[Onboarding] : BOJ Problem Solving Day

문승현·2022년 7월 31일


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7월 22일, 팀원들과 백준(Baekjoon Online Judge) 문제 풀이 시간을 가졌다.
팀원이 직접 백준에 출제한 문제(백준 17081번)로 구현이 굉장히 복잡했다.
그리고 팀에서 정한 풀이 조건 역시 있었는데, 우선은 익숙하지 않은 C#으로 풀어야했다.
또한, 객체 지향 설계를 따라야 했고 테스트 코드도 작성해야 했다.

전체 팀원 10명을 4팀(2명, 2명, 3명, 3명)으로 나누어 문제를 풀었는데,
화면을 공유하며 동시 편집을 진행하다보니 훨씬 긴장(?)이 되었다.
익숙하지 않은 언어와 방식으로 풀려고하니 내 부족한 실력이 드러나는 것 같았기 때문이다.

어쨌든 오전 11시부터 오후 6시까지 열심히 문제를 풀었다.
솔직히 말하자면 풀이 과정에서 내가 기여한 내용은 거의 없었고 팀원이 대부분 해결하였다.
그래서 팀원에게 미안하기도 부끄럽기도 한 시간이었다.

처음에는 이러한 문제 풀이 시간이 굉장히 불편하고 힘들었다.
나의 부족함을 다른 사람과 직면하는 것이 쉬운 일은 아니었기 때문이다.
그러나 다 마치고 나니 나에게 필요했던 시간이 아닌가 하는 생각이 들었다.

내가 속한 회사가 곧 나의 실력을 증명한다는 착각과 함께
애써 나의 부족함을 인정하지 않으려 했던 요즘이었다.
분명 더 노력해야 함을 알고 있지만 이 정도면 충분하다는 자기 위로, 기만을 하고 있었다.

스스로를 점검하고, 돌아보는 시간이 괴롭지만 필요하지 않을까?
다음 문제 풀이 시간에는 조금 더 잘할 수 있기를!

using RPG_Extreme;

var rpg = new RPGExtremeProblem();


namespace RPG_Extreme
    public class RPGExtremeProblem : BaekJoonProblem
        private int _monsterCount;
        private int _itemCount;
        private Position _initialPosition;

        public RPGExtremeProblem() : base()

        public RPGExtremeProblem(List<string> input) : base(input)
            var rowCount = int.Parse(input.First().Split().First());

            var monsterCount = 0;
            var itemCount = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < rowCount + 1; i++)
                var row = input.ElementAt(i);

                monsterCount += row.Count(chr => chr == '&' || chr == 'M');
                itemCount += row.Count(chr => chr == 'B');

                var characterColPosition = row.IndexOf('@');
                if (characterColPosition > -1)
                    _initialPosition = new Position { Row = i - 1, Col = characterColPosition };

            _monsterCount = monsterCount;
            _itemCount = itemCount;

        protected override List<string> ReadInput()
            var inputs = new List<string>();
            var rowCol = Console.ReadLine();


            var rowCount = int.Parse(rowCol.Split().First());

            var monsterCount = 0;
            var itemCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                var row = Console.ReadLine();

                monsterCount += row.Count(chr => chr == '&' || chr == 'M');
                itemCount += row.Count(chr => chr == 'B');

                var characterColPosition = row.IndexOf('@');
                if (characterColPosition > -1)
                    _initialPosition = new Position { Row = i, Col = characterColPosition };


