[ RV ] 01. Probability

38A·2023년 9월 20일


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Axiomic definition of probability

Ex_ die experiment
U = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } ~ Sample space
→ 1, 2 ... 하나하나가 outcome, sample point
ϕ\phi, {1}, {1, 3, 5} ~ Event

Sample space : a collection of all sample points of a random experiment
Event: a subset of the sample space

Probability axioms

  • P(A) \ge 0
  • P(u) = 1
  • If AB = ϕ\phi, then P(A\cupB) = P(A) + P(B)
  • Probability is assigned to event


  • P(ϕ)=0P(\phi) = 0
  • P(AB)=P(A)+P(B)P(AB)P(A\cup B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A\cap B)
  • P(Ac)=1P(A)P(A^c) = 1 - P(A)
  • If { A1_1, A2_2 ... An_n } is a sequence of mutually exclusive event
    P(i=1nAi)=Σi=1nP(Ai)P(\bigcup_{i=1}^n A_i) = \Sigma_{i=1}^nP(A_i)

Conditional Probability

Def : The conditional probability of an event A given B is defined as
P(A|B) = P(AB)P(B)\frac{P(AB)}{P(B)} = P(B|A) P(A)P(B)\frac{P(A)}{P(B)}P(B) can not be 0
\Leftrightarrow P(AB) = P(A|B)P(B) → P(B) can be 0, Generable

⭐️ Total Probability Theorem

{ A1,...,AnA_1, ... , A_n } → partition of uu
P(B) = P(A1_1B) + P(A2_2B) + P(A3_3B)
         = P(B|A1_1)P(A1_1) + P(B|A2_2)P(A2_2) + P(B|A3_3)P(A3_3)
         = Σi=13\Sigma^3_{i=1}P(B|Ai_i)*P(Ai_i)

In general, P(B) = Σi=1n\Sigma^n_{i=1}P(B|Ai_i)*P(Ai_i)  Don't forget!
~ " Total Probability Theorem "


A : Airplane is flying
B : Alarm ringsP(AB) = P(A)*P(B|A)
P(A) = 0.05
P(B|A) = 0.99 ~ "Prob. of detection"
P(B|Ac^c) = 0.10 ~ "Prob. of false alarm"

P(AB) = 0.05 * 0.99 = 0.0495

P(B) = 0.05 0.99 + 0.95 0.10 = 0.1445

P(A|B) = P(AB)P(B)\frac{P(AB)}{P(B)} = 0.04950.1445\frac{0.0495}{0.1445} = 0.34
→ too small. why? Because P(A) = 0.05
P(Ac^c|B) = 0.66


P(ABC) = P(AB) * P(C|AB)
              = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|AB) ~ " Chain rule " = " multiplication rule "

Baye's rule

P(AiB)P(A_i|B) = ?
P(Ai)P(A_i) ~ " prior probability " ~ initial belief

P(AiB)=P(BAi)P(Ai)P(B)P(A_i|B) = P(B|A_i) * \frac{P(A_i)}{P(B)}
= P(Ai)P(BAi)Σi=1nP(BAi)P(Ai)\frac{P(A_i)P(B|A_i)}{\Sigma^n_{i=1}P(B|A_i)P(A_i)} ~ " Baye's rule "

Ex_ Select a box and pick a component

(a) What is the probability that the picked one is defective?

P(D) = Σn=14\Sigma^4_{n=1}P(D|Bn_n)P(Bn_n)
         = 1/4 * (0.05 + 0.4 + 0.1 + 0.1) = 0.1625

(b) If the picked one is defective, what is the probability that it came from Box 2?

P(B2_2|D) = P(DB2)P(B2)P(D)\frac{P(D|B_2)P(B_2)}{P(D)}
              =\frac{0.4*0.25}{0.1625} = 0.6154



Two events A and B are said to be independent iff
P(A|B) = P(A) \Leftrightarrow P(AB) = P(A) * P(B)

  • Probability of A is not changed whether or not an occurrence of B is assumed.

  • Ex_ Tossing a coin twice
    • U = { HH, HT, TH, TT }
    • H1_1 = { First toss is head }
    • H2_2 = { Second toss is head }
    • P(H1_1H2_2) = 1/4 = P(H1_1)P(H2_2)
      → H1_1 and H2_2 are independent

  • Question : If P(A) ≠ 0 and P(B) ≠ 0, can these two events be both independent and mutually exclusive?
    Answer : No. totally different concept

Conditional independence

P(AB|C) = P(A|C) * P(B|C)

  • independence와 conditional independence는 관련 X

Ex_ Consider two unfair coins A and B

P(head|A) = 0.9 and P(head|B) = 0.1
choose a coin and toss it twice
H1_1 = { First toss is head } and H2_2 = { Second toss is head }

(a) Once we know it is coin A, are H1_1 and H2_2 independent?
P(H1_1H2_2|A) = P(H1_1|A) * P(H2_2|A)
   0.9 * 0.9 = 0.9 * 0.9
→ H1_1 and H2_2 are conditionally independent

(b) If we don’t know which coin it is, are H1_1 and H2_2 independent?
P(H1_1H2_2) = P(H1_1) * P(H2_2)

