Day 26

AI Engineering Course Log·2023년 6월 14일

road to AI Engineering

목록 보기

양정은 강사님

맥북 사용자: 터미널 들어가면 됨.
윈도우: 아나콘다 프롬프트

  • installing PyCharm

  • PyCharm: 가상환경 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

conda env list
conda create -n GoAI
conda activate GoAI

-> GoAI라는 가상환경이 만들어졌고 그 가상환경을 쓰고 있는 것임.

conda install -c anaconda python

-> python을 GoAI라는 가상환경 내에서 설치한것.
conda list

conda install -c anaconda numpy
conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn
conda install -c anaconda matplotlib

-> numpy, scikit-learn, matplotlib 설치

pycharm 들어가서 add interpreter -> conda -> existing -> goai 선택하기

  • exercise.1-3
  • exercise.1-4
  • exercise.1-5: determining odd numbers and even numbers
  • exercise.1-6: Learn about the necessity of using the compound substitute operator and how to use it.

  • exercise.1-7: sum of math scores

  • exercise.1-8: average of math scores

  • exercise.1-9: average of scores with extra points

  • exercise.1-10: Mean Subtraction(one of data pre-processing methods)

  • exercise.1-11:the square of the mean and the mean of the square

  • exercise.1-12: Variance and Standard Deviation

-> Proof of

[Variance = Mean of the Squared Deviations = Mean of the Square - Square of the Mean]

  • exercise.1-13:

  • exercise.1-14:

    * Hadamard Product
  • exercise.1-15:

  • exercise.1-16: Vector Norm

-> proof of 3-dmensional Vector


*Batch Normalization:

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