매일 공식문서 읽어보기 006 - Pandas 1.5.0

김영하·2022년 10월 23일


By “group by” we are referring to a process involving one or more of the following steps:

  • Splitting the data into groups based on some criteria
  • Applying a function to each group independently
  • Combining the results into a data structure

See the Grouping section.

In [87]: df = pd.DataFrame(
   ....:     {
   ....:         "A": ["foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", "foo", "foo"],
   ....:         "B": ["one", "one", "two", "three", "two", "two", "one", "three"],
   ....:         "C": np.random.randn(8),
   ....:         "D": np.random.randn(8),
   ....:     }
   ....: )

In [88]: df
     A      B         C         D
0  foo    one  1.346061 -1.577585
1  bar    one  1.511763  0.396823
2  foo    two  1.627081 -0.105381
3  bar  three -0.990582 -0.532532
4  foo    two -0.441652  1.453749
5  bar    two  1.211526  1.208843
6  foo    one  0.268520 -0.080952
7  foo  three  0.024580 -0.264610

Grouping and then applying the sum() function to the resulting groups:

In [89]: df.groupby("A")[["C", "D"]].sum()
            C         D
bar  1.732707  1.073134
foo  2.824590 -0.574779

Grouping by multiple columns forms a hierarchical index, and again we can apply the sum() function:

In [90]: df.groupby(["A", "B"]).sum()
                  C         D
A   B                        
bar one    1.511763  0.396823
    three -0.990582 -0.532532
    two    1.211526  1.208843
foo one    1.614581 -1.658537
    three  0.024580 -0.264610
    two    1.185429  1.348368


See the sections on Hierarchical Indexing and Reshaping.


In [91]: tuples = list(
   ....:     zip(
   ....:         ["bar", "bar", "baz", "baz", "foo", "foo", "qux", "qux"],
   ....:         ["one", "two", "one", "two", "one", "two", "one", "two"],
   ....:     )
   ....: )

In [92]: index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["first", "second"])

In [93]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 2), index=index, columns=["A", "B"])

In [94]: df2 = df[:4]

In [95]: df2
                     A         B
first second                    
bar   one    -0.727965 -0.589346
      two     0.339969 -0.693205
baz   one    -0.339355  0.593616
      two     0.884345  1.591431

The stack() method “compresses” a level in the DataFrame’s columns:

In [96]: stacked = df2.stack()

In [97]: stacked
first  second   
bar    one     A   -0.727965
               B   -0.589346
       two     A    0.339969
               B   -0.693205
baz    one     A   -0.339355
               B    0.593616
       two     A    0.884345
               B    1.591431
dtype: float64

With a “stacked” DataFrame or Series (having a MultiIndex as the index), the inverse operation of stack() is unstack(), which by default unstacks the last level:

In [98]: stacked.unstack()
                     A         B
first second                    
bar   one    -0.727965 -0.589346
      two     0.339969 -0.693205
baz   one    -0.339355  0.593616
      two     0.884345  1.591431

In [99]: stacked.unstack(1)
second        one       two
bar   A -0.727965  0.339969
      B -0.589346 -0.693205
baz   A -0.339355  0.884345
      B  0.593616  1.591431

In [100]: stacked.unstack(0)
first          bar       baz
one    A -0.727965 -0.339355
       B -0.589346  0.593616
two    A  0.339969  0.884345
       B -0.693205  1.591431

Pivot tables

See the section on Pivot Tables.

In [101]: df = pd.DataFrame(
   .....:     {
   .....:         "A": ["one", "one", "two", "three"] * 3,
   .....:         "B": ["A", "B", "C"] * 4,
   .....:         "C": ["foo", "foo", "foo", "bar", "bar", "bar"] * 2,
   .....:         "D": np.random.randn(12),
   .....:         "E": np.random.randn(12),
   .....:     }
   .....: )

