print() input() input function: flash or solid cursor will stay in the end of your code. input function gets replaced by input data. parenthesis: (괄
Primitive Data Types: String: text Subscripting: can pull out individual text Integer: whole numbers,num w/o any decimal places. e.g. 123 easir to
if/else statement Conditional statement: depending on a particular condition, we would do A or B Comparison Operators > '> Greater than = Greater th
Randomisation returns integer btw 1 and 10 Random is a module. Built in functionality. Also, I can create a for my own use. I can use it j
For Loop repetition indented means inside for loop will be carried out Exercise 5.1 Average Height ` > Naming item in for loop: Giving singular form
Functions we've already used built in functions such as print(), len(), int() ...however we can make our own funcitons too. Exercise 6. 1 reeborg's w
Recap day Project: Hangman Flow chart Programming Hangman step 2 > range(len(word)) : if length was 5 , 0,1,2,3,4 range(1, 3) : 1,2 -> not including
Functions with Input: Arguments & Parameters Handy way taking set of instructions. By packaging all the codes in one function. > def greet(name): Par
Dictionaries {Key: Value} Best Practive - formatting: next line, indent, comma at the end, retreiving the item: dictionary has a key. dictionary["key
Functions with Outputs > 1. Functions: when you call the function, it helps you to reduce the amount of code you need to write when you want to execu
Blackjack Capstone Project Drawio for flowchart > Beginning of a project, I was stressed that I wasn't able to make a proper requirement list and dr
It took five days to come back to studying routine. Blackjack project was overwelming :( I realised that studying bit by bit everyday is more importan
Debugging skills removing bugs from your code *comment, un-comment : ctrl + / 1. Describe the Problem 2. Reproduce the Bug >randint: endpoint doesn
Breakdown the problem Make a to-do list: Start with the easiest -> Pick one task Picked Task: Turn the problem into commets Write code - Run code - Fi
Coffee Machine Project ☕ Improvement point: Style >Style of 'if statement execution part': it's hard to read things in a long sentence. rather make
Procedural Programming: (what we've been doing until day 15)managing the whole relationships in one file, getting more complex. Object Oriented Prog
Creating your own Class in Python >Class is a blueprint to create an Object Attributes, Class Constructions and the init() Function > Attribute: vari
Importing Modules avoid using asterisk *,as to its origin, it's very confusing If you are going to use the module mutiple times, If it's for just
Function as an input Higher Order Function: Calculator Even listeners project 1. Etch a sktech up
Project: Snake Game (3 steps) Create the body Move the snake Control the snake
Class Inheritance inheriting from existing class: attribute, method it allows us to take existing class to build on top of it, without having to rede
Learning 1: When you add a function under innit function, it initiates it when you create an object. If not, you need to write the "object.function" t
Turtle Crossing Game
Working with local files and directories Files Open & Close the file -we always need to mannually close the file. It will need to free up the space
Reading CSV Data in Python CSV(comma seperated values): tabular data, that fits into tables like spreadsheets Datatype in Pandas -Dataframe: table -
List Comprehension -unique to python -create a new list from an existing list -Sequences: work with any sequences such as list, string, range, tuple
GUI Tkinter: Graphical User Inferface, ti kei inter -a way to pass an undefined amount of inputs into a function Agrs, Kwargs Advanced Arguments: in
Tkinter Canvas Widget
Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter
>I expected it to be quick and easy task (setup the UI) but it wasn't. As I didn't understand the module fully. I felt bad that I couldn't complete.
API Endpoints & API Parameters / ISS Overhead Notifier International Space Station Current Location API: Application Programming Interface to pull
Creating a GUI Quiz App 1. Fetch the data from API >API endpoint and Parameters 2. HTML Entities HTML Escape / Unescape >Escapes or unescapes an
API Keys, Authentication >APIs are resource-intensive infomation, often charge for the infomation. API Keys: Personal account numbers that prevent fr
Proejct: Stock Trading News Alert Project **Purpose: Fetch data each APIs from trading price, News and SMS service. Send an email and SMS alert with
API Requests Get: fetch data from API providers Post: give external system some piece of data (into google sheet, tweet etc) Put: update data in the
Purpose: Use Nutritionix API to get natural language input to turn it into json format information including consisting exercise, calrories etc. Use S
OOP bothered me so much in this project! OOP concept has been haunting me since I leanrt in for the first time. After watching a couple of more videos
Capstone Part 2: Flight Club
Link to HTML Link to CSS & Final Project: My personal website
Parsing HTML file When API is not provided, we need to scrape the data from the website. Whenuseagan23:( Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pullin
Learning How to find the hierarchy/path in the code > locating the element: tag - right click - css selector Inspect and copy from CSS selector/path
All I wanted to do is fetching your price!!!!! It took a whole day to get it :( Project Goal: Scrape price from e-commerce website. If its price is
Selenium Installing driver >* Selenium package interact with different browsers(Chrome, firefox, safari etc), Driver provides the bridge. (we use dr
Goal I made a tinder left swiping bot using selenium not to hurt girls' feeling. I made right swping bot just in case. Learning window_handles() To h
Goal: Get the internet speed checekd, open twitter to write about it. Use class to remove the repetition. >This was a meaningful project. I struggled
Selenium WebDriver and Execute JavaScript In Selenium WebDriver, there are two major methods t
What is Backend? Client when a user goes on to a browser, browser renders the webpage using server's response. Server Powerful computer hooked up to
Debug Mode Run the app in debug mode to auto-reload After changing, hit ctrl + save (S), then it will auto reload the server too. When error sign
Rendering HTML templates make a seperate directory 'templates' Store index.html file, and return render_template('index.html') in if downl
Flask and Django is a framework. I learnt basics of it and thought if I want to get a job in this field. Building a website and backend side especiall
Frontend: design side Backend: server, database Bootstrap here Frontend library or framework by Twitter and opensourced Responsive: adaptable to vi
{% include %} Jinja templates: you can just create a header and footer template which can then be applied to all web pages in your website. Changeab
Everything clicked now, however, I spent four hours on it. I felt it was not very time efficient. I considered skipping WTForms for Flask because I ne
Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms Flask-WTF Flask extension to build forms Benefits of WTF over HTML form Easy Form Validation - Makes su
It has been really difficult since the module became ADVANCED LEVEL. Following the lesson only by reading official docs didn't work. I googled another
how to create an SQLite database and how to create, read, update and delete data in the database. We'll also be hooking up our database with a Flas
Requirement 1 - Be Able to View Movie List Items After adding data into DB, Comment out, Otherwise, get interity error Requirement 2 - Be Able to Ed
Colour Moods Red: passion, Energy e.g. Car Yellow: Joy, Attention Grabbing Green: Fresh, Safety, Growth e.g. Food co. Blue: Stability, Trust, Serenit
API API stands for Application Programming Interface which allows software applications to communicate with each other via API calls. REST REST: Arc
Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing Goal: Getting api to retrieving from database Unable to Connect Error > Turn on debug mode to find ou
Figure out how to register, login and logout users with email and password. So they can access their own private profile pages. Send from directory