import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
data = pd.read_csv("datasets/movies_metadata.csv",low_memory=False)
adult | belongs_to_collection | budget | genres | homepage | id | imdb_id | original_language | original_title | overview | ... | release_date | revenue | runtime | spoken_languages | status | tagline | title | video | vote_average | vote_count | |
0 | False | {'id': 10194, 'name': 'Toy Story Collection', ... | 30000000 | [{'id': 16, 'name': 'Animation'}, {'id': 35, '... | | 862 | tt0114709 | en | Toy Story | Led by Woody, Andy's toys live happily in his ... | ... | 1995-10-30 | 373554033.0 | 81.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'en', 'name': 'English'}] | Released | NaN | Toy Story | False | 7.7 | 5415.0 |
1 | False | NaN | 65000000 | [{'id': 12, 'name': 'Adventure'}, {'id': 14, '... | NaN | 8844 | tt0113497 | en | Jumanji | When siblings Judy and Peter discover an encha... | ... | 1995-12-15 | 262797249.0 | 104.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'en', 'name': 'English'}, {'iso... | Released | Roll the dice and unleash the excitement! | Jumanji | False | 6.9 | 2413.0 |
2 | False | {'id': 119050, 'name': 'Grumpy Old Men Collect... | 0 | [{'id': 10749, 'name': 'Romance'}, {'id': 35, ... | NaN | 15602 | tt0113228 | en | Grumpier Old Men | A family wedding reignites the ancient feud be... | ... | 1995-12-22 | 0.0 | 101.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'en', 'name': 'English'}] | Released | Still Yelling. Still Fighting. Still Ready for... | Grumpier Old Men | False | 6.5 | 92.0 |
3 | False | NaN | 16000000 | [{'id': 35, 'name': 'Comedy'}, {'id': 18, 'nam... | NaN | 31357 | tt0114885 | en | Waiting to Exhale | Cheated on, mistreated and stepped on, the wom... | ... | 1995-12-22 | 81452156.0 | 127.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'en', 'name': 'English'}] | Released | Friends are the people who let you be yourself... | Waiting to Exhale | False | 6.1 | 34.0 |
4 | False | {'id': 96871, 'name': 'Father of the Bride Col... | 0 | [{'id': 35, 'name': 'Comedy'}] | NaN | 11862 | tt0113041 | en | Father of the Bride Part II | Just when George Banks has recovered from his ... | ... | 1995-02-10 | 76578911.0 | 106.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'en', 'name': 'English'}] | Released | Just When His World Is Back To Normal... He's ... | Father of the Bride Part II | False | 5.7 | 173.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
45461 | False | NaN | 0 | [{'id': 18, 'name': 'Drama'}, {'id': 10751, 'n... | | 439050 | tt6209470 | fa | رگ خواب | Rising and falling between a man and woman. | ... | NaN | 0.0 | 90.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'fa', 'name': 'فارسی'}] | Released | Rising and falling between a man and woman | Subdue | False | 4.0 | 1.0 |
45462 | False | NaN | 0 | [{'id': 18, 'name': 'Drama'}] | NaN | 111109 | tt2028550 | tl | Siglo ng Pagluluwal | An artist struggles to finish his work while a... | ... | 2011-11-17 | 0.0 | 360.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'tl', 'name': ''}] | Released | NaN | Century of Birthing | False | 9.0 | 3.0 |
45463 | False | NaN | 0 | [{'id': 28, 'name': 'Action'}, {'id': 18, 'nam... | NaN | 67758 | tt0303758 | en | Betrayal | When one of her hits goes wrong, a professiona... | ... | 2003-08-01 | 0.0 | 90.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'en', 'name': 'English'}] | Released | A deadly game of wits. | Betrayal | False | 3.8 | 6.0 |
45464 | False | NaN | 0 | [] | NaN | 227506 | tt0008536 | en | Satana likuyushchiy | In a small town live two brothers, one a minis... | ... | 1917-10-21 | 0.0 | 87.0 | [] | Released | NaN | Satan Triumphant | False | 0.0 | 0.0 |
45465 | False | NaN | 0 | [] | NaN | 461257 | tt6980792 | en | Queerama | 50 years after decriminalisation of homosexual... | ... | 2017-06-09 | 0.0 | 75.0 | [{'iso_639_1': 'en', 'name': 'English'}] | Released | NaN | Queerama | False | 0.0 | 0.0 |
