오늘도 EDA 진행!
rating = pd.read_csv('./dataset/2020/animelist.csv')
user_rating_counts = rating.groupby('user_id').size()
count 325770.000000
mean 335.281785
std 425.411070
min 1.000000
25% 96.000000
50% 224.000000
75% 436.000000
max 17546.000000
dtype: float64
1 2892
2 1996
3 1673
4 1594
5 1451
6 1390
7 1295
8 1118
9 1123
10 1134
11 1003
12 937
13 991
14 916
15 842
16 857
17 924
18 848
19 866
20 900
21 827
22 851
23 808
24 818
25 827
26 793
27 780
28 817
29 832
30 819
Number of 'Unknown' in Score: 5141
Number of 'Unknown' in Ranked: 1762
Weighted Score = (v / (v + m)) * S + (m / (v + m)) * C
S = Average score for the anime/manga
v = Number users giving a score for the anime/manga †
m = Minimum number of scored users required to get a calculated score
C = The mean score across the entire Anime/Manga database
Score 1.000000
Plan to Watch 0.474240
Members 0.405921
Completed 0.369944
On-Hold 0.323513
Dropped 0.248030
Favorites 0.244488
Watching 0.242723
MAL_ID -0.073205
Popularity -0.694536
Name: Score, dtype: float64
: 평점(Score)이 높은순으로 내림차순 정렬Popularity
: Member수를 기준으로 내림차순 정렬진격의 거인 : Score 8.55 Ranked #120 Popularity #1 Members 4,091,374
나의 히어로 아카데미아 : Score 7.84 Ranked #951Popularity #7Members 3,125,655
장송의 프리렌 : Score 9.31 Ranked #1Popularity #171Members 995,965
Average rating (excluding 0): 7.431960421882136
Standard deviation of rating (excluding 0): 1.766560227718782
2 68089751
6 27938693
1 5228658
4 4266591
3 3700514
0 531
5 6
33 2
55 1