            _monsterCount = monsterCount;
            _itemCount = itemCount;


            for (int i = 0; i < monsterCount; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)

            return inputs;

        protected override string Solution()
            var rowCol = Input.First().Split();

            var rowCount = int.Parse(rowCol.First());
            var colCount = int.Parse(rowCol.Skip(1).First());

            var grid = Input.Skip(1).Take(rowCount).ToList();
            var commands = Input.Skip(1 + rowCount).First();

            var monsterInfomations = Input.Skip(1 + rowCount + 1).Take(_monsterCount);
            var monsters = monsterInfomations.Select(monsterInfomation =>
                var splittedInfomation = monsterInfomation.Split();

                var monsterRow = int.Parse(splittedInfomation.ElementAt(0)) - 1;
                var monsterCol = int.Parse(splittedInfomation.ElementAt(1)) - 1;

                var monsterName = splittedInfomation.ElementAt(2);
                var monsterAttack = int.Parse(splittedInfomation.ElementAt(3));
                var monsterDefense = int.Parse(splittedInfomation.ElementAt(4));
                var monsterHP = int.Parse(splittedInfomation.ElementAt(5));
                var monsterExperience = int.Parse(splittedInfomation.ElementAt(6));

                if (grid.ElementAt(monsterRow).ElementAt(monsterCol) == '&')
                    return new Monster()
                        Position = new Position { Row = monsterRow, Col = monsterCol },
                        Name = monsterName,
                        Attack = monsterAttack,
                        Defence = monsterDefense,
                        MaxHP = monsterHP,
                        HP = monsterHP,
                        Experience = monsterExperience,
                    return new BossMonster()
                        Position = new Position { Row = monsterRow, Col = monsterCol },
                        Name = monsterName,
                        Attack = monsterAttack,
                        Defence = monsterDefense,
                        MaxHP = monsterHP,
                        HP = monsterHP,
                        Experience = monsterExperience,

            var itemInfomations = Input.Skip(1 + rowCount + 1 + _monsterCount).Take(_itemCount);
            var items = itemInfomations.Select(itemInfomation =>
                var splittedInfomation = itemInfomation.Split();

                var itemRow = int.Parse(splittedInfomation.ElementAt(0)) - 1;
                var itemCol = int.Parse(splittedInfomation.ElementAt(1)) - 1; 
                var itemType = splittedInfomation.ElementAt(2);
                var itemMetadata = splittedInfomation.ElementAt(3);
                if (itemType == "W")
                    return new Weapon
                        Position = new Position { Row = itemRow, Col = itemCol },
                        Attack = int.Parse(itemMetadata),
                    } as Item;
                else if (itemType == "A")
                    return new Armor
                        Position = new Position { Row = itemRow, Col = itemCol },
                        Defence = int.Parse(itemMetadata),
                    } as Item;
                    return new Accessory 
                        Position = new Position { Row = itemRow, Col = itemCol },
                        Name = itemMetadata, 
                    } as Item;

            var character = new Character
                CurrentPosition = _initialPosition,
                InitialPosition = _initialPosition,

            var turn = 0;
            var prevSymbol = '.';

            for (var i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++)
                var command = commands[i];


                var currentPosition = character.CurrentPosition;
                var nextPosition = new Position { Row = character.CurrentPosition.Row, Col = character.CurrentPosition.Col };
                var isGameEnd = false;
                var killer = string.Empty;

                switch (command)
                    case 'L':
                        nextPosition.Col -= 1;
                    case 'R':
                        nextPosition.Col += 1;
                    case 'U':
                        nextPosition.Row -= 1;
                    case 'D':
                        nextPosition.Row += 1;
                        throw new Exception();

                if (nextPosition.Row >= rowCount
                    || nextPosition.Row < 0
                    || nextPosition.Col >= colCount
                    || nextPosition.Col < 0
                    || grid.ElementAt(nextPosition.Row).ElementAt(nextPosition.Col) == '#')
                    nextPosition = currentPosition;

                var nextSymbol = grid.ElementAt(nextPosition.Row).ElementAt(nextPosition.Col); 
                if (nextSymbol == '^' || (nextSymbol == '@' && prevSymbol == '^'))
                    var revived = false;

