Day 011

AWESOMee·2022년 1월 31일

Udemy Python Bootcamp

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Udemy PythonBootcamp Day 011


#What i wrote
import random
from replit import clear

card = [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10]
start = print(input("Do you want to play a game of Blackjack? Type 'y' or 'n': "))
while start == "n":
  if start == "y":
    from art import logo
    your_num1 = random.choice(card)
    your_num2 = random.choice(card)
    your_score = your_num1 + your_num2
    print(f"  Your card: [{your_num1}, {your_num2}], current score: {your_score}")
    computer_num1 = random.choice(card)
    computer_num2 = random.choice(card)
    computer_score = computer_num1 + computer_num2
    print(f"  computer's first card: {computer_num1}")
    go_on = print(input("Type 'y' to get another card, type 'n' to pass: "))
    if go_on == "y":
      your_num3 = random.choice(card)
      your_second_score = your_score + your_num3
      if your_second_score > 21:
        print(f"  Your final hand: [{your_num1}, {your_num2}, {your_num3}], final score: {your_second_score}")
        if computer_score < 17:
          computer_num3 = random.choice(card)
          computer_second_score = computer_score + computer_num3
        print(f"  Computer's final hand: [{computer_num1}, {computer_num2}], final score: {computer_score}")
      print(f"  Your final hand: [{your_num1}, {your_num2}], final score: {your_score}")
      print(f"  Computer's final hand: [{computer_num1}, {computer_num2}], final score: {computer_score}")
      if your_score == computer_score:
      elif your_score > computer_score:
        print("Opponent went over. You win")
        print("you lose")

깨달은 것

  • 선택한 카드는 리스트로 만들어서 슬라이딩 & 나열 & 합산
  • 점수비교 및 출력내용은 함수로 정의해서 깔끔하게 보이도록 코딩
##################### Hints #####################

#Hint 1: Go to this website and try out the Blackjack game: 
#Then try out the completed Blackjack project here: 

#Hint 2: Read this breakdown of program requirements: 
#Then try to create your own flowchart for the program.

#Hint 3: Download and read this flow chart I've created: 

#Hint 4: Create a deal_card() function that uses the List below to *return* a random card.
#11 is the Ace.
#cards = [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10]

#Hint 5: Deal the user and computer 2 cards each using deal_card() and append().
#user_cards = []
#computer_cards = []

#Hint 6: Create a function called calculate_score() that takes a List of cards as input 
#and returns the score. 
#Look up the sum() function to help you do this.

#Hint 7: Inside calculate_score() check for a blackjack (a hand with only 2 cards: ace + 10) and return 0 instead of the actual score. 0 will represent a blackjack in our game.

#Hint 8: Inside calculate_score() check for an 11 (ace). If the score is already over 21, remove the 11 and replace it with a 1. You might need to look up append() and remove().

#Hint 9: Call calculate_score(). If the computer or the user has a blackjack (0) or if the user's score is over 21, then the game ends.

#Hint 10: If the game has not ended, ask the user if they want to draw another card. If yes, then use the deal_card() function to add another card to the user_cards List. If no, then the game has ended.

#Hint 11: The score will need to be rechecked with every new card drawn and the checks in Hint 9 need to be repeated until the game ends.

#Hint 12: Once the user is done, it's time to let the computer play. The computer should keep drawing cards as long as it has a score less than 17.

#Hint 13: Create a function called compare() and pass in the user_score and computer_score. If the computer and user both have the same score, then it's a draw. If the computer has a blackjack (0), then the user loses. If the user has a blackjack (0), then the user wins. If the user_score is over 21, then the user loses. If the computer_score is over 21, then the computer loses. If none of the above, then the player with the highest score wins.

#Hint 14: Ask the user if they want to restart the game. If they answer yes, clear the console and start a new game of blackjack and show the logo from

the way that it works is we can put a literable, so like a list inside the parentheses as an input and then iy's going to add up all of the items in the list and it's going to return the total.

remove() searches for the first instance of the given element and removes it out of the list.

