Django Todo list App with Bootstrap
Todo List with Dennis Ivy - setting up, model form, url, strikethrough
setting up - classbased view - bootstrap
forms - update, edit, delete - ordering
Login and Registration (User Authentication)
escaping HTML for post
It is a good idea is to call the project folder project and place applications in project/apps/. Then, place all application dependencies into their o
There are three ways in which a table can be related to another table:One-to-one: A record in one table is related to one record in another table.One-
null=True 는 필드의 값이 NULL(정보 없음)로 저장되는 것을 허용합니다. 결국 데이터베이스 열에 관한 설정입니다.date = models.DateTimeField(null=True)blank=True 는 필드가 폼(입력 양식)에서 빈 채로 저장되는 것을 허용
Docs: querysetsquerysets: a dictionary of objects (terminal)python shell.filter(category="Out Door", tag="grill")
django filter
settings.pycreate link to static filebase.html
get_absolute_url(), which returns a URL for displaying individual model records on the website (if you define this method then Django will automatical
The syntax for specifying url is {% url namespace:url_name %}. So, check if you have added the app_name in In my case, I had misspelled the
css/main.css is not applied to footer. 1\. base.html {% load static %} on top of the linecheck if correct directory path, name in link at base.html &l
1. urls 2. 3. views 4. templates index.html context passed manytomany tags are manytomany relationship with curriculum (=item) Note th Problem Using Django filter and pagination together often breaks the other functionality. After f page_number = request.GET.get('page') #get the page tutorialpageobj = paginatedfilteredtutorials.getpage(pagenumber) context['tu
When we post, dropdown bar shows available uers, anyone can pick anyone.Because frontend knows and who logged in, but backend doesn't know it
install django-ckeditorpip install django-ckeditorChange body field of Post modelmodels.pymakemigrations and migrateadd_post.htmlupdate other template
we need to associate new Comment model with Post modelon_delete=models.CASCADEblog post gets deleted, comment gets automatically deleted.related_name=
Anyone can leave a comment! If you want only authenticated users leave it, use JS 1. templates Add Comment link article_details.html create a new t
corey schafer - part 11Methods and Attributewe don't need to import Paginator class. Set an attribute ' paginate_by' on our listview for now, we cann
제어판 - 고급세팅 - 환경변수restart
I ran into migratioin problem when deploying at Heroku.Order of migrations matters. I decided to delete all and start fresh. Solution was clearing out
테스트 주도 개발: 개발하려는 항목에 대한 점검 사항을 테스트 코드로 만들고 통과시키며 진행하는 개발 패턴웹페이지가 운영되면서 모델, 연관성이 복잡해짐. 웹에서 확인하는 과정을 필수적으로 진행해야 하나 매번 소스코드를 테스트 하기 어렵기 때문에 자동화 시킴테스트 코드
첫 장고 웹사이트를 지인들에게 보여줬다. 다양한 피드백을 받았는데, 특히 개발자 친구는 날카롭게 포인트를 집어줬다.