🖥️ Structured query language (SQL)
SQL: Structured Query Language
- The principal language used to describe and manipulate relational
- Very high-level
- Say “what to do” rather than “how to do it”
- DBMSs figure out the “best” way to execute queries
➡️ Called “query optimization”
Two aspects to SQL
- Data definition: for declaring database schemas(table structure) (DDL)
- Data manipulation: for querying (asking questions about) databases and for
modifying the database (DML)
Transaction control – includes commands for specifying the beginning and ending of transactions
Authorization – includes commands for specifying access rights to relations and views
Embedded SQL and dynamic SQL – define how SQL statements can be embedded within general-purpose programming language ➡️ ACL(Access Control List)
A Brief History
IBM SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language) was developed as a part of the System R project
- Later on, SEQUEL was renamed SQL (structured query language)
- System R ➡️ System/38 (1979), SQL/DS (1981), DB2 (1983) ➡️ still available
Relational Software, Inc released the first commercial implementation of SQL, Oracle V2 for VAX computers
- Relational Software, Inc is now Oracle Corporation
ANSI and ISO standardized SQL:
- SQL-86, SQL-89, SQL-92, SQL:1999, ..., SQL:2011, SQL:2016 (current)
- SQL-92 is supported by the most of database systems
🖥️ SQL data manipulation language (DML)
- The SELECT clause
- The SELECT clause lists the attributes desired(보기원하는) in the result of a query
- Corresponds to the projection operation of the relational algebra
- ⭐️ SQL names are case insensitive
- Ex_ Name ≡ NAME ≡ name
- SQL commands are written in upper case (just a convention)
- MySQL has an option flag, lower_case_table_names = true ➡️ case-sensitive
- SQL allows duplicates in relations as well as in query results (default = ALL)
➡️ DISTINCT for Duplicate remove
Ex_ SELECT DISTINCT dept_name FROM instructor;
- An asterisk in the select clause denotes “all attributes”
SELECT * FROM instructor;
- An attribute can be a literal with no FROM clause
SELECT ‘437’; 
- An attribute can be a literal with FROM clause
SELECT 'A' FROM instructor
- The WHERE clause specifies condition that the result must satisfy
- Corresponds to the selection predicate of the relational algebra
- SQL allows the use of the logical connectives AND, OR, and NOT
- comparison operators <, <=, >, >=, =, and <> ➡️ No ==, != in SQL
- BETWEEN comparison operator
- Ex_ Find the names of all instructors with salary between $90,000 and $100,000
(that is, >= $90,000 and <= $100,000)
- SELECT name
FROM instructor
WHERE salary BETWEEN 90000 AND 100000
- Tuple comparison: makes comparisons per tuple
- SELECT name, course_id
FROM instructor, teaches
WHERE (instructor.ID, dept_name) = (teaches.ID, 'Biology');
- The FROM clause lists the relations involved in the query
- Corresponds to the Cartesian-product operation of the relational algebra
- Implementing JOIN
- Cartesian-product is not very useful directly; but useful combined with WHERE-clause condition
- Cartesian-product + selection = join
- Ex_ Find the names of all instructors in the Music department who have taught some course and the course_id
- SELECT name, course_id
FROM instructor , teaches
WHERE instructor.ID = teaches.ID AND instructor. dept_name = 'Music'
- Ex_ Find the names of all instructors who have a higher salary than some instructor in ‘Comp. Sci.’
FROM instructor AS T, instructor AS S
WHERE T.salary > S.salary AND S.dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.'
