Bash shell script Tutorial

Sonny020402·2023년 7월 2일


What is bash shell?

Bash (Bourne-Again SHell) is a popular command-line shell used on Linux, macOS, and other Unix-like operating systems. It is the default shell for most Linux distributions and is widely used by system administrators, developers, and power users.

Bash provides a command-line interface (CLI) for interacting with the operating system, allowing users to execute various commands, run scripts, and automate tasks. It is a powerful tool that allows users to manipulate files, manage processes, navigate the file system, and more.

Bash is also a scripting language, which means users can write scripts to automate repetitive tasks or perform complex operations. Bash scripts can include conditional statements, loops, variables, and functions, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of tasks.

Overall, Bash is a powerful and flexible tool that is essential for anyone working with Linux or other Unix-like systems.

What is shell script?

A shell script is a computer program designed to be run by a shell, such as Bash, Zsh, or Fish. It is a series of commands written in a scripting language that are interpreted by the shell. Shell scripts are typically used to automate tasks and perform repetitive operations on the command line.

Shell scripts can be used for a wide range of tasks, such as system administration, data processing, text manipulation, and more. They can include conditional statements, loops, functions, variables, and other programming constructs, making them powerful tools for automating complex operations.

One of the key benefits of shell scripts is that they can be easily modified and customized to suit specific needs. They can be edited with a text editor and executed from the command line or scheduled to run at specific times using a system scheduler.

Overall, shell scripts are a versatile and powerful tool that can greatly improve productivity and streamline workflows for users working with the command line.

Please write bash shell script printing "Hello world!" to terminal

Sure, here's an example Bash shell script that prints "Hello world!" to the terminal:


echo "Hello world!"

This script starts with the shebang line #!/bin/bash which tells the system which interpreter to use to run the script. The echo command is used to print the message "Hello world!" to the terminal.

Save the script as a file with a .sh extension (e.g. Make sure the file is executable by running chmod +x Then you can run the script by typing ./ in the terminal. The output should be "Hello world!".

Please explain variables in shell script. What is special variables and what is user-defined?

Variables in shell scripts are used to store values that can be used later in the script. A variable is a name assigned to a value or a string of text. There are two types of variables in shell scripts: special variables and user-defined variables.

Special variables are predefined variables that are built into the shell and have special meanings. These variables are automatically set by the shell and are used to provide information about the environment or the status of the script. Some examples of special variables are:

  • $0: The name of the script or shell being executed.
  • $1, $2, $3, ... : The first, second, third, and so on, command-line arguments passed to the script.
  • $#: The number of command-line arguments passed to the script.
  • $?: The exit status of the last command executed.

User-defined variables, on the other hand, are variables that are created by the user in the script. They are assigned values using the = sign and can be referenced later in the script by using the variable name preceded by a $ sign. Here's an example of how to define and use a user-defined variable:


# Assign a value to a variable
message="Hello world!"

# Print the value of the variable
echo $message

In this example, we define a variable called message and assign the value "Hello world!" to it. We then use the echo command to print the value of the variable to the terminal.

Overall, variables in shell scripts are an essential feature that allows users to store and manipulate data. By understanding the differences between special and user-defined variables, users can take advantage of the full range of capabilities offered by shell scripting.

Explain system variable too.

System variables are a type of special variable in shell scripts that are set by the system or shell environment. These variables provide information about the system configuration, user preferences, and other system-related details.

Some examples of system variables are:

  • $HOME: The user's home directory.
  • $PATH: A list of directories where the shell looks for executable files.
  • $SHELL: The path to the current shell being used.
  • $USER: The username of the current user.
  • $HOSTNAME: The hostname of the current machine.

System variables can be useful in shell scripts when you need to access information about the system or environment in which the script is running. You can use them to build paths to files or directories, set default values for variables, or perform conditional statements based on the system configuration.

To see a list of all the currently defined variables in the shell environment, you can use the set command. This command will print a list of all the user-defined, system, and special variables currently set in the shell.

Overall, system variables are an essential feature of shell scripting, allowing users to access and manipulate system-related information in their scripts.

How to read user input?

