Ai tech Day31

Lee·2021년 3월 8일

Computer Vision

Course overview

Why is visual perception important?

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Humans learn about the world through multi-modal perception.

Perception to system?

  • It’s (input, output) data
  • As humans grow, we learn about the world by interacting with it.
  • We gather informative signals from multi-modal association.
  • Developing machine perception is still an open research area.

Why is visual perception important?

  • Sensing
    About 75% of information comes through our eyes.

  • Understanding
    More than 50% of the brain is devoted to processing visual info.

What is computer vision?

  • Visual perception & intelligence

    • Input : visual data (image or video
  • Class of visual perception

  • Color perception

  • Motion perception

  • 3D perception

  • Semantic-level perception

  • Social perception (emotion perception

  • Visuomotor perception, etc.

  • Also, computer vision includes understanding human visual perception capability!

Our visual perception is imperfect.

  • To develop machine visual perception,
    • We need to understand the good and bad of our visual perception.
    • We need to come up with how to compensate for the imperfection.

How to implement?

What you will learn in this course

Fundamental image tasks

  • Image
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Object detection & segmentation
  • Panoptic segmentation

Data augmentation and knowledge distillation.

Multi-modal learning (vision + {text, sound, 3D, etc.})

Conditional generative model

Neural network analysis by visualization

Image classification

What is classification

  • Classifier

    • A mapping f(.) that maps an image to a category level.

An ideal approach for image recognition

What if we could memorize all the data in the world?

All the classification problems could be solved by k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)!

k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)

Classifies a query data point according to reference points closest to the query.

All the classification problems could be solved by k-NN!

Is it realizable?

  • Time complexity (e.g., linear search)
    • O(n), n = infinite

  • Memory complexity
    • O(n), n = infinite

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

Compress all the data we have into the neural network.

Let’s look at a simple model, perceptron, that takes every pixel of an image as input.

But, is this model suitable for solving the image classification problem?

Visualization of single fully connected layer networks.

각 형상마다 W의 모습이 희미하게 관찰된다.

A problem of single fully connected layer networks.

W의 형상이 고정되기에 그 형상을 벗어나면, 다른 값으로 분류를 하게된다.

Convolution neural networks are fully locally connected neural networks.

  • Local feature learning
  • Parameter sharing

CNN is used as a backbone of many CV tasks.

backbone: Base network (영상의 특징을 추출)

CNN architectures for image classification

Brief History


A very simple CNN architecture introduced by Yann LeCun in 1998.

  • Overall architecture: Conv - Pool - Conv - Pool - FC FC
  • Convolution: 5x5 filters with stride 1
  • Pooling: 2x2 max pooling with stride 2


Similar with LeNet-5, but

  • Bigger (7 hidden layers, 605k neurons, 60 million parameters)
  • Trained with ImageNet (large amount of data, 1.2 millions)
  • Using better activation function (ReLU) and regularization technique (dropout)

Overall architecture

Conv - Pool - LRN - Conv - Pool - LRN - Conv - Conv - Conv - Pool - FC - FC - FC

LRN(Local Response Normalizaion) is not used in this example.

Local Response Normalization (LRN)

  • Lateral inhibition: the capacity of an excited neuron to subdue its neighbors.
  • LRN normalizes around the local neighborhood of the excited neuron.
  • Excited neuron becomes even more sensitive as compared to its neighbors.

Activation layer에서 명암을 normalization 한다.

현재는 쓰이지 않고 Batch normalization으로 대체되었다.

11x11 convolution filter

  • The filter size is increased, as the input size of the image has increased.
    • LeNet: 28x28
    • AlexNet: 227x227

  • Larger size filters are used to cover a wider range of the input image

Receptive field in CNN

  • The region in the input space that a particular CNN feature is looking at

  • Suppose K×K conv. filters with stride 1, and a pooling layer of size P×P,

    • then a value of each unit in the pooling layer depends on an input patch of size
    • (P+K-1) ×\times (P+K-1)


  • Deeper architecture

    • 16 and 19 layers
  • Simpler architecture

    • No local response normalization
    • Only 3x3 conv filters blocks, 2x2 max pooling
  • Better performance

    • Significant performance improvement over AlexNet
      (2nd in ILSVRC14)
  • Better generalization

    • Final features generalizing well to other tasks even without fine-tuning.