In [102]: df
        A  B    C         D         E
0     one  A  foo -1.202872  0.047609
1     one  B  foo -1.814470 -0.136473
2     two  C  foo  1.018601 -0.561757
3   three  A  bar -0.595447 -1.623033
4     one  B  bar  1.395433  0.029399
5     one  C  bar -0.392670 -0.542108
6     two  A  foo  0.007207  0.282696
7   three  B  foo  1.928123 -0.087302
8     one  C  foo -0.055224 -1.575170
9     one  A  bar  2.395985  1.771208
10    two  B  bar  1.552825  0.816482
11  three  C  bar  0.166599  1.100230

pivot_table() pivots a DataFrame specifying the values, index and columns

In [103]: pd.pivot_table(df, values="D", index=["A", "B"], columns=["C"])
C             bar       foo
A     B                    
one   A  2.395985 -1.202872
      B  1.395433 -1.814470
      C -0.392670 -0.055224
three A -0.595447       NaN
      B       NaN  1.928123
      C  0.166599       NaN
two   A       NaN  0.007207
      B  1.552825       NaN
      C       NaN  1.018601

Time series

pandas has simple, powerful, and efficient functionality for performing resampling operations during frequency conversion (e.g., converting secondly data into 5-minutely data). This is extremely common in, but not limited to, financial applications. See the Time Series section.

In [104]: rng = pd.date_range("1/1/2012", periods=100, freq="S")

In [105]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 500, len(rng)), index=rng)

In [106]: ts.resample("5Min").sum()
2012-01-01    24182
Freq: 5T, dtype: int64

Series.tz_localize() localizes a time series to a time zone:

In [107]: rng = pd.date_range("3/6/2012 00:00", periods=5, freq="D")

In [108]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)

In [109]: ts
2012-03-06    1.857704
2012-03-07   -1.193545
2012-03-08    0.677510
2012-03-09   -0.153931
2012-03-10    0.520091
Freq: D, dtype: float64

In [110]: ts_utc = ts.tz_localize("UTC")

In [111]: ts_utc
2012-03-06 00:00:00+00:00    1.857704
2012-03-07 00:00:00+00:00   -1.193545
2012-03-08 00:00:00+00:00    0.677510
2012-03-09 00:00:00+00:00   -0.153931
2012-03-10 00:00:00+00:00    0.520091
Freq: D, dtype: float64

Series.tz_convert() converts a timezones aware time series to another time zone:

In [112]: ts_utc.tz_convert("US/Eastern")
2012-03-05 19:00:00-05:00    1.857704
2012-03-06 19:00:00-05:00   -1.193545
2012-03-07 19:00:00-05:00    0.677510
2012-03-08 19:00:00-05:00   -0.153931
2012-03-09 19:00:00-05:00    0.520091
Freq: D, dtype: float64

Converting between time span representations:

In [113]: rng = pd.date_range("1/1/2012", periods=5, freq="M")

In [114]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)

In [115]: ts
2012-01-31   -1.475051
2012-02-29    0.722570
2012-03-31   -0.322646
2012-04-30   -1.601631
2012-05-31    0.778033
Freq: M, dtype: float64

In [116]: ps = ts.to_period()

In [117]: ps
2012-01   -1.475051
2012-02    0.722570
2012-03   -0.322646
2012-04   -1.601631
2012-05    0.778033
Freq: M, dtype: float64

In [118]: ps.to_timestamp()
2012-01-01   -1.475051
2012-02-01    0.722570
2012-03-01   -0.322646
2012-04-01   -1.601631
2012-05-01    0.778033
Freq: MS, dtype: float64

Converting between period and timestamp enables some convenient arithmetic functions to be used. In the following example, we convert a quarterly frequency with year ending in November to 9am of the end of the month following the quarter end:

In [119]: prng = pd.period_range("1990Q1", "2000Q4", freq="Q-NOV")

In [120]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(prng)), prng)

In [121]: ts.index = (prng.asfreq("M", "e") + 1).asfreq("H", "s") + 9

In [122]: ts.head()
1990-03-01 09:00   -0.289342
1990-06-01 09:00    0.233141
1990-09-01 09:00   -0.223540
1990-12-01 09:00    0.542054
1991-03-01 09:00   -0.688585
Freq: H, dtype: float64
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