- Keyword AS is optional and may be omitted (생략가능)
instructor AS T ≡ instructor T
NULL values
- It is possible for tuples to have a NULL value for some of their attributes
- NULL signifies an unknown value or that a value does not exist
- The result of any arithmetic expression involving(포함한) NULL is NULL
- The predicate IS NULL can be used to check for NULL values
- The predicate IS NOT NULL succeeds if the value on which it is applied is not null
Set operations
- Set operations UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT
- Each of the above operations automatically eliminates duplicates ➡️ retain duplicate using ALL
Ex_ (SELECT course_id FROM teaches WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND year = 2017)
(SELECT course_id FROM teaches WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND year = 2018)
➡️ MySQL does NOT support INTERSECT
➡️ MySQL does NOT support EXCEPT, using NOT IN
Ex_ SELECT course_id FROM teaches WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND year = 2017
AND course_id NOT IN
(SELECT course_id FROM teaches
WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND year = 2018);
String operations
- SQL includes a string-matching operator for comparisons on character strings
- LIKE Operation
- percent (%) – The % character matches any substring
- underscore (_) – The _ character matches any character
- Escape character: Use backslash (\) as the escape character
- E.g., Match the string “100%”
LIKE '100 \%’ ESCAPE ‘\’ ➡️ default '\'
LIKE '100#%' ESCAPE '#'
- Patterns are case sensitive
- 'Intro%' matches any string beginning with “Intro”
- '%Comp%' matches any string containing “Comp” as a substring
- '_ _ _' matches any string of exactly three characters
- '_ _ _ %' matches any string of at least three characters
- SQL supports a variety of string operations such as
- Concatenation (using “||”), LOWER(), REGEXP ...
- ORDER BY Operation
- dafault ASC, using DESC for descending order
Aggregate functions
- Aggregate Functions
- AVG: average value
- MIN: minimum value
- MAX: maximum value
- SUM: sum of values
- COUNT: number of values
- Group By
- /* erroneous query */
SELECT dept_name, ID, AVG(salary)
FROM instructor
GROUP BY dept_name;
- HAVING clause are applied after the formation of groups
- But WHERE clause are applied before forming groups

➡️ SELECT FROM r LIMIT 5; // 5개 추출 (0-4)
SELECT FROM r LIMIT 4, 10; // 5번째부터 10개 추출. First parameter is 0-indexed!)
INSERT INTO tablename
VALUES (col1_value, col2_value, ...)
- Must list values in the same order as in the table schema
- If some data values are unknown, must type NULL
- For character sequences, use quotation marks
- Single quotation marks are preferred (but double quotation marks are allowed)
- Value in quotations is case-sensitive
- Insert data into selected columns
- INSERT INTO tablename (col1_name, col3_name, col4_name, ...)
VALUES (col1_value, col3_value, col4_value, ...)
➡️ col2 X
- Ex_ Add a new tuple to student with tot_creds set to null
VALUES ('3003', 'Green', 'Finance', null);
- A foreign key specifies that an attribute from one relation has to map to a tuple in another relation
- Value in one relation must appear in another relation
- Inserting results of other SELECT query
- Make each student in the Music department who has earned more than 144 credit hours an instructor in the Music department with a salary of $18,000
- INSERT INTO instructor (
SELECT ID, name, dept_name, 18000(literal)
FROM student
WHERE dept_name = 'Music’ AND total_cred > 144
- The SELECT FROM WHERE statement is evaluated fully before any of its results are inserted into the relation
- Otherwise queries like
would cause problem ➡️ Order가 정해져 있음 (SELECT 이후 INSERT)
UPDATE tablename
SET col1_name = new_col1_value, col2_name = new_col2_value, ...;
WHERE predicate;
Ex_ Give a 5% salary raise to instructors whose salary is less than average
UPDATE instructor
SET salary = salary * 1.05
WHERE salary < ( SELECT AVG(salary) FROM instructor );
- The order is important
Ex_ Increase salaries of instructors whose salary is over $100,000 by 3%, and all others by a 5%
- UPDATE instructor
SET salary = salary * 1.03
WHERE salary > 100000;
- UPDATE instructor
SET salary = salary * 1.05
WHERE salary <= 100000;
➡️ 순서 반대로 실행 시 중복 수혜의 가능성이 있음
- CASE Statement for Conditional Update
UPDATE instructor
SET salary = CASE
WHEN salary <= 100000 THEN salary * 1.05
ELSE salary * 1.03
- UPDATE with Scalar Subqueries
- Recompute and update tot_creds value for all students
UPDATE student S
SET tot_cred = (
SELECT SUM(credits)
FROM takes, course
WHERE takes.course_id = course.course_id AND
