HiFi-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis 논문 정리

Hα ყҽσɳɠ·2022년 4월 10일


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J. Kong et al., “HiFi-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis,” NIPS, 2020.
카카오에서 투고한 논문!


  • Proposal of a GAN-based model to efficiently generate high-fidelity speech


  • Higher computational efficiency and improved sample quality than AR or flow-based models
  • Proposing a discriminator which consists of small sub-discriminators, each of which obtains only a specific periodic parts of raw waveforms



  • Fully convolutional neural network
  • Multi-Receptive Filed Fusion (MRF)
    - Observing patterns of various lengths in parallel
    - Output: sum of outputs of multiple residual blocks

    Figure 1: The generator upsamples mel-spectrograms up to |ku| times to match the temporal resolution of raw waveforms. A MRF module adds features from |kr| residual blocks of different kernel sizes and dilation rates. Lastly, the n-th residual block with kernel size kr[n] and dilation rates Dr[n] in a MRF module is depicted.


  • Speech audio consists of sinusoidal signals with various periods
  • The importance of knowing the patterns of various periods that underlie speech data

    Figure 2: (a) The second sub-discriminator of MSD. (b) The second sub-discriminator of MPD with
    period 3.

Multi-Period Discriminator (MPD)

  • Mixture of sub-discriminators
  • Accepting only equally spaced input audio samples
  • Designed to capture different implicit structures by looking at different parts of the input audio

Multi-Scale Discriminator (MSD)

  • MPD's sub-discriminators using only decomposed samples
  • Addition of MSD to evaluate continuous speech
    = Consists of 3 sub-discriminators operating on different input scales

Training Loss

GAN loss

  • Convert the binary cross-entropy part of GAN to least square loss function for non-vanishing gradient flow [X. mao et al., 2017]

Mel-spectrogram loss

  • To increase the efficiency and improve the quality of the generated speech
  • L1 distance between the mel-spectrogram of a waveform synthesized by the generator and that of a ground truth waveform

Feature Matching loss

  • L1 distance between a ground truth sample and a conditionally generated sample
  • A learned similarity metric measured as the difference in discriminator features between the ground truth and generated samples

Final loss

Experimental Results

  • Improved audio quality and synthesis speed
  • Outperforms the best publicly available performance models in terms of synthetic quality

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