'23.11.27(월) 웹 풀 사이클 데브코스 TIL
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저는 개인적으로 좋아하는 기타리스트 Mateus Asato의 간단한 프로필과 유튜브 영상을 DP해봤습니다.
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<title>Mateus Asato</title>
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<p class="mainName">Mateus Asato</p>
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<p class="mainBio"> Mateus Asato is a Brazilian guitar player who has been considered to the media one of the "most influential guitar players" of this modern era. <br><br>His name is included on <br><br> Guitar World Magazine’s list of <br>the TOP 10 Guitarists of the Decade (2020), <br> #3 TOP Guitarist Right Now (via Total Guitar 2020), <br><br>and his latest appearance was on Guitar World Magazine in 2022, being on number #14 of the list of ‘Hottest Guitar Players In The World’.</p>
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