P(H1_1) = P(H1_1A)P(A) + P(H1_1B)P(B)
           = 1/2 * (0.9 + 0.1) = 1/2
P(H2_2) = 1/2
P(H1_1H2_2) = P(H1_1H2_2|A)P(A) + P(H1_1H2_2|B)P(B)
                = 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.5 + 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.5 = 0.41 ≠ P(H1_1)P(H2_2)
→ H1_1 and H2_2 are dependent

Independence of collection of events

Events A1_1, A2_2, ... , An_n are said to be independent iff
P(iIAiP(\bigcap_{i \in I}A_i) = ΠiIP(Ai)\Pi_{i \in I}P(A_i), for any set of distinct indexes II \subset { 1, 2, ... , n }

Pairwise independence

Events A1_1, A2_2, ... , An_n are said to be pairwise independent iff
P(Ai_iAj_j) = P(Ai_i)P(Aj_j), ij\forall_{i≠j}

Ex_ Consider two independent fair coin tosses
A = { first toss is head } = { HH, HT } → P(A) = 1/2
B = { second toss is head } = { HH, TH } → P(B) = 1/2
C = { first and second toss give the same result } = { HH, TT } = 1/2

P(AB) = 1/4, P(BC) = 1/4, P(CA) = 1/4
→ A, B, and C are pairwise independent

Pairwise independence does not imply independence.

⭐️ Ex_

Trains X and Y arrive at a station at random and independently between 8:00 AM and 8:20 AM. Train X stops for 4 minutes and train Y stops for 5 minutes.
A = { X arrives (t1, t2) } → P(A) = t2t120\frac{t_2-t_1}{20}
B = { Y arrives (t3, t4) } → P(B) = t4t320\frac{t_4-t_3}{20}
P(AB) = P(A)P(B) = (t2t1)(t4t3)400\frac{(t_2-t_1)(t_4-t_3)}{400}

(a) What is the probability that X arrives earlier than Y?

(b) What is the probability that X meets Y?

(c) What is the probability that X arrives earlier than Y assuming that they meet?

Computation of probability by counting

Ex_ We will toss 2 dice. What is the probability of getting a sum of 7?
P(A) = 6 / 36

We calculated this probability simply by counting the number of outcomes because all outcomes are equally-likely ( uniform )
→ prob. of outcomes all the same

Counting principle

  • experiment consisting of rr stages
  • \exists ni_i choices at stage ii
  • number of choices = n1_1 x n2_2 x ... x nr_r

Ex number of license plates (e.g. HGU0387)
→ 26 × 26 × 26 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
number of license plates if repetition is not allowed
→ 26 x 25 x 24 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7
Ex_ number of subsets of an n-element set
→ 2n^n \Rightarrow 2(choice or not) x 2 x ... x 2 ( n개 )


What is number of ways of ordering n elements?
→ n!

k-permutations: number of ways of picking k out of n objects and arrange them in a sequence
n_nPk_k = n!(nk)!\frac{n!}{(n-k)!}

Ex_ number of words that consist of four distinct letters
2_26_6P4_4 = 26 x 25 x 24 x 23


number of k-element subsets of a given n-element set
no ordering of the selected elements
Ex_ number of forming a committee of k people out of n

(kn^n_k) = n_nCk_k " nn choose kk "
      = n!(nk)!k!\frac{n!}{(n-k)!k!}

" binomial coefficients "
Ex_ Σk=0n(kn)\Sigma_{k=0}^n(^n_k) = 2n^n

⭐️ Partitions

(kn)(^n_k) - same as partitioning the set in two

Ex_ 52 card deck, dealt to 4 players

n number of partitioning n elements in rr groups, with the iith group containing nin_i elements, Σi=1rni=n\Sigma^r_{i=1} n_i = n

Bernoulli trials

Ex_ We toss 5 coins independently.
P(H) = p
P(HHHTT) = pp * pp * pp * (1p)(1-p) * (1p)(1-p) = p3(1p)2p^3(1-p) ^2
P (3 heads and 2 tails in any order) =?
(35)(^5_3) * P3P^3 * (1p)2(1-p)^2

Let A be an event in a random experiment with P(A) = pp and P(Ac^c) = 1-pp.
Repeating this experiment nn times, probability that AA occurs kk times in any order is calculated by
Pn(k)=(kn)pk(1p)nkP_n(k) = (^n_k)p^k(1-p)^{n-k} ~ " binomial probability "

Ex_ Consider a die experiment.
A = {f1f_1}.
P(A) = pp = 1/6.
P5_5(2) = ?
(25)(^5_2) * (16)2(\frac{1}{6})^2 * (56)3(\frac{5}{6})^3

Ex_ Suppose a 4-faced die is tossed 12 times. Find the probability that 1 is twice, 2 is three times, 3 is three times, and 4 is four times.
→ 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 → (14)12(\frac{1}{4})^{12}
12!2!3!3!4!\frac{12!}{2!3!3!4!} * (14)12(\frac{1}{4})^{12}

⭐️ Generalization
Let [A1_1,A2_2,··· ,Ar_r] be a partition of UU. Let P(Ai_i) = pip_i, Σi=1rpi\Sigma_{i=1}^rp_i = 1, and Σi=1rki\Sigma_{i=1}^rk_i = n.
Then, Pn(k1,k2,...,kr)_n(k_1, k_2, ... , k_r) = n!k1!k2!k3!...kr!p1k1p2k2...prkr\frac{n!}{k_1!k_2!k_3!...k_r!}p_1k_1p_2k_2...p_rk_r

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