S.ID= takes.ID AND
takes.grade <> 'F' AND
takes.grade IS NOT NULL
- To remove specific rows
- DELETE FROM tablename
WHERE predicate;
- To remove all rows
- DELETE FROM tablename;
- TRUNCATE (TABLE) tablename;
Ex_ Delete all tuples in the instructor relation for those instructors associated with a department located in the Watson building
DELETE FROM instructor
WHERE dept_name IN (
SELECT dept_name
FROM department
WHERE building = 'Watson'
- Issue: as we delete tuples from instructor, the average salary changes
Ex_ DELETE FROM instructor
WHERE salary < (SELECT AVG (salary) FROM instructor);
- First, compute AVG(salary) and find all tuples to delete
- Next, delete all tuples found above (without recomputing AVG or retesting the tuples)
Nested subqueries
- SQL provides a mechanism for the nesting of subqueries. A subquery is a SELECT-FROM-WHERE expression that is nested within another query
- FROM clause: ri can be replaced by any valid subquery
- WHERE clause: P can be replaced with an expression of the form:
B <operation> (subquery)
B is an attribute and to be defined later
- SELECT clause:
Ai can be replaced be a subquery that generates a single value
(scalar subquery)
Ex_ Find the average instructors’ salaries of those departments where the average salary is greater than $42,000
SELECT D.dept_name, D.avg_salary
SELECT dept_name, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM instructor
GROUP BY dept_name
) AS D
WHERE D.avg_salary > 42000;
= GROUP BY dept_name HAVING avg > 42000
WITH Clause
- The WITH clause provides a way of defining a temporary relation
Ex_ Find all departments with the maximum budget
WITH max_budget (value) AS (
SELECT MAX(budget)
FROM department
SELECT department.dept_name
FROM department, max_budget
WHERE department.budget = max_budget.value;
- temporary relation(table)
- table name : max_buget
- column : value
- content : SELECT MAX(budget) FROM department
➡️ 이 쿼리가 종료되면 WITH 해제
Scalar Subquery
- Scalar subquery is used where a single value is expected
- Runtime error occurs if a subquery returns more than one result tuple
Ex_ List all departments along with the number of instructors in each department
SELECT dept_name,
FROM instructor
WHERE department.dept_name = instructor.dept_name
) AS num_instructors
FROM department;
Set membership (SOME, ALL, EXISTS)
IN ➡️ Set - intersection
Ex_ Find courses offered in Fall 2017 and in Spring 2018
FROM teaches
WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND year= 2017 AND
course_id IN (
SELECT course_id
FROM teaches
WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND year= 2018
NOT IN ➡️ Set - difference
Ex_ Name all instructors whose name is neither “Mozart” nor Einstein”
FROM instructor
WHERE name NOT IN ('Mozart', 'Einstein’);
Ex2_ Find the total number of unique students who have taken course sections taught by the instructor with ID 10101
FROM takes
WHERE (course_id, sec_id, semester, year) IN (
SELECT course_id, sec_id, semester, year
FROM teaches
WHERE teaches.ID = 10101
SOME - Set Comparison
F <comp> SOME r
Ex_ Find names of instructors with salary greater than that of SOME (at least one) instructor in the Biology department
FROM instructor
WHERE salary > SOME(
SELECT salary
FROM instructor
WHERE dept_name = 'Biology'

ALL - Set Comparison
Ex_ Find the names of ALL instructors whose salary is greater than the salary of ALL instructors in the Biology department
FROM instructor
WHERE salary > ALL (
SELECT salary
FROM instructor
WHERE dept_name = 'Biology'

Ex_ Yet another way of specifying the query “Find all courses taught in both the Fall 2017 semester and in the Spring 2018 semester”
SELECT course_id
FROM teaches AS T1
WHERE semester = 'Fall' AND year = 2017 AND
FROM teaches AS T2
WHERE semester = 'Spring' AND year = 2018 AND
T1.course_id = T2.course_id
⭐️ Ex_ Find all students who have taken all courses offered in the Music department
FROM student AS S
SELECT course_id
FROM course
WHERE dept_name = 'Music' AND
course_id NOT IN (
SELECT T.course_id
FROM takes AS T
➡️ Some systems support the EXCEPT clause (MySQL does not)
- The UNIQUE construct tests whether a subquery has any duplicate tuples in its result
- Evaluates to “true” if a given subquery contains no duplicates
- MySQL does not support the UNIQUE test (UNIQUE in MySQL is a constraint specifier)
- Find all courses that were offered at most once in 2017
SELECT T.course_id
FROM course AS T
SELECT R.course_id
FROM teaches AS R
WHERE T.course_id= R.course_id AND R.year = 2017
HGU 전산전자공학부 홍참길 교수님의 23-1 Database System 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.