If you utilize a MIDI format for a certain task, it is important to change the format into audio, and also in the opposite way.
official page : https://github.com/bzamecnik/midi2audio
converting midi from muspy could raise following errors related to soundfont settings. so I tried no to use muspy, rather using midi2audio instead because the library doesn't require muspy.
'fluidsynth', '-ni', '-F', 'wandb/debug/checkpoints/23-08-28/valid_out/midi_decoded_99_seed_0.wav', '-T', 'auto', '-r', '44100', '-g', '3', '/home/clay/.muspy/musescore-general/MuseScore_General.sf3', '/tmp/tmpofk5icpi/temp.mid']
apt-get install fluid synth
pip install pyfluidsynth
I added gain parameter, which the original soundfont can use, but midi2audio doesn't utilize.
def save_wav_from_midi_fluidsynth(midi_fn, file_name, gain=3):
assert isinstance(midi_fn, str)
fs = FluidSynth(gain=gain)
fs.midi_to_audio(midi_fn, file_name)
class FluidSynth():
def __init__(self, sound_font=DEFAULT_SOUND_FONT, sample_rate=DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE, gain=DEFAULT_GAIN):
self.sample_rate = sample_rate
self.sound_font = os.path.expanduser(sound_font)
self.gain = gain
def midi_to_audio(self, midi_file: str, audio_file: str, verbose=True):
if verbose:
stdout = None
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL
['fluidsynth', '-ni', '-g', str(self.gain), self.sound_font, midi_file, '-F', audio_file, '-r', str(self.sample_rate)],
def play_midi(self, midi_file):
subprocess.call(['fluidsynth', '-i', '-g', str(self.gain), self.sound_font, midi_file, '-r', str(self.sample_rate)])
Converting wav file into mp3 file is important, especially when your disk is running our of memory. As midi2audio don't support mp3 format. Create the wav file first, and then convert it into mp3.
import argparse
import os
import subprocess
from pydub import AudioSegment
This file is a modified version of midi2audio.py from https://github.com/bzamecnik/midi2audio
Author: Bohumír Zámečník (@bzamecnik)
License: MIT, see the LICENSE file
__all__ = ['FluidSynth']
DEFAULT_SOUND_FONT = '~/.fluidsynth/default_sound_font.sf2'
class FluidSynth():
def __init__(self, sound_font=DEFAULT_SOUND_FONT, sample_rate=DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE, gain=DEFAULT_GAIN):
self.sample_rate = sample_rate
self.sound_font = os.path.expanduser(sound_font)
self.gain = gain
def midi_to_audio(self, midi_file: str, audio_file: str, verbose=True):
if verbose:
stdout = None
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL
# Convert MIDI to WAV
['fluidsynth', '-ni', '-g', str(self.gain), self.sound_font, midi_file, '-F', audio_file, '-r', str(self.sample_rate)],
# Convert WAV to MP3
mp3_path = audio_file.replace('.wav', '.mp3')
AudioSegment.from_wav(audio_file).export(mp3_path, format="mp3")
# Delete the temporary WAV file
def play_midi(self, midi_file):
subprocess.call(['fluidsynth', '-i', '-g', str(self.gain), self.sound_font, midi_file, '-r', str(self.sample_rate)])