45466 rows × 24 columns
0 Led by Woody, Andy's toys live happily in his ...
1 When siblings Judy and Peter discover an encha...
2 A family wedding reignites the ancient feud be...
3 Cheated on, mistreated and stepped on, the wom...
4 Just when George Banks has recovered from his ...
45461 Rising and falling between a man and woman.
45462 An artist struggles to finish his work while a...
45463 When one of her hits goes wrong, a professiona...
45464 In a small town live two brothers, one a minis...
45465 50 years after decriminalisation of homosexual...
Name: overview, Length: 45466, dtype: object
data = data[['title','overview']]
title | overview | |
0 | Toy Story | Led by Woody, Andy's toys live happily in his ... |
1 | Jumanji | When siblings Judy and Peter discover an encha... |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 45466 entries, 0 to 45465
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 title 45460 non-null object
1 overview 44512 non-null object
dtypes: object(2)
memory usage: 710.5+ KB
#결측치 확인
data = data.dropna()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 44506 entries, 0 to 45465
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 title 44506 non-null object
1 overview 44506 non-null object
dtypes: object(2)
memory usage: 1.0+ MB
#희소행렬 만들기
tfidf_vec = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words="english")
tfidf_dtm = tfidf_vec.fit_transform(data['overview'])
<44506x75827 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
with 1210839 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
cos_sim_res = cosine_similarity(tfidf_dtm, tfidf_dtm) #tfidf_dtm는 44506개 서로 유사도를 비교해라
title_to_index = dict(zip(data["title"], data.index))
{'Toy Story': 0,
'Jumanji': 1,
'Grumpier Old Men': 2,
'Waiting to Exhale': 3,
'Father of the Bride Part II': 4,
'Heat': 29042,
'Sabrina': 888,
'Tom and Huck': 7,생략
title_to_index['Toy Story'], title_to_index['Jumanji']
(0, 1)
#추천(score가 높은 순으로 추천하려면 정렬해야 한다.)
def get_recommendation(title,n):
idx = title_to_index[title]
sim_scores = list(enumerate(cos_sim_res[idx]))
sim_scores = sorted(sim_scores,key = lambda x : x[1], reverse=True)
sim_scores_n = sim_scores[1:n+1]
movie_idx = [movie_dict[0] for movie_dict in sim_scores_n]
return data["title"].iloc[movie_idx]
get_recommendation("Toy Story",5)
15348 Toy Story 3
2997 Toy Story 2
10301 The 40 Year Old Virgin
24523 Small Fry
23843 Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble
Name: title, dtype: object
8681 Scars of Dracula
18562 Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison
6600 The Prince and the Pauper
5355 Nosferatu the Vampyre
37915 Vaesen
Name: title, dtype: object
get_recommendation("The Dark Knight Rises",5)
31143 Deadly Daycare
19286 The One Percent
44918 Once More
45106 Nicostratos the Pelican
33008 White Cannibal Queen
Name: title, dtype: object
import pandas as pd
train_data = pd.read_table('datasets/ratings.txt')
id | document | label | |
0 | 8112052 | 어릴때보고 지금다시봐도 재밌어요ㅋㅋ | 1 |
1 | 8132799 | 디자인을 배우는 학생으로, 외국디자이너와 그들이 일군 전통을 통해 발전해가는 문화산... | 1 |
2 | 4655635 | 폴리스스토리 시리즈는 1부터 뉴까지 버릴께 하나도 없음.. 최고. | 1 |
3 | 9251303 | 와.. 연기가 진짜 개쩔구나.. 지루할거라고 생각했는데 몰입해서 봤다.. 그래 이런... | 1 |
4 | 10067386 | 안개 자욱한 밤하늘에 떠 있는 초승달 같은 영화. | 1 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
199995 | 8963373 | 포켓 몬스터 짜가 ㅡㅡ;; | 0 |
199996 | 3302770 | 쓰.레.기 | 0 |
199997 | 5458175 | 완전 사이코영화. 마지막은 더욱더 이 영화의질을 떨어트린다. | 0 |
199998 | 6908648 | 왜난 재미없었지 ㅠㅠ 라따뚜이 보고나서 스머프 봐서 그런가 ㅋㅋ | 0 |
199999 | 8548411 | 포풍저그가나가신다영차영차영차 | 0 |
200000 rows × 3 columns
train_data = train_data.dropna()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 199992 entries, 0 to 199999
Data columns (total 3 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 id 199992 non-null int64
1 document 199992 non-null object
2 label 199992 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 6.1+ MB
#한글 이외 제거 #[^ㄱ-ㅎㅏ-ㅣ가-힣] 여기에 해당되지 않으면 지워라
train_data['document'] = train_data['document'].str.replace("[^ㄱ-ㅎㅏ-ㅣ가-힣]","")
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_14536\ FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version.
