Insertion sort

Design paradigms
- Insertion-sort uses incremental approach : subarray A[1 ... j-1], insert A[j]
c.f) D and C approach ( merge sort )
- Correctness : Proving the correctness of the algorithm
- Efficiency : Obtaining the time complexity of the algorithm
Correctness using Loop invariants
- similar to mathematical induction
- Loop invariant(불변) : At the start of each iteration of the for loop, the subarray A[1..j-1] consists of the elements originally in A[1..j-1] but in sorted order ➡️ elements가 변하지 않음
- Initialization : when j=2, A[1..j-1] consists of the single element A[1]. Trivially sorted
- Maintenance(유지) : Informally, the body of outer ‘for’ loop works by moving A[j-1], A[j-2], A[j-3], and so on, by one position to the right until the proper(적절한) position for A[j] is found
- Termination : The outer ‘for’ loop ends when j = n+1. Thus, A[1..n] consists of the elements originally in A[1..n] but in sorted order
- Predicting the resources – time, storage(not a big deal)
- Random-access machine (RAM) model ( a generic one ) 일반적인 모델
- Instructions are executed one after another ( no concurrent operations)
- Each instruction takes a constant time
- Arithmetic, Data movement, Control
- Data types : integers, floating point
- No memory hierarchy ( no cache or virtual memory )
- Input size
- n numbers
- Graph algorithms : # of vertices and edges
- Running time
- The # of primitive(기본적인) operations or “steps” executed.
- Steps are defined to be machine-independent
- Each line of pseudocode requires a constant time
but take different time
- Time complexity Analysis
- Worst-case (usually) : upper bound
- Average-case (sometimes) : Need assumption of statistical distribution(통계적 분포) of inputs
- Best-case (bogus) : 의미 없음, cheat
Analysis of insertion-sort

Analysis of merge-sort
use a recurrence equation
- By the master theorem, T(n) = Θ(n lg n)
- Compared to insertion sort Θ(n2)
- On small inputs, insertion sort may be faster
But, for large enough inputs, merge sort will always be faster
using recursion tree
1. Space complexity of fibo(n) (memoized DP)
➡️ Θ(n)
why? array size = Θ(n) AND stack(function call) : 최대 n번까지 call (Θ(n))
2. Another sort
Selection sort
Θ(n2) Best, Worst case 동일
Bubble sort
Time complexity : Θ(n2) Best, Worst case 동일
Insertion sort
recurrence equation : T(n)=T(n−1)+O(n)
Best : Θ(n), Worst : Θ(n2)
Quick sort
( partition : 리스트를 분할하고 pivot을 정하는 과정 )
Worst case
➡️ Θ(n2)
Best case (partition : pivot을 중앙값으로 선택)
➡️ Θ(nlgn)
3. Binary Search
Time complexity : Θ(lgn)
Insertion sort에서 검색을 이진검색으로 한다면, Θ(nlgn)?
➡️ No, 찾는 건 빠르지만 이후 복사해서 옮기는 작업을 할 수 없다.
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