that's really hard to say. As you know, everyone is different.
What works for some people may not work for others.
But what I can tell you for sure is that there are many aspects to a language.
I would advise against relying on just a few exercises. Try as many thing as you can, see what works for you.
python 기초를 일찍 끝내서 django를 시작하게 되긴 했는데... 아직 개념이 잘 와닿지 않는다. 일단 공식문서의 tutorial을 보면서 만들어 보고는 있는데, 세션을 듣기 전에는 100% 이해는 안될 것 같다. 주말 중에 니꼬 강의를 돌려보면서 이해도를 높여야겠다.
In the python Q&A session, mentor said that he would advise against studying both javascript and python. Because we don't have much time. just 11 weeks only... so focus on one part is good for all of us. Thankfully until now I'm not interested in frontend haha. In this weekend I will study nico's airbnb clone lecture. I love nico, thanks.
-> 구글 번역 교정
In a Python Q & A session, the mentor advised against studying both JavaScript and Python. Because there is not much time. In just 11 weeks ... it's good for all of us to focus on one part. Thankfully so far I'm not interested in the front end. haha. This weekend I will study nico's airbnb clone lesson. Thanks I love nico bro.