train_data['document'] = train_data['document'].str.replace("[^ㄱ-ㅎㅏ-ㅣ가-힣]","")
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_14536\ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
See the caveats in the documentation:
train_data['document'] = train_data['document'].str.replace("[^ㄱ-ㅎㅏ-ㅣ가-힣]","")
id | document | label | |
0 | 8112052 | 어릴때보고지금다시봐도재밌어요ㅋㅋ | 1 |
1 | 8132799 | 디자인을배우는학생으로외국디자이너와그들이일군전통을통해발전해가는문화산업이부러웠는데사실우... | 1 |
2 | 4655635 | 폴리스스토리시리즈는부터뉴까지버릴께하나도없음최고 | 1 |
3 | 9251303 | 와연기가진짜개쩔구나지루할거라고생각했는데몰입해서봤다그래이런게진짜영화지 | 1 |
4 | 10067386 | 안개자욱한밤하늘에떠있는초승달같은영화 | 1 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
199995 | 8963373 | 포켓몬스터짜가ㅡㅡ | 0 |
199996 | 3302770 | 쓰레기 | 0 |
199997 | 5458175 | 완전사이코영화마지막은더욱더이영화의질을떨어트린다 | 0 |
199998 | 6908648 | 왜난재미없었지ㅠㅠ라따뚜이보고나서스머프봐서그런가ㅋㅋ | 0 |
199999 | 8548411 | 포풍저그가나가신다영차영차영차 | 0 |
199992 rows × 3 columns
from konlpy.tag import Okt
okt = Okt()
i = 0
for sen in train_data["document"]:
if i % 100==0:
print(".", end="")
toked_sen = okt.morphs(sen, stem=True)
toked_data_wo_stop = [word for word in toked_sen if not word in stopwords]
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
for sen in tqdm(train_data['document']):
toked_sen = okt.morphs(sen, stem=True)
toked_data_wo_stop = [word for word in toked_sen if not word in stopwords]
0%| | 0/199992 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[['어리다', '때', '보고', '지금', '다시', '보다', '재밌다', 'ㅋㅋ'],
max(len(review) for review in toked_data)
min(len(review) for review in toked_data)
sum((len(review) for review in toked_data))/len(toked_data)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist([len(review) for review in toked_data], bins=20)
#!pip install gensim
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
model = Word2Vec(sentences = toked_data, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count=5, sg=0)
model.wv.vectors.shape #임베딩 행렬(단어수, 표현력)
#표현력: 대략 100차원에 17947개의 단어가 배치되어 있다. 차원수는 크게 의미가 없다.
