The Navigation Components include a NavigationUI class and navigation-us-ktx kotlin extensions. NavigationUI
has static methods that associate menu items with navigation destinations, and navigation-ui-ktx
is a set of extenstion functions that do the same. If NavigationUI
finds a menu item with the same ID as a destination on the current graph, it configures the menu item to navigate to that destination.
One of the easiest ways to use NavigationUI is to have it simplify option menu setup. In particular, NavigationUI simplifies handling the onOptionsItemSelected
Open MainActivity.kt
Notice how you already have the code for inflating the menu overflow_menu
in onCreateOptionsMenu
Open res/menu/overflow_menu.xml
Update your overflow menu to include the settings_dest
Open MainActivity.kt
Have NavigationUI handle onOptionsItemSelected
with the onNavDestinationSelected helper method. If the menu item is not meant to navigate, handle with super.onOptionsItemSelected
Run your app. You should have a functional ActionBar menu that navigates to the SettingsFragment.
The coded already contains the XML layout code for implementing bottom navigation, which is why you see the bottom navigation bar. But it doesn't navigate anywhere.
Open res/layout/navigation_activity.xml (h470dp)
and click the Text tab
Notice how the XML layout code for bottom navigation is there and refers to bottom_nav_menu.xml
navigation_activity.xml (h470dp)
Open res/menu/bottom_nav_menu.xml
Notice how there are two items for bottom navigation and that their ids match the destinations of navigation graph destinations:
Let's make the bottom navigation actually do something using NavigationUI.
Open MainActivity.kt
Implement the setupBottomNavMenu
method using setupWithNavController(bottomNavigationView: BottomNavigationView, navController: NavController)
Now your bottom navigation works!
Finally, let's use NavigationUI
to configure the side navigation and navigation drawer, including handling the ActionBar and proper up navigation. You'll see this if you've got a large enough screen or if the screen's too short for bottom navigation.
First observe how the proper layout XML code is already in the app.
Open both navigation_activity.xml
and navigation_activity.xml (w960dp)
Notice how both layouts contain a NavigationView connected to nav_drawer_menu. In the tablet version (w960dp) the NavigationView is always on screen. On smaller devices the NavigationView is nested within a DrawerLayout.
navigation_activity.xml (w960dp)
Now to start implementing the NavigationView navigation.
Open MainActivity.kt
Implement the setupNavigationMenu
method using setupWithNavController(navigationView: NavigationView, navController: NavController). Notice how this version of the method takes a NavigationView
and not a BottomNavigationView
Now the navigation view menu will show on the screen, but it will not affect the ActionBar.
Setting up the ActionBar
requires creating an instance of AppBarConfiguration. The purpose of AppBarConfiguration
is to specify the configuration options you want for your toolbars, collapsing toolbars, and action bars. Configuration options include whether the bar must handle a drawer layout and which destinations are considered top-level destinations.
Top-level destinations are the root-level destinations of your app. These destinations do not display an "up" button in the app bar, and they display the drawer icon if the destination uses a drawer layout.
Create an AppBarConfiguration
by passing in a set of top-level destination IDs and the drawer layout.
How to determine top-level destinations
Destinations reachable via global navigation UI, such as bottom nav or side nav, all appear to users as on the same top level of the hierarchy. Therefore, they are top level destinations. home_dest and deeplink_dest are in the bottom nav and we want the drawer icon to show on both of these destinations, so they are top-level destinations.
Note that the start destination is always considered a top-level destination. If you don't specify a list of top-level destinations, then the only top-level destination is your start destination. You can learn more about AppBarConfiguration in the documentation.
Now that you have an AppBarConfiguration, you can call NavigationUI.setupActionBarWithNavController. This will do the following:
Implement setupActionBarWithNavController
You should also have NavigationUI handle what happens when the Up button is pressed.
and call NavigationUI.navigateUp, using the same AppBarConfiguration
Run your code. If you open the app in split screen, you should have a working navigation drawer. The up icon and the drawer icon should display at the appropriate times and work correctly.
The layout navigation_activity.xml (h470dp) will be used on phones in portrait mode. This layout does not include the navigation drawer and instead includes the bottom navigation, which is why you should open the app in split screen to see the navigation drawer. The reason there is not a layout with both a navigation drawer and bottom navigation is because Material Design guidelines cautions against this.
Adding new destinations to a NavigationView
is easy. Once you have the navigation drawer working with up and back navigation, you just need to add the new menu item.
Open menu/nav_drawer_menu.xml
Add a new menu item for setting_dest
Now your navigation drawers shows the Settings screen as a destination.
Navigation components also include deep link support. Deep links are a way to jump into the middle of your app's navigation, whether that's from an actual URL link or a pending intent from a notification.
One benefit of using the navigation library to handle deep links is that it ensures users start on the right destination with the appropriate back stack from other entry points such as app widgets, notifications, or web links (covered in the next step).
Navigation provides a NavDeepLinkBuilder
class to construct a PendingIntent
that will take the user to a specific destination.
We'll use the NavDeepLinkBuilder
to hook up an app widget to a destination.
Add a PendingIntent
constructed with NavDeepLinkBuilder
includes the navigation graph.setDestination
specifies where the link goes to.
includes any arguments you want to pass into your deep link.
By default NavDeepLinkBuilder will start your launcher Activity. You can override this behavior by passing in an activity as the context or set an explicit activity class via setComponentName().
Add the Deep Link widget to your home screen.
destination.As a convenience, you can also call NavController's createDeepLink() method to use the Context and current navigation graph from the NavController.
The backstack for a deep link is determined using the navigation graph you pass in. If the explicit Activity you've chosen has a parent activity, those parent Activities are also included.
The backstack is generated using the destinations specified with app:startDestination
. In this app we only have one activity and one level of navigation, so the backstack will take you to the home_dest
More complicated navigation can include nested navigation graphs. The app:startDestination
at each level of the nested graphs determines the backstack. For more information on deep links and nested graphs, check out the Principles of Navigation.
One of the most common uses of a deep link is to allow a web link to open an activity in your app. Traditionally you would use an intent-filter and associate a URL with the activity you want to open.
The navigation library makes this extremely simple and allows you to map URLs directly to destinations in your navigation graph.
is an element you can add to a destination in your graph. Each <deepLink>
element has a single required attribute: app:uri
In addition to a direct URI match, the following features are supported:
URIs without a scheme are assumed to be http and https. For example,
will match
You can use placeholders in the form of {placeholder_name}
to match one or more characters. The String value of the placeholder is available in the arguments Bundle which has a key of the same name. For example,{id}
will match
You can use the .*
wildcard to match zero or more characters.
NavController will automatically handle ACTION_VIEW intents and look for matching deep links.
In this step, you'll add a deep link to
Open mobile_navigation.xml
Add a <deepLink>
element to the deeplink_dest
Open AndroidManifest.xml
Add the nav-graph
tag. This will ensure the appropriate intent filter is generated
Launch your app using a deep link. There are two ways to do this:
Use adb
Navigate via the Google app. You should be able to put in the search bar and the disambiguation window will appear. Select Navigation codelab
Either way, you should see the message "urlTest" on screen. This was passed through to the fragment, from the URL.