작은 conv filter를 써도 층을 깊게 쌓으면 큰 영역의 receptive field를 가진다.

Annotation data efficient learning

Data augmentation

Learning representation of dataset

  • Neural networks learn compact features (information) of a dataset.

Dataset is (almost) always biased

  • Images taken by camera (training data) \neq real data

위 이미지는 각 주제별로 나오는 이미지들의 평균 데이터를 시각화한 것인데 가운데 이미지는 강이라는 이미지이고, 오른쪽 이미지는 공원이라는 이미지를 시각화한 것이다. 이를 보면 각 이미지 별로 데이터들이 편향된 것을 볼 수 있다. (사람이 보기 좋은 모양, 각도로 편향되어 있다. 사진의 용도를 생각해보면 그 이유를 알 수 있다)

The training dataset is sparse samples of real data.

  • The training dataset contains only fractional part of real data.

The training dataset and real data always have a gap.

  • Suppose a training dataset has only bright images.
  • During test time, if a dark image is fed as input, the trained model may be confused.
  • Problem: Datasets do not fully represent real data distribution!

Augmenting data to fill more space and to close the gap.

Examples of augmentations to make a dataset denser.

Data augmentation

Image data augmentation

  • Applying various image transformations to the dataset

    • Crop, Shear, Brightness, Perspective, Rotate …
  • OpenCV and NumPy have various methods useful for data augmentation.

  • Goal: Make training dataset’s distribution similar with real data distribution.

Various data augmentation methods

Brightness adjustment

  • Various brightness in dataset.

  • Brightness adjustment (brightening) using NumPy.
def brightness_augmentation(img):
    # nummpy array img has RGB value(0~255) for each pixel
    img[:,:,0] = img[:,:,0] + 100 # add 100 to R value
    img[:,:,1] = img[:,:,1] + 100 # add 100 to G value
    img[:,:,2] = img[:,:,2] + 100 # add 100 to B value
    img[:,:,0][img[:,:,0]>255] = 255 # clip R values over 255
    img[:,:,1][img[:,:,1]>255] = 255 # clip G values over 255
    img[:,:,2][img[:,:,2]>255] = 255 # clip B values over 255
    return img

Rotate, flip

  • Diverse angles in dataset.

  • Rotating (flipping) image using OpenCV.
img_rotated = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
img_flipped = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_180)


  • Learning with only part of images.

  • Cropping image using NumPy.
y_start = 500 # y pixel to start cropping
crop_y_size = 400 # cropped image's height
x_start = 300
crop_x_size = 800 # cropped image's width
img_cropped = image[y_start : y_start + crop_y_size, x_start + crop_x_size, :]

Affine transformation

변환 전후 선은 선으로 유지되며, 길이의 비율, 평행 관계 또한 유지되는 선형변환이다.

  • Preserves ‘line’, ‘length ratio’, and ‘parallelism’ in image.
  • For example, transforming a rectangle into a parallelogram
    (See the shear transform example below)

  • Affine transformation (shear) using OpenCV.
rows, cols, ch = image.shape
pts1 = np.float32([[50, 50],[200,50],[50,200]])
pts2 = np.float32([[10, 100],[200,50],[100,250]])
M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2)
shear_img = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (jcols,rows))

Modern augmentation techniques


  • ‘Cut’ and ‘Mix’ training example to help model better localize objects.

  • Generating new training image

  • Mixing both images and labels.

0.3이라는 값이 나오려면 어디를 참조해서 학습해야하는지 네트워크가 학습을 하게된다.


  • Many augmentation methods exist. Hard to find best augmentations to apply.
  • Automatically finding the best sequence of augmentations to apply.
  • Random sample, apply, and evaluate augmentations.

  • Example of augmented images in RandAug
    • Augmentation policy has two parameters
      • Which augmentation to apply
      • Magnitude of augementation to apply (how much to augment)

    • Parameters used in the above example
      • Which augmentation to apply : ‘ShearX’ & AutoContrast’
      • Magnitude of augmentation to apply : 9

  • Randomly testing augmentation policies
    • Finding the best augmentation policy
      • Sample a policy : Policy = {N augmentations to apply} by random sampling.
      • Train with a sampled policy, and evaluate the accuracy.

  • Augmentation helps model learning
    • Higher test accuracy than training without augmentation.