To read user input in a shell script, you can use the read command. The read command waits for the user to type something on the keyboard and then stores the input into a variable. Here's an example:


# Ask the user for their name
echo "What is your name?"
read name

# Greet the user
echo "Hello, $name!"

In this example, we use the echo command to prompt the user for their name, and then we use the read command to wait for the user to type their name. The user's input is then stored in the name variable, which we use to greet the user with a personalized message.

Note that when using the read command, the user's input is terminated by pressing the Enter key. The read command will read all the input up to the Enter key and store it in the specified variable.

You can also use the -p option with the read command to print the prompt message on the same line as the user input, like this:


# Ask the user for their name
read -p "What is your name? " name

# Greet the user
echo "Hello, $name!"

In this example, we use the -p option to print the prompt message on the same line as the user input, making the output look cleaner and more organized.

Overall, the read command is a simple yet powerful tool for reading user input in shell scripts.

How to read as array?

To read user input as an array in a shell script, you can use a loop and the read command. Here's an example:


# Prompt the user to enter some names
echo "Enter some names, separated by spaces:"
read -a names

# Print the names back to the user
echo "You entered the following names:"
for name in "${names[@]}"
  echo "- $name"

In this example, we use the read command with the -a option to read the user's input as an array named names. The user is prompted to enter some names, separated by spaces. Then, we loop through the names array and print each name back to the user.

Note that when using the read command with the -a option, the input is automatically split into an array based on whitespace. If you want to use a different delimiter, you can set the IFS (Internal Field Separator) variable before calling read. For example:


# Set the delimiter to a comma
echo "Enter some names, separated by commas:"
read -a names

# Print the names back to the user
echo "You entered the following names:"
for name in "${names[@]}"
  echo "- $name"

How to use array variables?

Array variables are used to store multiple values under a single variable name in Bash. You can use array variables to group related data together and to perform operations on the data as a whole.

Here's an example of how to declare and use an array variable in Bash:


# Declare an array variable
fruits=("apple" "banana" "orange" "grape" "kiwi")

# Print the first element of the array
echo "${fruits[0]}"

# Print the entire array
echo "${fruits[@]}"

# Print the length of the array
echo "${#fruits[@]}"

In this example, we declare an array variable named fruits that contains five different fruit names. We then print the first element of the array using ${fruits[0]}, which outputs "apple".

We also print the entire array using ${fruits[@]}, which outputs all of the fruit names in the array separated by spaces: "apple banana orange grape kiwi".

Finally, we print the length of the array using ${#fruits[@]}, which outputs the number of elements in the array, in this case "5".

You can also add and remove elements from an array using the += and unset operators, respectively. Here are some examples:


# Declare an array variable
fruits=("apple" "banana" "orange" "grape" "kiwi")

# Add a new element to the end of the array

# Remove the third element from the array
unset fruits[2]

# Print the updated array
echo "${fruits[@]}"

In this example, we first declare the fruits array variable. We then use the += operator to add a new element ("pear") to the end of the array.

Next, we use the unset operator to remove the third element ("orange") from the array. Finally, we print the updated array using ${fruits[@]}, which outputs "apple banana grape kiwi pear".

How to pass arguments to a bash-script?

You can pass arguments to a Bash script using the command line when you run the script. The arguments are passed as strings separated by spaces. The Bash shell automatically assigns these strings to special variables, called positional parameters.

Here is an example of how to pass arguments to a Bash script:


echo "The first argument is: $1"
echo "The second argument is: $2"
echo "The third argument is: $3"

In this example, we have a simple Bash script that takes three arguments. We use the special variables $1, $2, and $3 to refer to the first, second, and third arguments, respectively. When we run the script and pass the arguments on the command line, the Bash shell assigns them to these variables.

For example, if we save the script as and run the following command:

$ ./ hello world 123

The script will output:

The first argument is: hello
The second argument is: world
The third argument is: 123

You can also use the special variable $0 to refer to the name of the script itself. This is useful when you want to display the script name in error messages or usage instructions.

You can access all the arguments passed to the script using the special variable $@. This variable holds an array of all the positional parameters passed to the script.

For example, you can use the following code to print all the arguments passed to the script:


echo "All arguments: $@"

When you run the script with some arguments, like this:

$ ./ foo bar baz

The output will be:

All arguments: foo bar baz

Overall, passing arguments to a Bash script is a simple and powerful way to make your scripts more flexible and reusable.