#the answer

#Hint 4: Create a deal_card() function that uses the List below to *return* a random card.
#11 is the Ace.
import random
from replit import clear
from art import logo

def deal_card():
  """Returns a random card from the deck."""
  cards = [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10]
  card = random.choice(cards)
  return card

#Hint 6: Create a function called calculate_score() that takes a List of cards as input 
#and returns the score. 
#Look up the sum() function to help you do this.
def calculate_score(cards):
  """Take a list of cards and return the score calculated from the cards"""

  #Hint 7: Inside calculate_score() check for a blackjack (a hand with only 2 cards: ace + 10) and return 0 instead of the actual score. 0 will represent a blackjack in our game.
  if sum(cards) == 21 and len(cards) == 2:
    return 0
    """this way we can indicate that the user or the computer has got a score of Blackjack."""
  #Hint 8: Inside calculate_score() check for an 11 (ace). If the score is already over 21, remove the 11 and replace it with a 1. You might need to look up append() and remove().
  if 11 in cards and sum(cards) > 21:
  return sum(cards)

#Hint 13: Create a function called compare() and pass in the user_score and computer_score. If the computer and user both have the same score, then it's a draw. If the computer has a blackjack (0), then the user loses. If the user has a blackjack (0), then the user wins. If the user_score is over 21, then the user loses. If the computer_score is over 21, then the computer loses. If none of the above, then the player with the highest score wins.
def compare(user_score, computer_score):
  #Bug fix. If you and the computer are both over, you lose.
  if user_score > 21 and computer_score > 21:
    return "You went over. You lose 😤"

  if user_score == computer_score:
    return "Draw 🙃"
  elif computer_score == 0:
    return "Lose, opponent has Blackjack 😱"
  elif user_score == 0:
    return "Win with a Blackjack 😎"
  elif user_score > 21:
    return "You went over. You lose 😭"
  elif computer_score > 21:
    return "Opponent went over. You win 😁"
  elif user_score > computer_score:
    return "You win 😃"
    return "You lose 😤"

def play_game():


  #Hint 5: Deal the user and computer 2 cards each using deal_card()
  user_cards = []
  computer_cards = []
  is_game_over = False

  for _ in range(2):
    user_cards.append(deal_card()) # *WARNING* user_cards += new_card is not working

  #Hint 11: The score will need to be rechecked with every new card drawn and the checks in Hint 9 need to be repeated until the game ends.

  while not is_game_over:
    #Hint 9: Call calculate_score(). If the computer or the user has a blackjack (0) or if the user's score is over 21, then the game ends.
    user_score = calculate_score(user_cards)
    computer_score = calculate_score(computer_cards)
    print(f"   Your cards: {user_cards}, current score: {user_score}")
    print(f"   Computer's first card: {computer_cards[0]}")

    if user_score == 0 or computer_score == 0 or user_score > 21:
      is_game_over = True
      #Hint 10: If the game has not ended, ask the user if they want to draw another card. If yes, then use the deal_card() function to add another card to the user_cards List. If no, then the game has ended.
      user_should_deal = input("Type 'y' to get another card, type 'n' to pass: ")
      if user_should_deal == "y":
        is_game_over = True

  #Hint 12: Once the user is done, it's time to let the computer play. The computer should keep drawing cards as long as it has a score less than 17.
  while computer_score != 0 and computer_score < 17:
    computer_score = calculate_score(computer_cards)

  print(f"   Your final hand: {user_cards}, final score: {user_score}")
  print(f"   Computer's final hand: {computer_cards}, final score: {computer_score}")
  print(compare(user_score, computer_score))

#Hint 14: Ask the user if they want to restart the game. If they answer yes, clear the console and start a new game of blackjack and show the logo from
while input("Do you want to play a game of Blackjack? Type 'y' or 'n': ") == "y":
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