Leveraging pre-trained information

Transfer learning

The high quality dataset is expensive and hard to obtain

  • Supervised learning requires a very large scale dataset for training.
  • Annotating data is very expensive, and its quality is not ensured.
  • Transfer learning : A practical training method with a small dataset!

Benefits when using transfer learning.

  • By transfer learning, we can easily adapt to a new task by leveraging pre trained knowledge (feature)!

Motivational observation : Similar datasets share common information.

  • E.g., 4 distinct datasets with similar images
  • Knowledge learned from one dataset can be applied to other datasets!

Approach 1 : Transfer knowledge from a pre trained task to a new task

  • Given a model pre trained on a 10 class dataset,
  • Chop off the final layer of the pre trained model, add and only re train a new FC layer.
  • Extracted features preserve all the knowledge from pre training.

Approach 2 : Fine tuning the whole model

  • Given a model pre trained on a dataset
  • Replace the final layer of the pre trained model to a new one, and re train the whole model.
  • Set learning rates differently.

Knowledge distillation

Passing what model learned to 'another' smaller model (Teacher student learning)

  • 'Distillate' knowledge of a trained model into another smaller model.
  • Used for model compression. (Mimicking what a larger model knows)
  • Also, used for pseudo labeling. (Generating pseudo labels for an unlabeled dataset)

Teacher student network structure.

  • The student network learns what the teacher network knows.
  • The student network mimics outputs of the teacher network.
  • Unsupervised learning, since training can be done only with unlabeled data.

Knowledge distillation

  • When labeled data is available, can leverage labeled data for training (Student Loss)
  • Distillation loss to 'predict similar outputs with the teacher model'

Hard label vs Soft label

  • Hard label (One hot vector)
    • Typically obtained from the dataset
    • Indicates whether a class is 'true answer' or not
  • Soft label
    • Typicall output of the model (=inference result)
    • Regard it as "knowledge". Useful to observe how the model thinks

Softmax with temperature(TT)

  • Softmax with temperature : controls difference in output between small & large input values
  • A large 𝑇 smoothens large input value differences.
  • Useful to synchronize the student and teacher models' outputs

입력값을 temperature T라는 큰 값으로 나누어 주어 출력을 좀 더 부드럽게 해준다. 0 또는 1 이라기 보다는 전체 softmax의 크고 작은 지식들을 표현하는데 더 유용하다.

  • Semantic information is not considered in distillation
    Teacher의 각 특징들이 주는 정보가 중요하기 보다는 그 행동을 따라하는 것에 초점을 둔다.

Intuition about distillation loss and student loss

  • Distillation Loss
    • KLdiv(Soft label, Soft prediction)
    • Loss = difference between the teacher and student network's inference
    • Learn what teacher network knows by mimicking
  • Student Loss
    • CrossEntropy. (Hard label, Soft prediction)
    • Loss = difference between the student network's inference and true label.
    • Learn the 'right answer'.

Loss functions in knowledge distillation

  • Weighted sum of "Distillation loss" and "Student loss"

Leveraging unlabeled dataset for training

Semi-supervised learning

There are lots of unlabeled data

  • Typically, only a small portion of data is labeled.
  • Is there any way to learn from unlabeled data?
  • Semi supervised learning : Unsupervised (No label) + Fully Supervised (fully labeled)

Semi supervised learning with pseudo labeling.

  • Pseudo labeling unlabeled data using a pre trained model, then use for training.


Recap : Data efficient learning methods so far

  • Data Augmentation

    • Augment a dataset to make the dataset closer to real data distribution
  • Knowledge distillation

    • Train a student network to imitate a teacher network
    • Transfer the teacher network’s knowledge to the student network
  • Semi supervised learning (Pseudo label based method)

    • Pseudo label an unlabeled dataset using a pre trained model, then use for training
    • Leveraging an unlabeled dataset for training!


  • Augmentation + Teacher Student networks + semi supervised learning
  • SOTA ImageNet classification, 2019

Self-training with noisy student

Iteratively training noisy student network using teacher network.

Brief overview of self-training

  1. Train initial teacher model with labeled data.
  2. Pseudo label unlabeled data using teacher model.
  3. Train student model with both lableled and unlabeled data with augmentation.
  4. Set the student model as a new teacher, and set new model (bigger) as a new student.
  5. Repeat 2~4 with new teacher/student models.
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