Control and File I/O

How to use if-else statement in bash-script?

In bash script, the if-else statement is used to execute different commands based on certain conditions. Here is the basic syntax:

if [ condition ]
    #commands to be executed if condition is true
    #commands to be executed if condition is false

The condition can be any expression that evaluates to true or false, for example, a comparison between two values using operators like =, !=, -eq, -ne, -lt, -gt, -le, -ge, or logical operators like -a (and), -o (or), ! (not).

Here is an example of a script that uses an if-else statement to check if a file exists:


if [ -e "/path/to/file" ]
    echo "File exists."
    echo "File does not exist."

In this example, the -e option is used to test if the file exists. If it does, the message "File exists." will be printed. If not, the message "File does not exist." will be printed.

Explain case statement

Sure, I'd be happy to explain the case statement in Bash scripting.

The case statement is a conditional construct in Bash that allows you to test a variable or expression against a set of possible values. It is similar to the switch statement in other programming languages.

The syntax of the case statement is as follows:

case expression in

Here's a breakdown of each component of the case statement:

  • expression is the variable or expression that you want to test.
  • pattern is a specific value or pattern that you want to match against expression.
  • command is the action that you want to take if expression matches pattern.
  • ;; is the terminator for each command block.
  • ) is a default pattern that matches anything that doesn't match the other patterns.
  • default_command is the action that you want to take if none of the other patterns match.

(Sonny : Here, * is a ‘wild card’ or regular expression)

Here's an example of a case statement in action:


echo "Enter a fruit name: "
read fruit

case "$fruit" in
    echo "You entered an apple."
    echo "You entered a banana."
    echo "You entered an orange."
    echo "You didn't enter a valid fruit."
  • Give me a example of case-statement using regular expression

Certainly! You can use regular expressions with the case statement in Bash by including the regular expression pattern within the pattern component of the statement.

Here's an example of a case statement using regular expressions:


echo "Enter a string: "
read input

case "$input" in
    echo "You entered a string starting with a number."
    echo "You entered a string ending with a number."
    echo "You entered a string starting with an uppercase letter."
    echo "You entered a string starting with a lowercase letter."
    echo "You entered a string with no special pattern."

List up file test operators.

In Bash, the file test operators are used to test various attributes of files or directories. Here are some of the most commonly used file test operators:

  • -e file: Tests if the file exists
  • -f file: Tests if the file exists and is a regular file
  • -d file: Tests if the file exists and is a directory
  • -s file: Tests if the file exists and has a size greater than zero
  • -r file: Tests if the file exists and is readable
  • -w file: Tests if the file exists and is writable
  • -x file: Tests if the file exists and is executable
  • -h file: Tests if the file exists and is a symbolic link
  • -L file: Tests if the file exists and is a symbolic link (equivalent to h)
  • -p file: Tests if the file exists and is a named pipe (FIFO)
  • -t [FD]: Tests if the file descriptor FD (default is 1) is associated with a terminal
  • -u file: Tests if the file exists and its setuid bit is set
  • -g file: Tests if the file exists and its setgid bit is set
  • -k file: Tests if the file exists and its sticky bit is set
  • -N file: Tests if the file exists and has been modified since it was last read
  • -o file: Tests if the file exists and is owned by the current user
  • -G file: Tests if the file exists and is owned by the current user's group

To use these operators, simply place them inside square brackets followed by the file or directory name you want to test. For example:

if [ -f /path/to/file ]
    echo "File exists and is a regular file."

How to append output to the end of text file?

In Bash, you can append the output of a command to the end of a text file using the >> redirection operator. Here's an example:

echo "This is a line of text." >> myfile.txt

In this example, the echo command outputs the text "This is a line of text." to the console. The >> operator redirects this output to the end of the file myfile.txt instead of the console.

If the file myfile.txt does not exist, it will be created. If it already exists, the output will be appended to the end of the file.

You can also append the output of a command pipeline to a file. For example:

ls -la | grep ".txt" >> myfile.txt

In this example, the ls -la command lists all files in the current directory, and the grep ".txt" command filters the output to show only files with the .txt extension. The >> operator appends this filtered output to the end of the file myfile.txt.

  • why >> rather than > ?

