다른 분들이 이미 잘 정리해 주신 내용들을 정리한 문서
pandas도 잘써야지
sklearn을 알아보자.
pytorch 잊기 쉬운 것들
map() zip()이 반복가능한 개체라고?
그래프의 순회 방식인 DFS를 알아보자, 재귀함수에 대한 고찰과 함께
np.random 잊지 않겠다...
데이터 불러오기
텐서는 어려워
아 작업보다 준비가 더 오래 걸렸어...!
텍스트 에디터
reverse the order
two different method
simple and fast
sometimes no error brings more dangers
three different methods but choose one
always remember this, the dimension to reduce
two tools for quantization
give it a way
quite convenient
okay 5, let's see
[None, ...] = unsqueeze
what element to repeat and what dimension to add
useful function
using virtual environments
remove packages
make way
let's see our midi in a wave
no more messing up
cuda come on!
be friends of container, and takes it all!
delete bin folder in the host
ctrl a [
now map yours
oh my data is getting bigger
single head controls multiprocessing, nonsense
ticks are representation of time
numel(), show your numbers
automatically. hae juo!
No NaN! No NaN!
inside docker, find the new key
yeap preparing demo pages
gather and scatter like our lives
scheduled reboot
Remember this
use it as it used to be, but now check it.
way to avoid syntax error