                    (isGameEnd, revived) = character.CheckGameIsEnd();

                    if (isGameEnd)
                        killer = "SPIKE TRAP";
                        if (revived)
                            nextPosition = character.InitialPosition;
                else if (nextSymbol == '&')
                    var monster = monsters.First(x => x.Position.Row == nextPosition.Row && x.Position.Col == nextPosition.Col);
                    var result = character.FightWith(monster);

                    if (result == FightResult.Lose)
                        (isGameEnd, _) = character.CheckGameIsEnd(monster);

                        if (isGameEnd)
                            killer = monster.Name;
                            nextPosition = character.CurrentPosition;
                        grid[nextPosition.Row] = grid[nextPosition.Row].Remove(nextPosition.Col, 1).Insert(nextPosition.Col, ".");
                else if (nextSymbol == 'M')
                    var monster = monsters.First(x => x.Position.Row == nextPosition.Row && x.Position.Col == nextPosition.Col);
                    var result = character.FightWith(monster);

                    if (result == FightResult.Lose)
                        (isGameEnd, _) = character.CheckGameIsEnd(monster);

                        if (isGameEnd)
                            killer = monster.Name;
                            nextPosition = character.CurrentPosition;
                        grid[nextPosition.Row] = grid[nextPosition.Row].Remove(nextPosition.Col, 1).Insert(nextPosition.Col, ".");

                        isGameEnd = true;
                else if (nextSymbol == 'B')
                    var item = items.First(x => x.Position.Row == nextPosition.Row && x.Position.Col == nextPosition.Col);

                    if (item is Weapon)
                        character.Weapon = item as Weapon;
                    else if (item is Armor)
                        character.Armor = item as Armor;
                        if (character.isAbleToEquipAccessory(item as Accessory))
                            character.Accessories.Add(item as Accessory);

                    grid[nextPosition.Row] = grid[nextPosition.Row].Remove(nextPosition.Col, 1).Insert(nextPosition.Col, ".");

                grid[currentPosition.Row] = grid[currentPosition.Row].Replace('@', prevSymbol);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(killer))
                    prevSymbol = grid[nextPosition.Row][nextPosition.Col];
                    grid[nextPosition.Row] = grid[nextPosition.Row].Remove(nextPosition.Col, 1).Insert(nextPosition.Col, "@");
                    character.CurrentPosition = nextPosition;

                if (isGameEnd)
                    return string.IsNullOrEmpty(killer) ? GetResult(character, grid, turn) + "YOU WIN!" : GetResult(character, grid, turn) + $"YOU HAVE BEEN KILLED BY {killer}..";

            return GetResult(character, grid, turn) + "Press any key to continue.";

        private string GetResult(Character character, List<string> grid, int turn)
            var remainingHP = character.CurrentHP < 0 ? 0 : character.CurrentHP;

            return string.Join(Environment.NewLine, grid) + Environment.NewLine +
                $"Passed Turns : {turn}" + Environment.NewLine +
                $"LV : {character.Level}" + Environment.NewLine +
                $"HP : {remainingHP}/{character.MaxHP}" + Environment.NewLine +
                $"ATT : {character.BaseAttack}+{character.Weapon?.Attack ?? 0}" + Environment.NewLine +
                $"DEF : {character.BaseDefence}+{character.Armor?.Defence ?? 0}" + Environment.NewLine +
                $"EXP : {character.Experience}/{character.Level * 5}" + Environment.NewLine;

        public class Item
            public Position Position { get; set; }

        public class Weapon : Item
            public int Attack { get; set; }

        public class Armor : Item
            public int Defence { get; set; }

        public class Accessory : Item
            public string Name { get; set; }
        public enum FightResult

        public class Character
            private const int _maxAccessoriesCount = 4;

            public int BaseAttack { get; set; } = 2;
            public int BaseDefence { get; set; } = 2;

            public Position CurrentPosition { get; set; }
            public Position InitialPosition { get; set; }

            public int Level { get; set; } = 1;

