Day 003

AWESOMee·2022년 1월 16일

Udemy Python Bootcamp

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Udemy Python Bootcamp Day 003

comparison operators

> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
== equal to
!= not equal to

one equal sign(=) means that assigning this value to this variable.
two equal sign(==) means that checking to see if value on the left is equal to the value on the right.


number = int(input("Which number do you want to check? "))

# The modulo is written as a percentage sign (%) in Python.
# It gives you the remainder after a division.

reminder = number % 2

if reminder == 1:
  print("This is an odd number.")
  print("This is an even number.")

BMI Calculator 2.0

height = float(input("enter your height in m: "))
weight = float(input("enter your weight in kg: "))

bmi = round(weight / height ** 2)

if bmi < 18.5:
  print(f"Your BMI is {bmi}, you are underweight.")
elif bmi < 25:
  print(f"Your BMI is {bmi}, you are normal weight.")
elif bmi < 30:
  print(f"Your BMI is {bmi}, you are slightly overweight.")
elif bmi < 35:
  print(f"Your BMI is {bmi}, you are obese.")
  print(f"Your BMI is {bmi}, you are clinically obese.")

Leap Year

year = int(input("Which year do you want to check? "))

if year % 4 == 0:
  if year % 100 == 0:
    if year % 400 == 0:
      print("Leap year.")
      print("Not leap year.")
    print("Leap year.")
  print("Not leap year.")

Pizza Order Practice

print("Welcome to Python Pizza Deliveries!")
size = input("What size pizza do you want? S, M, or L ")
add_pepperoni = input("Do you want pepperoni? Y or N ")
extra_cheese = input("Do you want extra cheese? Y or N ")

bill = 0
if size == "S":
  bill += 15
elif size == "M":
  bill += 20
  bill += 25

if add_pepperoni == "Y":
  if size == "S":
    bill += 2
    bill += 3

if extra_cheese == "Y":
  bill += 1

print(f"Your final bill is: ${bill}")

logical operators
A and B
C or D
not E

Rollercoaster Ticket Box

print("Welcome to the rollercoaster!")
height = int(input("What is your height in cm? "))
bill = 0

if height >= 120:
  print("You can ride the rollercoaster!")
  age = int(input("What is your age? "))
  if age < 12:
    bill = 5
    print("Child tickets are $5.")
  elif age <= 18:
    bill = 7
    print("Youth tickets are $7.")
  elif age >= 45 and age <= 55:
    print("Everything is going to be ok. Have a free ride on us!")
    bill = 12
    print("Adult tickets are $12.")
  wants_photo = input("Do you want a photo taken? Y or N. ")
  if wants_photo == "Y":
    # add $3 to their bill
    bill += 3
  # N 입력시 bill 추가하지 않으르모 else 구문 입력 필요없음
  print(f"Your final bill is ${bill}")

  print("Sorry, you have to grow taller before you can ride.")

lower & count function

"Awesomee".lower() # “”속 글자를 소문자로 바꿔줌
# 'awesomee'
"Awesomee".count("a") # a는 str이므로 “a”로 입력해야함
# 0 : A와 a 별개로 인식함
lower_case_name = "Awesomee".lower()
# 1

Love Calculator

print("Welcome to the Love Calculator!")
name1 = input("What is your name? \n")
name2 = input("What is their name? \n")

combined_string = name1 + name2
lower_name = combined_string.lower()

t = lower_name.count("t")
r = lower_name.count("r")
u = lower_name.count("u")
e = lower_name.count("e")

true = t + r + u + e

l = lower_name.count("l")
o = lower_name.count("o")
v = lower_name.count("v")

love = l + o + v + e

total = int(str(true) + str(love))
# str(true) + str(love) 은 str로 밑의 if 구문에 적용하기 위해 int로 변경 해줘야 함

if total < 10 or total > 90:
  print(f"Your score is {total}, you go together like coke and mentos.")
elif total >= 40 and total <= 50:
  print(f"Your score is {total}, you are alright together.")
  print(f"Your score is {total}.")

Treasure Island

# print('''
#''') print안에 여러 줄 입력할 때 사용 / 꼭 세개여야함 
          |                   |                  |                     |
|                   |  ,-"_,=""     `"=.|                  |
|___________________|__"=._o`"-._        `"=.______________|___________________
          |                `"=._o`"=._      _`"=._                     |
 _________|_____________________:=._o "=._."_.-="'"=.__________________|_______
|                   |    __.--" , ; `"=._o." ,-"""-._ ".   |
|___________________|_._"  ,. .` ` `` ,  `"-._"-._   ". '__|___________________
          |           |o`"=._` , "` `; .". ,  "-._"-._; ;              |
 _________|___________| ;`-.o`"=._; ." ` '`."\` . "-._ /_______________|_______
|                   | |o;    `"-.o`"=._``  '` " ,__.--o;   |
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____/______/______/___|o;._    "      `".o|o_.--"    ;o;____/______/______/____
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print("Welcome to Treasure Island.")
print("Your mission is to find the treasure.")

choice1 = input('You\'re at a cross road. Where do you want to go? Type "left" or "right" \n').lower()
# 바깥 따옴표를 ""로 입력하는 경우 안의 ""와 중복되므로 ''로 변경
# ' 가 apostrophe로 사용되는 경우에는 \'로 '앞에 백슬래쉬 입력하면 됨
# .lower() 로 입력값 대소문자 구분 없이 인식되도록 함
if choice1 == "left":
  # continue in the game.
  choice2 = input('You\'ve come to a lake. There is an island in the middle of the lake. Type "wait" to wait for a boat. Type "swim" to swim across. \n').lower()
  if choice2 == "wait":
    # continue in the game.
    choice3 = input("You arrive at the island unharmed. There is a house with 3 doors. One red, one yellow and one blue. Which colour do you choose? \n").lower()
    if choice3 == "red":
      print("It's a room full of fire. Game Over.")
    elif choice3 == "yellow":
      print("You found the treasure! You Win!")
    elif choice3 == "blue":
      print("You enter a room of beasts. Game Over.")
      print("You chose a door that doesn't exist. Game Over.")
    print("You get attacked by an angry trout. Game Over.")
  print("You fell into a hole. Game Over.")
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