(17947, 100)
array([[ 3.0088416e-01, -1.1911200e-01, -1.1325821e+00, ...,
-6.4689957e-02, 4.4979069e-01, 3.5684457e-01],
[-8.5318393e-01, 2.2151016e-01, -7.5326794e-01, ...,
-7.0007372e-01, -1.0359819e+00, 4.8177451e-01],
[ 8.1992215e-01, 5.9770411e-01, -1.8147305e+00, ...,
1.0774486e+00, 9.4935614e-01, -1.6808929e-01],
[-2.5813028e-02, 4.6597794e-02, -1.8362358e-02, ...,
-4.6418682e-02, -3.0143352e-03, 1.4660546e-02],
[ 3.3053622e-02, 6.6365726e-02, -5.1748389e-03, ...,
-4.6356149e-02, 4.6646088e-02, -6.3183427e-02],
[ 1.9338656e-02, 3.3694621e-02, -6.0516104e-02, ...,
-5.8152623e-02, 6.8320349e-02, 1.1045593e-03]], dtype=float32)
[('신민아', 0.8548964858055115),
('남상미', 0.8466795682907104),
('김규리', 0.8433918356895447),
('장나라', 0.8420997262001038),
('이승기', 0.8361702561378479),
('민호', 0.8360784649848938),
('드류', 0.8347111344337463),
('이연희', 0.8310037851333618),
('손예진', 0.8286734223365784),
('강혜정', 0.8286411166191101)]
#단어 비슷한 걸 찾았다 단어 문맥을 찾았다
import gensim
pre_trained_word2vec = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(
"datasets/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin", binary=True)
pre_trained_word2vec.vectors.shape #단어:3000000, 차원:300
(3000000, 300)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# 시맨틱 웹처럼 바꿔보기
test_html = """
<h1 id = "title">새싹반</h1>
<ul clss="name">
<li><a class ="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a></li>
<ul class="brand">
<li><a href="">구글로 갈래요</a></li>
<li><a href="">유튜브로 갈래요</a></li>
soup = BeautifulSoup(test_html, 'html.parser')
<h1 id="title">새싹반</h1>
<ul clss="name">
<li><a class="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a></li>
<ul class="brand">
<li><a href="">구글로 갈래요</a></li>
<li><a href="">유튜브로 갈래요</a></li>
'<html>\n <head>\n </head>\n <body>\n <h1 id="title">\n 새싹반\n </h1>\n <div>\n <ul clss="name">\n <li>\n <a class="to_naver" href="">\n 네이버로 갈래요\n </a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n <ul class="brand">\n <li>\n <a href="">\n 구글로 갈래요\n </a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a href="">\n 유튜브로 갈래요\n </a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n'
<h1 id="title">새싹반</h1>
<ul clss="name">
<li><a class="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a></li>
<ul class="brand">
<li><a href="">구글로 갈래요</a></li>
<li><a href="">유튜브로 갈래요</a></li>
<ul clss="name">
<li><a class="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a></li>
[<ul clss="name">
<li><a class="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a></li>
<ul class="brand">
<li><a href="">구글로 갈래요</a></li>
<li><a href="">유튜브로 갈래요</a></li>
res_a = soup.find_all("a")
[<a class="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a>,
<a href="">구글로 갈래요</a>,
<a href="">유튜브로 갈래요</a>]
<a class="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a>
<a href="">유튜브로 갈래요</a>
{'class': ['to_naver'], 'href': ''}
[<a class="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a>]
<a class="to_naver" href="">네이버로 갈래요</a>
res = soup.find('a',attrs={"class":'to_naver'})
res.string, res.text
('네이버로 갈래요', '네이버로 갈래요')"div>ul.brand>li")
[<li><a href="">구글로 갈래요</a></li>,
<li><a href="">유튜브로 갈래요</a></li>]
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
page_num = 2
url = f""
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url) #url열어주세요
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
<http.client.HTTPResponse at 0x20dc28046a0>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ko" xml:lang="ko" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta content="HOLLYS" name="Subject">
<meta content="HOLLYS" name="Title"/>
<meta content="HOLLYS,HOLLYS,할리스,할리스,커피" name="Keywords"/>
<meta content="할리스는 1998년 국내 첫 에스프레소 커피전문점을 개점한 순수 국내브랜드로서 당당하게 시장 선점이라는 확고한 위치를 확보하고 국내 에스프레소 커피시장을 주도해 나가고 있습니다." name="Description"/>
<meta content="HOLLYS F&B" name="Author"/>
<meta content="HOLLYS F&B" name="Publisher"/>
<meta content="COFFEE,커피,음료,푸드" name="Classification"/>
<meta content="Korea" name="Location"/>
<meta content="2015.04.01" name="Author-Date"/>
<meta content="2023.01.10" name="Date"/>
<meta content="HOLLYS, HOLLYS F&B" name="Distribution"/>
<meta content="HOLLYS" name="Copyright"/>
<meta content="website" property="og:type"/>
<meta content="할리스" property="og:title"/>
<meta content="HOLLYS" property="og:description"/>
<meta content="" 생력
tbody = soup.find("tbody")
<td class="noline center_t">
<a href="javascript:goLogin();"><img src="" alt="즐겨찾기"></a>
