185. Using The Terminal

변지영·2022년 4월 12일
  • ls: list
  • cd: change directory
  • . : current directory
  • ..: parent directory
  • mkdir: make directory
  • touch: create a file

OSX - open is a universal opener in OSX
Linux - has xdg-open
Windows - use start

  • start : open a file

  • explorer: explore the directory at the current folder.

  • How to open "Sublime Text" from windows git bash

  • How to change html file name from index to about.

  • key
    -up arrow: it goes through my entire history
    -tab: it will bring up my most recent commands or completes what I'm about to write so you can do it
    ____ if you are a windows user: auto-complete for window users in gitbash

  • remove
    If you want to remove something like about.html

rm about.html

  • remove folder
    If you want to remove folder like test folder
rm -r test

You can do this in mac below.

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