I ran into migratioin problem when deploying at Heroku.
Order of migrations matters. I decided to delete all and start fresh.
Solution was clearing out existing sqlite db and migration histories.
I solved the same problem with these steps :
Delete your database (db.sqlite3 in my case) in your project directory
Remove everything from __pycache__ folder under your project subdirectory
For the application you are trying to fix, go to the folder and clear migrations and __pycache__ directories
When you are sure you have cleared all the above files, run:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
For it to work,
comment out current views, urls and such as if when you first set up a project.
Set up simple urls, and views and settings.py.
You need to leave migrations folder itself and init.py inside. Otherwise, makemigrations won't detect any models and changes.