Day 1 : HTML/CSS TIL HTML basic HTML tags
HyperTexts are texts that are linked to other texts.Within a web page this is accomplished by Hyperlinks or links.
1. CSS A. CSS Text Properties A-1 font-family property A-2 font size property A-3 font style property A-4 CSS font property shorthand A-5 font wei
1. CSS A. CSS Selectors A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12
use the url funtion to add images as backgroundsthe ratio of the background image can be changed using the bachground-sizespan can be used within oth
The print function literally prints out the contentData types tell what kind of information a certain variable contains.Literally Integers -3,-2,-1,0,
While Loops same as java but you can add an else statement the else statement runs if the conditional gets fullfilled Looping Dictionary a normal loo
Exceptions are used when you want to catch an error and prevent the code from exiting. User inputs increase the chance of errors happening. If the use
similar to java classeshow to create a classhow to construct an instance of a classconstructors are called when a new instance of a class is construct
Arrow functions of the es6 are most used when used as callback functions. Callback functions are functions that are passed to another function as an a
The document object allows you to access the root node of the DOM tree.Like accessing an element you can access the attributes of the different tags w
HTML > When writing HTML make sure you draw out each section and figure out the `` boxes before starting to write code > '! + enter' will autofill th
Git > Git is a version control system also created by Linus Torvals. It is used to manage code version between a group of software developers. 1. Fil
Create your own blog and connect it to git hub.The source for creating a blog is accessable through open source.Static blogs are blogs that store info
Data Structure 1. What is Data Structure? > Data structure is a way to store or organize data so that it is easier to access. There are multiple types
Why use react instaead of vanilla js vanilla js used the dom framework in order to access the different parts of the page. that is too much work arg1
components folder only includes components that can be used again in other pages. otherwise keep them in their corrosponding page folder e.preventD
Immutabilityimmutability means that you cannot change the value or state of an object.the string value is immutable but the string object is mutableif
HTTPhttp(hypertext transfer protocol) is either a request or responsehttp is a protocal used to exchange html fileshttp is stateless so each request d
What is Mock data?Mock data is a json file that you can create to use as an api. create a data folder within the public folder of your react projectwi
when you want to switch between two images depending on an action you can use a boolean as the value of a state to see what image will be displayedAno
how to handle cases where you have to recieve value through props but the data hasn't loaded yet, so the jsx renders without proper data.As you can se