TIL: Python Basics Day 16 - OOP

이다연·2020년 12월 21일

Udemy Python Course

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4 Benefits of OOPs/ Getting your head around the idea of object-oriented programming can be challenging for some IT professionals.

OOP in Korean

OOP explained

junior interview questions OOP explained

Procedural Programming:
(what we've been doing until day 15)managing the whole relationships in one file, getting more complex.

Object Oriented Programming(OOP)

We can split a larger task into smaller pieces, which is reusable when we need the same functionality.
Make it scalable for a larger project.

easy for maintainance

Object = function + data

  • 모듈: 특정 기능을 .py 파일 단위로 작성한 것입니다.

  • 패키지: 특정 기능과 관련된 여러 모듈을 묶은 것입니다. 패키지는 모듈에 네임스페이스(namespace, 이름공간)를 제공합니다.

  • 파이썬 표준 라이브러리: 파이썬에 기본으로 설치된 모듈과 패키지, 내장 함수를 묶어서 파이썬 표준 라이브러리(Python Standard Library, PSL)라 부릅니다.


File unit containing functions: easy to maintain and reusable

Module includes variables, functions, and classes.

from import

from turtle import Turtle as tur
import turtle as tur

timmy = tur()


a blueprint that can generate multiple objects
-Attributes: variables associated with the model. data being able to keep track of.
-Methods: functions.

-Class naming: Pascal case -> first of the each letter capitalised
to differentiate it from names of variables and functions with underscores.

e.g. car = CarBlueprint()
   Object   Class
 1) obj car has attributes: 
 speed = 0
 fuel = 32
 Obj  Attribute
 2) obj car has methods:
 def move():
 	speed =60
Obj    Method

Python Packages

PyPI : libraries, packages, documentation


from prettytable import PrettyTable
table = PrettyTable()

table.add_column("Pokemon Name", ["Pikachu", "Squirtle", "Charmanderr"])
table.add_column("Type", ["Electric", "Water", "Fire"])
table.align["Type"] = "c"
table.align["Pokemon Name"] = "l"
| Pokemon Name |   Type   |
| Pikachu      | Electric |
| Squirtle     |  Water   |
| Charmanderr  |   Fire   |

Final Project : Coffee Machine OOP ver.


Coffee Machine Documentation

menu = Menu()
coffee_maker = CoffeeMaker()
money_machine = MoneyMachine()

is_on = True
while is_on:
    options = menu.get_items()
    choice = input(f"What would you like {options}?: ")
    if choice == "report":
    elif choice == "off":
        is_on = False
        drink = menu.find_drink(choice) #choice will be drink's name #find_drink returns MenuItem obj order_name
        if coffee_maker.is_resource_sufficient(drink):
            if money_machine.make_payment(drink.cost):  # menu.find_drink.cost
#menu.find_drink returns MenuItem object, MenuItem.cost gives price of the drink

today's quote:
It's going to become a word that's going to be in your dictionary.

Dayeon Lee | Django & Python Web Developer

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