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<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1032); return false;">서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 301 역삼동 701-02 삼정빌딩 1층</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">02-566-1002</td>
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<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1031); return false;">수원영통점</a></td>
<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1031); return false;">경기도 수원시 영통구 청명남로 10 영통동 1000-1</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">031-202-3356</td>
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<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1030); return false;">경기 고양시 덕양구 권율대로 690 201동 108호~111호</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">031.967.0302</td>
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<td class="noline center_t">서울 용산구</td>
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<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1029); return false;">서울특별시 용산구 이태원로 180 2층~3층</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<td class="center_t">02-749-8752</td>
<td class="noline center_t">
<a href="javascript:goLogin();"><img src="" alt="즐겨찾기"></a>
<td class="noline center_t">서울 양천구</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1028); return false;">오목교역점</a></td>
<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1028); return false;">서울특별시 양천구 오목로 344 (목동, 청학빌딩) 1층</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">02-2062-8405</td>
<td class="noline center_t">
<a href="javascript:goLogin();"><img src="" alt="즐겨찾기"></a>
<td class="noline center_t">대구 서구</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1027); return false;">롯데시네마프리미엄만경관점</a></td>
<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1027); return false;">대구 중구 국채보상로 547 MMC 만경관 4층 .</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">070-7717-2192</td>
<td class="noline center_t">
<a href="javascript:goLogin();"><img src="" alt="즐겨찾기"></a>
<td class="noline center_t">전남 순천시</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1024); return false;">순천신대점</a></td>
<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1024); return false;">전라남도 순천시 해룡면 향매로 67 신대리 1978</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<td class="center_t">061-723-5185</td>
<td class="noline center_t">
<a href="javascript:goLogin();"><img src="" alt="즐겨찾기"></a>
<td class="noline center_t">서울 금천구</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1023); return false;">시흥사거리점</a></td>
<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1023); return false;">서울특별시 금천구 시흥대로 225 시흥동 994-9</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">02-804-9226</td>
<td class="noline center_t">
<a href="javascript:goLogin();"><img src="" alt="즐겨찾기"></a>
<td class="noline center_t">전북 전주시 완산구</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1022); return false;">전주효천점</a></td>
<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1022); return false;">전라북도 전주시 완산구 쑥고개로 351, 1층 101호~102호 효자동2가 1326-4</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">063-224-5777</td>
<td class="noline center_t">
<a href="javascript:goLogin();"><img src="" alt="즐겨찾기"></a>
<td class="noline center_t">제주 제주시</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1021); return false;">제주도두해안DT점</a></td>
<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1021); return false;">제주특별자치도 제주시 도두일동 1686 .</a></td>
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="DT 매장" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<img alt="테라스" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">064-745-7301</td>
tr0 = tbody.find_all("tr")[0]
[<td class="noline center_t">서울 강남구</td>,
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1032); return false;">강남우리라운지점</a></td>,
<td class="center_t tdp0">영업중</td>,
<td class="center_t"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:storeView(1032); return false;">서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 301 역삼동 701-02 삼정빌딩 1층</a></td>,
<td class="center_t">
<img alt="주차" src="" style="margin-right:1px"/>
<td class="center_t">02-566-1002</td>]
tds = tr0.find_all("td")
tds[0].text, tds[1].text, tds[3].text, tds[5].text
('서울 강남구', '강남우리라운지점', '서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 301 역삼동 701-02 삼정빌딩 1층', '02-566-1002')
tr1 = tbody.find_all("tr")[1]
tds = tr1.find_all("td")
tds[0].text, tds[1].text, tds[3].text, tds[5].text
('경기 수원시', '수원영통점', '경기도 수원시 영통구 청명남로 10 영통동 1000-1', '031-202-3356')