The > redirection operator is used to redirect the output of a command to a file, and it will overwrite the contents of the file if it already exists.

On the other hand, the >> redirection operator is used to append the output of a command to the end of a file, preserving its existing contents.

So if you use > instead of >> to redirect the output of a command to a file that already exists, it will overwrite the file with the new output, losing any previous content.

In summary, > is used to create or overwrite a file with new output, while >> is used to append new output to the end of an existing file.

Logical Operation & Arithmetic Operation

Explain logical ‘AND’ operation.

In Bash, the logical AND operation is denoted by the -a operator or the && operator. It is used to test whether two or more conditions are true.

The logical AND operator evaluates the first condition and if it is true, then it evaluates the second condition. If both conditions are true, then the overall expression is true. Otherwise, the overall expression is false.

Here is an example of using the && operator to perform a logical AND operation:

if [ -f file.txt ] && [ -r file.txt ]
    echo "The file exists and is readable."
    echo "Either the file does not exist or it is not readable."

In this example, the if statement checks if both conditions are true: if the file file.txt exists (-f test) and if it is readable (-r test). If both conditions are true, the message "The file exists and is readable." will be printed. If either of the conditions is false, the message "Either the file does not exist or it is not readable." will be printed.

Note that both conditions must be enclosed in square brackets and separated by the && operator in the if statement.

Explain logical ‘OR’ operation.

In Bash, the logical OR operation is denoted by the -o operator or the || operator. It is used to test whether at least one of two or more conditions is true.

The logical OR operator evaluates the first condition and if it is true, then the overall expression is true, without evaluating the second condition. If the first condition is false, then it evaluates the second condition. If the second condition is true, then the overall expression is true. Otherwise, the overall expression is false.

Here is an example of using the || operator to perform a logical OR operation:

if [ -f file.txt ] || [ -f file2.txt ]
    echo "At least one of the files exists."
    echo "Neither of the files exists."

In this example, the if statement checks if either the file file.txt exists (-f test) or the file file2.txt exists. If at least one of the files exists, the message "At least one of the files exists." will be printed. If neither of the files exists, the message "Neither of the files exists." will be printed.

Note that both conditions must be enclosed in square brackets and separated by the || operator in the if statement.

Explain arithmetic operations.

In Bash, arithmetic operations can be performed using the $(( )) construct. This construct allows you to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Here are some examples of arithmetic operations:

# Addition
result=$((5 + 3))
echo $result    # Output: 8

# Subtraction
result=$((10 - 5))
echo $result    # Output: 5

# Multiplication
result=$((4 * 6))
echo $result    # Output: 24

# Division
result=$((12 / 4))
echo $result    # Output: 3

In these examples, we use the $(( )) construct to perform the arithmetic operations. The result of the operation is stored in the result variable and then printed to the console using the echo command.

Note that Bash performs integer arithmetic by default. If you need to perform floating-point arithmetic, you can use an external tool such as bc (basic calculator) or awk.

In addition to basic arithmetic operations, Bash also supports other arithmetic operators such as modulus (%), increment (++), and decrement (--). Here's an example:

# Modulus
result=$((20 % 3))
echo $result    # Output: 2

# Increment
echo $value     # Output: 6

# Decrement
echo $value     # Output: 9

In the increment and decrement examples, the value variable is first set to a value, and then incremented or decremented using the ++ or -- operators.

  • How to use ‘expr’?

In Bash, expr is a command that can be used to perform arithmetic operations or evaluate expressions. The syntax of the expr command is as follows:

expr expression

Here, expression is the arithmetic expression that you want to evaluate. The expression can contain integers, operators, and parentheses. Here are some examples of using expr:

# Addition
result=$(expr 5 + 3)
echo $result    # Output: 8

# Subtraction
result=$(expr 10 - 5)
echo $result    # Output: 5

# Multiplication
result=$(expr 4 \* 6)
echo $result    # Output: 24

# Division
result=$(expr 12 / 4)
echo $result    # Output: 3

In these examples, we use expr to perform basic arithmetic operations. The result of the operation is stored in the result variable and then printed to the console using the echo command.

