[ Algorithm ] 14. Medians and Order Statistics

38A·2023년 6월 9일

알고리즘 분석

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Order Statistics

  • The ith order statistic in a set of n elements is the ith smallest element
  • The minimum is thus the 1st order statistic
  • The maximum is the nth order statistic
  • The median is
    • the (n+1)/2 order statistic, if n is odd
    • lower median i=n/2, upper median i=(n/2)+1, if n is even

Finding Min and Max Simultaneously

  • Input : n numbers
  • Output : min and max
  • n-1 comparisons for min, n-1 comparisons for max : total 2n-2 comparisons
  • Can we do better?
  • Don’t compare each element to min and max separately, but process elements in pairs - compare the elements of a pair to each other.
  • Then compare the larger element to the current max so far, and compare the smaller element to the current min so far

  • Only 3 comparisons for every 2 elements
  • For initial min and max :
    • If n is even, compare the first two elements and set the larger to max and the smaller to min. Then process the rest in pairs.
      : 1 initial comparison and 3(n-2)/2 more comparisons = 3n/2 – 2
    • If n is odd, set both min and max to the first element. Then process the rest in pairs.
      : If n is odd, 3(n-1)/2 comparisons

The Selection Problem

  • A more interesting problem is selection: finding the ith smallest element of a set
  • Input: A set A of n (distinct) elements and a number i, with 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
  • Output: The element x in A that is larger than exactly i-1 other elements of A → ith element
  • We will study two algorithms:
    • A practical(실용적인) randomized algorithm with Θ(n) expected(avg) running time
    • A cool algorithm of theoretical interest only with Θ(n) worst-case running time

Randomized Selection

  • Key idea: use partition() from quicksort
    • But, only need to examine one subarray
    • This saving shows up in running time: Θ(n) → 양쪽 다 필요 x
  • Partition the array A[p..r] into two (possibly empty) subarrays A[p..q-1] and A[q+1..r]
  • If i=k, return A[q]
  • If i < k, find ith in the subarray A[p..q-1]
  • If i > k, find (i-k)th smallest element in the subarray A[q+1..r]



Intuition for analysis

  • ( All our analyses today assume that all elements are distinct )

Worst-case Linear-Time Selection

  • Randomized algorithm works well in practice.
    But in worst case its time complexity is O(n2^2)
  • What follows is a worst-case linear time algorithm, really of theoretical interest only
  • Basic idea:
    • Generate a good partitioning element
    • Call this element x



Step 2

Step 3

Around the pivot


Exercise in Class


2. What is the minimum number of comparisons that is needed to find median of 5 elements

A. 6

HGU 전산전자공학부 용환기 교수님의 23-1 알고리듬 분석 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.

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