Distributed Computing

더기덕·2022년 4월 7일

Big Data Basics

What is a distributed computing?

  • A local process will use the computation resources of a single machine
  • A distributed process has access to the computational resources across a number of machines connected through network

Why should you use distributed computing?

  • After a certain point, it is easier to scale out to many lower CPU machines, than to try to scale up to a single machine with a high CPU
  • Fault Tolerance : if one machine fails, the whole network still goes on

What is Hadoop?

  • a way to distribute large files across multiple machines
  • it uses HDFS
  • HDFS duplicates blocks of data for fault tolerance
  • MapReduce manipulates and used the data

Hadoop Basic Structure


  • use blocks of data, with a default size of 128MB
  • Each block is replicated 3 times


  • MapReduce is a way to split a computation task to a distributed set of files
  • Job Tracker : Sends code to run on the task trackers
  • Task Tracker : allocates CPU and memory for the tasks and monitor the tasks on the worker nodes

Spark Basics

What is Spark?

  • an open source project on Apache
  • a flexible alternative to MapReduce

Why use Spark?

  • can use data stored in variety of formats
    - Cassandra
    - AWS S3
    - HDFS
    - and more
  • can perform operations up to 100x faster than MapReduce
    - Spark keeps most of the data in memory after each transformation / uses disk when the memory is filled

What is RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset)?

  • 4 Main Features
    - Distributed Collection of Data
    - Fault Tolerant
    - Parallel operation-partitioned
    - Ability to use many data sources

  • 4 Stages of Spark Operation
    - Users Manipulate RDD Objects
    - Spark schedules those tasks with DAG Scheuduler
    - Task Scheduler schedules the tasks onto slave instances
    - Worker carries out the actions

  • RDDs are immutable, lazily evaluated, and cacheable

  • There are two types of RDD operations
    - Transformations
    - Actions

  • Basic Actions
    - First
    - Collect
    - Count
    - Take

  • Basic Transformations
    - RDD.filter() : applies a function to each element and returns elements that evaluate to True

    • RDD.map() : transforms each element and preserves # of elements, very similar idea to pandas.apply()
    • RDD.flatmap() : transforms each element into 0-N element and chages # of elements
      • Transforming a corpus of texts into a list of words
  • Often RDDs will be holding their values in tuples (key,value)

  • Reduce() and ReduceByKey()
    - Reduce() : an action that will aggregte RDD elements using a function that returns a single element

    • ReduceByKey() : an action that will aggregate RDD elements using a function that return a pair RDD

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