만들어진 객체에 대해 component 가 전체에 대해 책임을 진다
class Point : CustomStringConvertible
var x, y : Double
private init(x: Double, y: Double)
self.x = x
self.y = y
private init(rho: Double, theta: Double)
x = rho * cos(theta)
y = rho * sin(theta)
static func createCartesian(x: Double, y: Double) -> Point
return Point(x: x, y: y)
static func createPolar(rho: Double, theta: Double) -> Point
return Point(rho: rho, theta: theta)
var description: String
return "x = \(x), y = \(y)"
func main()
let p = Point.createPolar(rho: 1, theta: 2)
두 방식의 initialize 중 한 방식을 이용할 수 있다
class PointFactory
func createCartesian(x: Double, y: Double) -> Point
return Point(x: x, y: y)
static func createPolar(rho: Double, theta: Double) -> Point
return Point(rho: rho, theta: theta)
func main()
// let p = Point.createPolar(rho: 1, theta: 2)
let f = PointFactory()
let c = f.createCartesian(x: 1, y: 2)
let p = PointFactory.createPolar(rho: 1, theta: 2)
print(c, p)
class Point : CustomStringConvertible
private var x, y : Double
private init(x: Double, y: Double)
self.x = x
self.y = y
private init(rho: Double, theta: Double)
x = rho * cos(theta)
y = rho * sin(theta)
var description: String
return "x = \(x), y = \(y)"
static let factory = PointFactory.instance
class PointFactory
private init() {}
static let instance = PointFactory()
func createCartesian(x: Double, y: Double) -> Point
return Point(x: x, y: y)
func createPolar(rho: Double, theta: Double) -> Point
return Point(rho: rho, theta: theta)
func main()
// let p = Point.createPolar(rho: 1, theta: 2)
// let f = PointFactory()
// let c = f.createCartesian(x: 1, y: 2)
// let p = PointFactory.createPolar(rho: 1, theta: 2)
let p = Point.factory.createCartesian(x: 1, y: 2)
protocol HotDrink
func consume()
class Tea: HotDrink
func consume()
print("This tea is nice but I'd prefer it with lemon.")
class Coffe: HotDrink
func consume()
print("This coffee is delicious!")
protocol HotDrinkFactory {
func prepare(amount: Int) -> HotDrink
class TeaFactory
required init() {}
func prepare(amount: Int) -> HotDrink
print("Put in tea bag, boil water, pour \(amount)ml, add lemon, enjoy!")
return Tea()
class CoffeeFactory
required init() {}
func prepare(amount: Int) -> HotDrink
print("Grind some beans, boil water, pour \(amount)ml, add cream and sugar")
return Coffe()
class HotDrinkMachine
enum AvailableDrink : String // breaks OCP
case coffee = "Coffee"
case tea = "Tea"
static let all = [coffee, tea]
internal var factories = [AvailableDrink: HotDrinkFactory]()
internal var namedFactories = [(String, HotDrinkFactory)]()
for drink in AvailableDrink.all
let type = NSClassFromString("demo.\(drink.rawValue)Factory")
let factory = (type as! HotDrinkFactory.Type).init()
factories[drink] = factory
namedFactories.append((drink.rawValue, factory))
func makeDrink() -> HotDrink
print("Available drinks:")
for i in 0..<namedFactories.count
let tuple = namedFactories[i]
print("\(i): \(tuple.0)")
let input = Int(readLine()!)!
return namedFactories[input].1.prepare(amount: 250)
func main() {
let machine = HotDrinkMachine()
let drink = machine.makeDrink()
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