Day 042

AWESOMee·2022년 3월 15일

Udemy Python Bootcamp

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Udemy Python Bootcamp Day 042


What that word means is that it's almost like it's downgraded. It's something that they no longer recommend you using. And the reason is because we have to always keep in mind that HTML is for structure, CSS is for styling and the JavaScript is for behavior. And even though it's possible to affect the style of your website through using HTML attributes or through using different HTML elements, you have to try and resist when you can.

border defines, in pixels, the size of the frame that's surrounding the table.
cellspacing defines the size of the space between two cells in a percentage value or pixels.


    <h3>Work Experience</h3>
    <table cellspacing="10">
          <td>Credit Union in Korea</td>
          <td>Starbucks in UK</td>


      <table cellspacing="10">
          <td>Make Coffee</td>
          <td>Make Beverage</td>


HTML Forms

<form class="" action="index.html" method="post">
      <label>Your Name:</label>
      <input type="text" name="" value="">
      <input type="color" name="" value=""><br>
      <input type="password" name="" value=""><br>
      <label>Do you want to sign up to the email list?</label>
      <input type="checkbox" name="" value="">
      <input type="submit" name="">


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <form class="" action="index.html" method="post">
      <input type="text"><br>
      <input type="submit"><br>
      <input type="file"><br>
      <input type="date"><br>
      <input type="radio"><br>
      <input type="range">

Upload to Github ... !!!!

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안젤라 덕분에 깃허브 계정도 만들고,,,, 개신기하네,,,,

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