{Key: Value}
Best Practive - formatting: next line, indent, comma at the end,
for key in programming_dictionary:
print(programming_dictionary[key]) #-> retrieval code
Exercise 1. Grading Program
student_scores = {
"Harry": 81,
"Ron": 78,
"Hermione": 99,
"Draco": 74,
"Neville": 62,
# 🚨 Don't change the code above 👆
#TODO-1: Create an empty dictionary called student_grades.
student_grades = {}
#TODO-2: Write your code below to add the grades to student_grades.👇
for key in student_scores:
if student_scores[key] >= 91:
student_grades[key] = "Outstanding"
elif student_scores[key] >= 81:
student_grades[key] = "Exceeds Expectations"
elif student_scores[key] >= 71:
student_grades[key] = "Acceptable"
student_grades[key] = "Fail"
# 🚨 Don't change the code below 👇
using the correct data type is important.
*curly braces
key: [List],
key2: {Dict},
Nested dictionary inside the dictionary
travel_log = {
"France": {"cities_visited": ["Paris", "Tour"], "total_visits": 2},
"Germany": {"cities_visited": ["Berlin"], "total_visits": 1}
Nesting a dictionary inside a list
Exercise 9.2 Dictionary in List
travel_log = [
{"country": "France", #-> datatype: string
"cities_visited": ["Paris", "Tour"], #-> datatype: list
"total_visits": 2}, #-> datatype: number
{"country": "Germany",
"cities_visited": ["Berlin"],
"total_visits": 1}
travel_log = [
"country": "France",
"visits": 12,
"cities": ["Paris", "Lille", "Dijon"]
"country": "Germany",
"visits": 5,
"cities": ["Berlin", "Hamburg", "Stuttgart"]
#🚨 Do NOT change the code above
#TODO: Write the function that will allow new countries
#to be added to the travel_log. 👇
#<my code>
def add_new_country(add_country, add_visits, add_cities):
"country": add_country,
"visits": add_visits,
"cities": add_cities
#<Angela's code>
def add_new_country(country_visited, times_visited, cities_visited):
new_country = {}
new_country["country"] = country_visited
new_country["visits"] = times_visited
new_country["cities"] = cities_visited
#🚨 Do not change the code below
add_new_country("Russia", 2, ["Moscow", "Saint Petersburg"])
Exercise 9.3 Secret Auction
I searched how to get a max number in dictionary, however, Angela intended creating a function that loops through a dictionary.
from replit import clear
from art import logo
def finding_winner(bidders_info):
highest_bidder = 0
winner = ''
for key in bidders_info:
bidder_price = bidders_info[key]
if bidder_price > highest_bidder:
highest_bidder = bidder_price
winner = key
print(f"\n{winner} is a winner with a bid of ${highest_bidder}.")
auction_finished = False
bidder_dict = {}
while not auction_finished:
name = input("What is your name?: ")
bid_amount = int(input("What's your bid?: $"))
bidder_dict[name] = bid_amount
other_bidders = input("Are there any other bidders? Type 'yes' or 'no' : ")
if other_bidders == "yes":
elif other_bidders == "no":
auction_finished = True
logo = '''
\ /
| | | | | | ''-.
| |_| |_ _| |_..-'
|_______| '-' `'---------'` '-'
#parameter "bidder_dict" is a generic name for any ditionary that will be used in the future
#dict bids is an example of a dictionary that will be assigned through fuction bid()
#We can get both winning bidder's name and amount by assigning highest amount bidder's name to winner variable after judging the amount.
bids = {
"e": 212,
"d": 23
def bid(bidder_dict):
highest_bidder = 0
winner = ""
for bidder in bidder_dict:
bidder_price = bidder_dict[bidder]
if bidder_price > highest_bidder:
highest_bidder = bidder_price
winner = bidder
print(f"{winner} is a winner with a bid of ${highest_bidder}.")