가중치가 없는 그래프에서 다중 시작점에서부터 모든 칸까지의 최단 거리를 구하는 문제
출처 - https://solved.ac/contribute/7569
알고리즘 - [백준 7576] 토마토와 동일
from collections import deque
m, n, h = map(int, input().split())
board_stacked = list()
for i in range(h):
board = list()
for j in range(n):
board.append(list(map(int, input().split())))
def dfs(r_len, c_len, h_len, board, q):
date = -1
while q:
date += 1
same_depth = len(q)
for i in range(same_depth):
h, r, c = q.popleft()
adjacencies = [
(h, r - 1, c),
(h, r, c + 1),
(h, r + 1, c),
(h, r, c - 1),
(h - 1, r, c),
(h + 1, r, c),
for h_next, r_next, c_next in adjacencies:
if (
0 <= h_next < h_len
and 0 <= r_next < r_len
and 0 <= c_next < c_len
and board[h_next][r_next][c_next] == 0
board[h_next][r_next][c_next] = 1
q.append((h_next, r_next, c_next))
return date
def solution(m, n, h, board):
unripe_tomato = False
for height in range(h):
for row in range(n):
if 0 in board[height][row]:
unripe_tomato = True
if unripe_tomato:
# 이미 다 익어있는 경우
return 0
q = deque()
for height in range(h):
for row in range(n):
for col in range(m):
if board[height][row][col] == 1:
q.append((height, row, col))
answer = dfs(n, m, h, board, q)
for height in range(h):
for row in range(n):
if 0 in board[height][row]:
# 토마토가 모두 익지는 못하는 상황
return -1
return answer
print(solution(m, n, h, board_stacked))