"A set" is defined as a collection of elements.
Ex) Tossing a coin twice
- Condition : Coin has two cases, have head or tail
U = {HH, HT, TH, HH} ~ Universal Set (Set of all cases)
A set = {HH, HT} ~ Subset A (Head at the 1st toss case)
B set = {TH, HT} ~ Subset B (Only one Head)
■ Set Operation
- A⊂B ~ A is a subset of B
- For any A, ⌀⊂A, ⌀⊂⌀, A⊂A (A can be subset of A)
- If A⊂B and B⊂C, Then A⊂C
- A=B if and only if (a.k.a iff) A⊂B and B⊂A
- Union ~ A∪B (It called A cup B) ≈ A+B ( A or B)
- Intersection ~ A∩B ≈ AB
- A∪B has commutative and associative law
- A∩B has commutative, associative, distributive law
■ Mutually Exclusive Sets
- Sets A and B are said to be mutually exclusive iff Ab=⌀
- Sets A1,A2,A3,....,An are said to be mutually exclusive iff not have intersection
• AiAj=⌀,⩝i=j
■ Partition
- Partition S of a set U is a collection of sets {A1,A2,A3,.....,An}
• A1∪A2∪A3∪...∪An=U
• AiAj=⌀,⩝i=j
■ Complements of A ~ Ac
- A∪Ac=U
- AAc=⌀ ( ∵A and Ac are partiion of U)
- (Ac)c = A
- Uc=⌀
- ⌀c=U
■ DeMorgan's Law
- (A∪B)c=Ac∩Bc
- (A∩B)c=Ac∪Bc
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