복잡한 객체는 처음부터 만들어지지 않음
프로토타입을 복사해 커스터마이즈해서 사용 ( deep copy 가 필요 )
Factory 를 이용해서 복사를 쉽게 할 수 있음
class Address : CustomStringConvertible
var streetAddress : String
var city : String
init(_ streetAddress: String, _ city: String)
self.streetAddress = streetAddress
self.city = city
var description: String
return "\(streetAddress), \(city)"
class Employee
var name : String
var address : Address
init(_ name: String, _ address: Address)
self.name = name
self.address = address
var description : String
return "My name is \(name) and I live at \(address)"
func main()
var john = Employee("John", Address("123 Seoul Road", "Seoul"))
var chris = john
chris.name = "Chris"
chris.address.streetAddress = "244 Seoul Road"
이렇게 값을 변경시키면 동시에 변경이 되는 데 이것을 struct 으로 바꾸면
struct Address
struct Employee
이렇게 나옵니다.
다른 방식을 사용하자면
protocol Copying
init(copyFrom other: Self)
required init(copyFrom other: Address)
streetAddress = other.streetAddress
city = other.city
init(copyFrom other: Employee)
name = other.name
// 1 번째 방법
// address = Address(other.address.streetAddress, other.address.city)
// 2 번째 방법
address = Address(copyFrom: other.address)
var john = Employee("John", Address("123 Seoul Road", "Seoul"))
var chris = Employee(copyFrom: john)
chris.name = "Chris"
chris.address.streetAddress = "244 Seoul Road"
이렇게 하면 됩니다.
protocol Copying
// the 'required' keyword is only used in classes
// init(copyFrom other: Self)
func clone() -> Self
func clone() -> Self {
return cloneImpl()
private func cloneImpl<T>() -> T
return Address(streetAddress, city) as! T
func clone() -> Employee // <-- struct
return Employee(name, address.clone())
var chris = john.clone()
prototype 을 가져와 >> deep copy 사용 copy >> customizing