import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt train_df = pd.read_csv('철강이미지데이터/data/train.csv')
from glob import glob TRAIN_PATH = '철강이미지데이터/data/train_images/' train_fns = glob(TRAIN_PATH+"*.jpg") train_df['ClassId'].unique()
defect1_count = train_df[train_df['ClassId']==1]['EncodedPixels'].notnull().count() defect2_count = train_df[train_df['ClassId']==2]['EncodedPixels'].notnull().count() defect3_count = train_df[train_df['ClassId']==3]['EncodedPixels'].notnull().count() defect4_count = train_df[train_df['ClassId']==4]['EncodedPixels'].notnull().count() defect1_count, defect2_count, defect3_count, defect4_count
labels = ['Defect1', "Defect2", "Defect3", "Defect4"] size_data = [defect1_count, defect2_count, defect3_count, defect4_count] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) options = ax.pie(size_data, labels=labels,autopct="%1.2f%%", startangle=90) ax.set_title("Defect Type Ratio")
count_per_image = train_df.groupby('ImageId')['EncodedPixels'].count() count_per_image.count() count_per_image[count_per_image==1].count() count_per_image[count_per_image==2].count() count_per_image[count_per_image==3].count() count_per_image[count_per_image==4].count()
사이즈가 다른것은 없는지, 사이즈를 같게 만드는 과정
from PIL import Image test_image =[0])
widths = [] heights = [] for filename in train_fns: test_image = width, height = test_image.size widths.append(width) heights.append(height) max(widths), min(widths), max(heights), min(heights)
image_id = train_fns[0].split('/')[-1] encoded_pixels = train_df[train_df['ImageId']==image_id]['EncodedPixels'].values
mask = np.zeros(1600*256, dtype=np.uint8) encoded_data = [int(x) for x in encoded_pixels[0].split()] starts = encoded_data[0::2] lengths = encoded_data[1::2] for start, length in zip(starts,lengths): mask[start-1:start-1+length] = 1 mask = mask.reshape((256,1600), order='F')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) image =[0]) ax.imshow(image) # 원본 이미지 표시 # 손상 부위 표시 ax.imshow(mask, cmap="Reds", alpha=0.5) #ax.imshow(?) # 이미지랑 똑같은 크기의 손상 부위 ax.axis('off')
def get_masks(encoded_pixels): masks = [] for pixel in encoded_pixels: mask = np.zeros(1600*256, dtype=np.uint8) encoded_data = [int(x) for x in pixel.split()] starts = encoded_data[0::2] lengths = encoded_data[1::2] for start, length in zip(starts,lengths): mask[start-1:start-1+length] = 1 mask = mask.reshape((256,1600), order='F') masks.append(mask) return masks def draw_plot(filename): image_id = filename.split('/')[-1] encoded_pixels = train_df[train_df['ImageId']==image_id]['EncodedPixels'].values defect_types = train_df[(train_df['ImageId'] == image_id)]['ClassId'].values if len(encoded_pixels): masks = get_masks(encoded_pixels) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1+len(masks), figsize=(20,3)) image = axs[0].imshow(image) # 원본 이미지 표시 axs[0].axis('off') for index, mask in enumerate(masks): axs[index+1].imshow(image) # 원본 이미지 표시 axs[index+1].imshow(mask, cmap="Reds", alpha=0.5) axs[index+1].set_title('Mask with defect #{}'.format(defect_types[index])) axs[index+1].axis('off') axs[0].set_title('Original Image') # 1. 오리지널 이미지 - 그래프 타이틀 # 2. 손상부위 타입 1,2,3,4
for filename in train_fns: image_code = filename.split('/')[-1] try: if (train_df.groupby(['ImageId'])['EncodedPixels'].count().loc[image_code] > 1): draw_plot(TRAIN_PATH + image_code) except: pass
# 1. 하나의 이미지에 손상부위 1개 그리기 # 1) 이미지 파일명을 전달 받아서 화면에 이미지와 손상 부위 그리기 # 2) 마스크 만들기 for filename in train_fns: image_id = filename.split('/')[-1] encoded_pixels = train_df[train_df['ImageId']==image_id]['EncodedPixels'].values if len(encoded_pixels): # 마스트 그리기 mask = np.zeros(1600*256, dtype=np.uint8) encoded_data = [int(x) for x in encoded_pixels[0].split()] starts = encoded_data[0::2] lengths = encoded_data[1::2] for start, length in zip(starts,lengths): mask[start-1:start-1+length] = 1 mask = mask.reshape((256,1600), order='F') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) image = ax.imshow(image) # 원본 이미지 표시 # 손상 부위 표시 ax.imshow(mask, cmap="Reds", alpha=0.5) #ax.imshow(?) # 이미지랑 똑같은 크기의 손상 부위 ax.axis('off') # 2. 전체 이미지에 손상부위 1개 그리기 # 3. 전체 이미지에 손상부위 모두 그리기
def add_mask_areas(train_df): masks_df = train_df.copy() masks_df['Area'] = 0 for i, row in masks_df.iterrows(): rle = masks_df['EncodedPixels'][i] array = np.asarray([int(x) for x in rle.split()]) lengths = array[1::2] masks_df['Area'].loc[i] = np.sum(lengths) return masks_df masks_df = add_mask_areas(train_df)
import seaborn as sns # Plot Histograms and KDE plots plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) plt.subplot(221) sns.histplot(masks_df[masks_df['ClassId'] == 1]['Area'].values, label='Defect #1') plt.legend() plt.title('Mask Area Histogram : Defect #1', fontsize=15) plt.subplot(222) sns.histplot(masks_df[masks_df['ClassId'] == 2]['Area'].values, label='Defect #2') plt.legend() plt.title('Mask Area Histogram: Defect #2', fontsize=15) plt.subplot(223) sns.histplot(masks_df[masks_df['ClassId'] == 3]['Area'].values, label='Defect #3') plt.legend() plt.title('Mask Area Histogram : Defect #3', fontsize=15) plt.subplot(224) sns.histplot(masks_df[masks_df['ClassId'] == 4]['Area'].values, label='Defect #4') plt.legend() plt.title('Mask Area Histogram: Defect #4', fontsize=15) plt.tight_layout()
plt.figure(figsize=(15,4)) plt.subplot(111) sns.kdeplot(masks_df[masks_df['ClassId'] == 1]['Area'].values, label='Defect #1') sns.kdeplot(masks_df[masks_df['ClassId'] == 2]['Area'].values, label='Defect #2') sns.kdeplot(masks_df[masks_df['ClassId'] == 3]['Area'].values, label='Defect #3') sns.kdeplot(masks_df[masks_df['ClassId'] == 4]['Area'].values, label='Defect #4') plt.legend() plt.title('Mask Area KDE Plot', fontsize=15)
large_masks_df = masks_df[masks_df['Area'] > 200000] print_df = large_masks_df[(TRAIN_PATH+large_masks_df['ImageId']).isin(train_fns)]