            public int MaxHP { get; set; } = 20;
            public int CurrentHP { get; set; } = 20;
            public (bool IsEnd, bool Revived) CheckGameIsEnd(Monster killer = null)
                if (CurrentHP > 0)
                    return (false, false);

                if (HasAccessory("RE"))
                    CurrentHP = MaxHP;
                    CurrentPosition = InitialPosition;

                    var index = Accessories.FindIndex(x => x.Name == "RE");

                    if (killer is not null)
                        killer.HP = killer.MaxHP;

                    return (false, true);
                    return (true, false);

            public FightResult FightWith(Monster monster)
                if (monster is BossMonster && HasAccessory("HU"))
                    CurrentHP = MaxHP;

                var isFirstTurn = true;

                while (CurrentHP > 0 && monster.HP > 0)
                    monster.HP -= Math.Max(1, GetAttackDamage(isFirstTurn) - monster.Defence);

                    if (monster.HP <= 0)

                        if (HasAccessory("HR"))
                            CurrentHP = Math.Min(MaxHP, CurrentHP + 3);

                        return FightResult.Win;

                    DamagedByMonster(monster, isFirstTurn);

                    if (CurrentHP <= 0)
                        return FightResult.Lose;

                    isFirstTurn = false;

                throw new Exception();

            private void DamagedByMonster(Monster monster, bool isFirstTurn)
                if (monster is BossMonster && isFirstTurn && HasAccessory("HU"))
                    CurrentHP -= 0;
                    CurrentHP -= Math.Max(1, monster.Attack - GetDefence());

            public void DamagedBySpikeTrap()
                if (HasAccessory("DX"))
                    CurrentHP -= 1;
                    CurrentHP -= 5;

            public int GetAttackDamage(bool isFirstAttack = false)
                var weaponAttack = Weapon?.Attack ?? 0;
                var attackDamage = BaseAttack + weaponAttack;

                return isFirstAttack ? attackDamage * GetAccessoriesAttackEffect() : attackDamage;

            public int GetAccessoriesAttackEffect()
                if (HasAccessory("CO"))
                    if (HasAccessory("DX"))
                        return 3;
                    return 2;
                return 1;

            private bool HasAccessory(string name)
                return Accessories.Any(x => x.Name == name);

            public int GetDefence()
                var armorDefence = Armor?.Defence ?? 0;

                return BaseDefence + armorDefence;

            public int Experience { get; set; } = 0;

            public Weapon Weapon { get; set; }
            public Armor Armor { get; set; }
            public List<Accessory> Accessories { get; set; } = new List<Accessory>();

            public void GetExperience(int experience)
                if (HasAccessory("EX"))
                    Experience += (int)(experience * 1.2);
                    Experience += experience;

                if (Level * 5 <= Experience)

            public void LevelUp()
                Experience = 0;
                MaxHP += 5;
                CurrentHP = MaxHP;

                BaseAttack += 2;
                BaseDefence += 2;

            public bool isAbleToEquipAccessory(Accessory accessory)
                return Accessories.Count() < _maxAccessoriesCount && !Accessories.Any(x => x.Name == accessory.Name);

        public class Position
            public int Row { get; set; }
            public int Col { get; set; }

        public class Monster
            public Position Position { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int Attack { get; set; }
            public int Defence { get; set; }
            public int MaxHP { get; set; }
            public int HP { get; set; }
            public int Experience { get; set; }

        public class BossMonster : Monster

namespace RPG_Extreme
    public abstract class BaekJoonProblem : Problem<List<string>, string>
        protected BaekJoonProblem() : base()

        protected BaekJoonProblem(List<string> input) : base(input)

namespace RPG_Extreme
    public abstract class Problem<TInput, TOutput>
        protected TInput? Input { get; init; }

        protected Problem()
            Input = ReadInput();

        protected Problem(TInput input)
            Input = input;

        public TOutput GetOutput()
            return Solution();

        protected abstract TInput ReadInput();
        protected abstract TOutput Solution();

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