zustand 공식 문서 읽기 - 5

장동균·2022년 12월 2일

Map and Set Usage

Map과 Set을 객체로 감싼 상태에서, 해당 값을 갱신해야 할 때 setState 함수를 호출해서 갱신할 수 있다.

import create from 'zustand'

const useFooBar = create(() => ({ foo: new Map(), bar: new Set() }))

function doSomething() {
  useFooBar.setState((prev) => ({
    foo: new Map(prev.foo).set('newKey', 'newValue'),
    bar: new Set(prev.bar).add('newKey'),

Connect to state with URL hash

hash는 #과 함꼐 URL에 붙는 요소

import create from 'zustand'
import { persist, StateStorage } from 'zustand/middleware'

const hashStorage: StateStorage = {
  getItem: (key): string => {
    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.slice(1))
    const storedValue = searchParams.get(key)
    return JSON.parse(storedValue)
  setItem: (key, newValue): void => {
    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.slice(1))
    searchParams.set(key, JSON.stringify(newValue))
    location.hash = searchParams.toString()
  removeItem: (key): void => {
    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.slice(1))
    location.hash = searchParams.toString()

export const useBoundStore = create(
    (set, get) => ({
      fishes: 0,
      addAFish: () => set({ fishes: get().fishes + 1 }),
      name: 'food-storage', // unique name
      getStorage: () => hashStorage,
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