Note that the * operator needs to be escaped with a backslash (\) when used with expr. This is because * is a special character in Bash and needs to be escaped to be treated as a literal *.

expr can also be used to evaluate expressions that contain variables or functions. Here is an example:


result=$(expr $value1 \* $value2 + $(date +%s))
echo $result    # Output: a number that depends on the current time

In this example, we use expr to evaluate an expression that contains the values of two variables (value1 and value2) and the current time (using the date command with the %s format specifier to get the number of seconds since the Unix epoch). The result of the expression is stored in the result variable and then printed to the console using the echo command.

Note that when using expr with variables, you need to enclose the variable names in $() to ensure that their values are substituted in the expression.

Explain floating point math operations in bash script

In Bash, floating-point math operations can be performed using the bc command, which is a command-line calculator that supports floating-point arithmetic.

To use bc in a Bash script, you can pipe input to bc and specify the scale (number of decimal places) using the scale command. Here's an example of adding two floating-point numbers:



# Add the two numbers using bc
sum=$(echo "scale=2; $num1 + $num2" | bc)

echo "The sum of $num1 and $num2 is $sum"

In this example, echo "scale=2; $num1 + $num2" | bc sends the expression "3.14 + 2.71" to bc with a scale of 2. The resulting sum is stored in the sum variable, which is then printed to the console.

You can also perform other math operations, such as subtraction, multiplication, and division, using similar syntax. For example:

# Subtract num2 from num1
difference=$(echo "scale=2; $num1 - $num2" | bc)

# Multiply num1 by num2
product=$(echo "$num1 * $num2" | bc)

# Divide num1 by num2
quotient=$(echo "scale=2; $num1 / $num2" | bc)

# As sqrt is in standard math library, -l flags are used
sqrt=$(echo "scale=2; sqrt($num1)" | bc -l) 
power=$(echo "scale=2; 3^($num1)" | bc -l) 

Keep in mind that bc
can be slow compared to other programming languages, so it's best to use it only when necessary. Additionally, bc
does not support more advanced mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions or logarithms.

(Sonny : Note that | is pipe!)


How to use WHILE loop in bash?

In Bash, you can use the while loop to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a certain condition is true. The syntax for the while loop is as follows:

while [ condition ]
  # Code block to be executed

Here's an example of how to use a while loop in Bash:


# Initialize a counter variable

# Execute the loop while the counter is less than or equal to 5
while [ $counter -le 5 ]
  echo "Loop iteration: $counter"

In this example, we use a while loop to execute a code block five times, as long as the counter variable is less than or equal to 5.

Inside the loop, we print the current iteration number using echo "Loop iteration: $counter", and then increment the counter by 1 using counter=$((counter+1)).

When the counter variable reaches 6, the condition [ $counter -le 5 ] is no longer true, and the loop terminates.

You can also use the break and continue statements within a while loop to control the flow of the loop. The break statement immediately exits the loop, while the continue statement skips the current iteration of the loop and moves on to the next one.

How to read file content with WHILE LOOP?

To read the contents of a file line-by-line in a while loop in Bash, you can use a combination of the read and while commands.

Here's an example script that reads the contents of a file named input.txt and prints each line to the console:


# Set the file to read from

# Use a while loop to read each line of the file
while read line
  echo "$line"
done < "$file"

In this script, we first set the name of the file that we want to read from. We then use a while loop to read each line of the file, one at a time. Inside the loop, we use the echo command to print the current line to the console.

Note that we use the < symbol to redirect the contents of the file to the stdin of the loop, so that the read command reads from the file instead of from the console. We also use the $line variable to store the current line of the file, which is set by the read command.

You can modify this script to suit your specific needs by changing the name of the input file and replacing the echo command with your desired processing logic for each line of the file.

  • How about using pipe?

Yes, you can also read the contents of a file line-by-line using a pipe (|) in Bash. This is useful when you want to read the output of a command or the contents of a file that is being generated on-the-fly, without having to write the contents to a file first.

Here's an example script that reads the output of the ls command using a pipe and prints each line to the console:


# Use a while loop to read each line of the output of the 'ls' command
ls | while read line
  echo "$line"

In this script, we use the ls command to generate a list of files in the current directory, and then pipe the output of the command to the while loop. Inside the loop, we use the read command to read each line of the output, and then use the echo command to print the current line to the console.

