Day 4 : CSS

Michael Minchang Kim·2020년 3월 25일


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1. CSS Selectors

a. Type Selector

Select elements by their type

b. ID Selector

Select elements by their ID

c. Descendent Selector

Select an element inside another element

p strong{...} => all <strong> elements within the <p> tag
.fruits li{...} => all <li> elements within the fruits class

d. Class Selector

Select elements by their class

e. Combining the Class Selector

You can combine the class selector with other selectors

ul.fruit => all ul elements with the fruit class
#post.fruit => all elements of ID post with the fruit class

f. Comma Combinator

You can list multiple selectors with commas

p, div, .fruit{..} => all elements with <p>, <div> tags or
                      the fruit class

g. The Universal Selector

You can select everything using *

h. Combining the Universal Selector

@@@ * selects all elements within the @@@ element

.fruit *{...} => all elements within the elements with fruit tag

i. Adjacent Sibling Selector (A+B)

This selects all B elements that directly follow the A element

.fruit+li => all the <li>s that come right after the .fruit class

j. General Sibling Selector (A~B)

This selects all B elements that follow the A element

.fruit~li => all the <li>s following the .fruit class

k. Child Selector (A>B)

This selects the elements of B type that are directly within A

l. First Child Pseudo-Selector (A B:first-child)

This selects All first child elements of type B in A

m. Only Child Pseudo-Selector (A B:only-child)

This selects All the only child elements of type B in A

n. Last Child Pseudo-Selector(A B:last-child)

This selects All last child elements of type B in A

o. Nth Child Pseudo-selector(A B:nth-child(C))

This selects the Cth child elements of type B in A

p. Nth Last Child Selector(A B:nth-last-child(C))

This selects the Cth child elements from the back
of type B in A

q. First of Type Selector(A B:first-of-type)

This selects the first element of type B in A

r. Nth of Type Selector(A B:nth-of-type(C))

This selects the Cth element of type B in A
C can be odd or even

s. Nth of Type Selector with Formula

The C is replaced with An+B


t. Only of Type Selector(A B:only-of-type)

This selects the B element if it's the only B in A

u. Last of Type Selector(A B:last-of-type)

This selects all the last element of type B in A

v. Empty Selector(A:empty)

This selects all the A elements that dont have children

w. Negation Pseudo-class(A:not(B))

This selects all A that is not B
There can be multiple Bs

x. Attribute Selector

This selects all elements that have a certain attribute

a[href], [type]

You can have a value for the attribute


You can Specify what the value starts with


You can Specify what the value ends with


You can Specify what the value contains

Soon to be the world's Best programmer ;)

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