[Paper Review] CoCa: Contrastive Captioners are Image-Text Foundation Models

박제연·2022년 11월 3일

"CoCa: Contrastive Captioners are Image-Text Foundation Models"

History of Vision and Language training

  1. Vision pretraining
  • pretrain ConvNets or Transformers on large-scale data such as ImageNet, Instagram to solve visual recognition problem
  • these models only learn modes for the vision modality-> not applicable to joint reasoning task over both image and text inputs
  1. Vision-Language Pretraining(VLP)
  • Early work: relying on pretrained object detection modules such as Faster R-CNN to extract visual representations
  • Later work: unifying vision and language transformers, and training multimodal transformer from scratch
  1. Image-Text Foundation models
  • recent works subsume both vision and vision-language pretrianing
  • adaptable for a wide range of vision and image-text benchmarks

Previous models for vision and vison-language problems: 3 training paradigms

  1. Single-encoder models
  • provides generic visual represantations that can be adapted for various downstream tasks including image and video understanding
  • rely heavily on image annotains as labeled vectors
  • cannot deal a free-form human natural language
  1. Dual-encoder models
  • pretrains two parallel encoders wit a contrastive loss on web-scale noisy image-text pairs
  • encode textual embeddings to the same latent space, enabling new crossmodal alignment
    capabilities such as zero-shot image classification and image-text retrieval
  • misses joint componenets to learn fuesed image and text representations
    -> not applicable for joint vision-language understanding tasks such as visual question answering
  • learns an aligned text encoder that enables crossmodal alignment applications such as image-text retrieval and zero-shot image classification
  1. Encoder-decoder models
  • During training, it takes images on the encoder side and applies Language Modeling loss on the decoder outputs
  • decoder outputs can be used as joint representations for mulitodal understanding tasks
  • the image encoder: provides latent encoded features using Vision Transformers
  • Text decoder: learns to maximize the likelihood of the paird text under the forward autoregressive factorization


  • focus on training an image-text foundation model from scratch in a single pretraining stage to unify image and text
  • performs one forward and backward propagation for a batch of image-textpairs while ALBEF requires two (one on corrupted inputs and another without corruption)
  • trained from scratch on the two objectives only while ALBEF is initialized from pretrained visual and textual encoders with additional training signals including momentum modules
  • The decoder architecture with generative loss is preferred for natural language generation and thus directly enables image captioning and zero-shot learning


  1. Image Encoder
    Enocdes imgaes to latent representations by a neural network encoder
  2. Decoupled Decoder
    Simultaneously produces both unimdoal and multimodal text representations for both contrastive and generative objectives

1) Unimodal Text Decoder
- for Contrastive objective for learning global representations
- append learnable token[CLS] at the end of the input sentence
2) Multimodal Text Decoder
- for Captioning objective for fine-grained region-level features

  • Benefits of
    • Can compute two training losses efficiently
    • Induces minimal overhead


Captioning approcah: optimies the conditional likelihood of text
Contrastive approach: uses an unconditional text representation

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