Note that we don't need to specify a file name when using a pipe, since the output of the ls command is being sent directly to the loop. Also note that we don't need to use the < symbol to redirect the input of the loop, since the input is coming from the output of the ls command.

You can modify this script to suit your specific needs by replacing the ls command with your desired command or by using a different pipe as input to the loop.

How to use UNTIL loop in bash?

In Bash, the until loop is similar to the while loop, but with the condition inverted. The loop will continue executing until a specific condition becomes true, at which point the loop will terminate.

Here's the basic syntax of the until loop:

until condition
  # Commands to execute while condition is false

The condition is a Bash expression that is evaluated at the beginning of each iteration of the loop. If the condition is false, the commands inside the loop are executed. If the condition is true, the loop terminates.

Here's an example script that uses an until loop to count down from 10 to 1:


# Set the starting value of the counter

# Use an until loop to count down from 10 to 1
until [ $counter -lt 1 ]
  echo $counter
  counter=$((counter - 1))

In this script, we first set the starting value of the counter to 10. We then use an until loop to count down from 10 to 1. The condition for the loop is [ $counter -lt 1 ], which checks if the value of the counter is less than 1. Since the starting value of the counter is 10, the condition is false at the beginning of the loop, so the commands inside the loop are executed.

Inside the loop, we use the echo command to print the current value of the counter to the console. We then decrement the value of the counter by 1 using the counter=$((counter - 1)) command.

The loop continues to execute until the value of the counter becomes less than 1. At that point, the condition becomes true, and the loop terminates.

You can modify this script to suit your specific needs by changing the starting value of the counter and modifying the commands inside the loop to perform your desired processing logic.

How to use FOR loop?

In Bash, the for loop is used to iterate over a list of items and execute a set of commands for each item in the list. Here's the basic syntax of the for loop:

for item in list
  # Commands to execute for each item in the list

The list is a Bash expression that evaluates to a list of items, separated by spaces. The item variable is used to store the current item from the list, and the commands inside the loop are executed once for each item in the list.

Here's an example script that uses a for loop to iterate over a list of filenames and print each filename to the console:


# Set the list of filenames to iterate over
files=("file1.txt" "file2.txt" "file3.txt")

# Use a for loop to iterate over the list of filenames
for file in "${files[@]}"
  echo $file

In this script, we first set the list of filenames to iterate over by defining an array called files with three elements. We then use a for loop to iterate over the list of filenames. The file variable is used to store the current filename from the list, and the echo command is used to print the filename to the console.

The loop will execute once for each filename in the list, and will terminate once all filenames have been processed.

You can modify this script to suit your specific needs by changing the list of filenames, or by modifying the commands inside the loop to perform your desired processing logic.

  • Another form like C?

Yes, in Bash, you can also use a forloop that has a similar syntax to the forloop in C:

for (( initialization; condition; increment ))
  # Commands to execute for each iteration of the loop

In this syntax, the initialization is a command that is executed once at the beginning of the loop to initialize any variables or state needed for the loop. The condition is a Bash expression that is evaluated at the beginning of each iteration of the loop, and if it is true, the commands inside the loop are executed. The increment is a command that is executed at the end of each iteration of the loop to update any variables or state needed for the next iteration.

Here's an example script that uses this syntax to print the numbers 1 to 10 to the console:


# Use a for loop to print the numbers 1 to 10
for (( i=1; i<=10; i++ ))
  echo $i
  • Sonny : Here is another version of making list

for i in {1..10..1} #{START..END..STRIDE}
	echo $i

How to use for-loop to execute command?

Yes, you can use a list of commands inside a for loop in Bash. To do this, you can store the list of commands in an array and then iterate over the array using a for loop.

Here's an example of how you can use a list of commands in a for loop:

# Declare an array of commands
commands=("ls -la" "pwd" "echo 'Hello, World!'")

# Loop over the commands and execute each one
for cmd in "${commands[@]}"

In this example, the commands array contains three commands: ls -la, pwd, and echo 'Hello, World!'. The for loop iterates over each element in the array using the ${commands[@]} syntax, and executes each command using the $cmd variable.

You can modify the commands array to contain any list of commands that you want to execute. And, you can add additional commands to the loop by simply appending them to the commands array.

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