Web Crawling - Starbucks

Haebin Ethan Jeong·2020년 6월 4일

Objective: To web crawl the name of the drink and its image.

Importing selenium to the python file.

Locating the common directory from the top:

  • As you can see there is a product list on the top, and inside dd tags, you can access the name and the image url of the drink.
  • menu_list = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('.product_list dd .menuDataSet
  • You can omit all the common tags (like ul and li), and you don't need '>' when the directories are not directly related. JUST SPACES.

Locating the final information

  • As you can see above, we are inside .menuDataSet right now, and we want to get to 'img src', and 'dd' for the image and the name.
  • In order to do that, we need to use 'find_element_by_css_selector'. Since it's iterating through for loop, we don't need to do 'find_elements_by_css_selector'.
  • Here, we need to add '.text' next to 'coffee.find_element_by_css_selector('dd').
    - If we don't add '.text, the elements are not in text form, so it prints like this:
  • We don't need '.text' for img part because we put '.get_attribute' which makes it the text form.


  • Don't forget to close the driver and the csv file!!

Final CSV file

I'm a Junior studying Economics and Computer Science at Vanderbilt University.

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