Bootcamp

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Udemy Python Bootcamp Day 001

print 이용해서 문구 출력하기

print(“Day 1 - Python Print Function”)
print(“The Function is declared like this:)
print(print(‘what to print))

Day 1 - Python Print Function
The Function is declared like this:
print(‘what to print’)

마지막줄 print(“print(‘what to print’)”)에서
’what to print’”what to print”로 작성하는 경우에는
””가 중복되어 오류가 발생하니 주의해야 한다.

오류 수정하기

# Missing double quotes before the word Day.
print(Day 1 - String Manipulation")
# Outer double quotes changed to single quotes.
print(“String Concatenation is done with the "+" sign.)
# Extra indentation removed.
    print('e.g. print("Hello " + "world")')
# Extra ( in print function removed.
print(("New lines can be created with a backslash and n.")

입력 받은 문자 길이 출력하기

print(len(input(“What is your name? “)

What is your name? awesomee

a 값과 b 값 대체하기

커피가 든 잔과 우유가 든 컵을 연상하면 된다.

a = input(“a:)
b = input(“b:)

c = a
a = b
b = c

print(“a:= a)
print(“b:= b)

a: 3
b: 5
a: 5
b: 3

밴드이름 만들기

#1. Create a greeting for your program.
print(“Welcome to the Band Name Generator.) 
#2. Ask the user for the city that they grew up in.
city = input(“What’s name of the city you grown up in?\n”)
#3. Ask the user for the name of a pet. 
pet = input(“What is your pet’s name?\n”)
#4. Combine the name of their city and pet and show them their band name. 
print(“Your band name could be “ + city + “ “ + pet)

Welcome to the Band Name Generator.
What’s name of the city you grown up in? London
What is your pet’s name? Mimi
Your band name could be London Mimi

개발을 배우는 듯 하면서도

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