[2022.09.26] HTML - Basics

Jun's Coding Journey·2022년 9월 26일

[Learn] HTML / CSS

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  • A website is simply just made up of a bunch of text files.
  • HTML describes the content, CSS shows how the content looks like, and JavaScript interacts with the content.
  • HTML is a markup language and CSS is a design language. JavaScript is the only programming language.
  • The browser will always try to show content to the user. As such, we may not know if we made any errors.
  • All HTML content is displayed through tags.
  • Different kinds of tags have different purpose of usage.
<h1>Hello this is my website!</h1>
<h2>Hello this is my website!</h1>
<h3>Hello this is my website!</h1>
<h4>Hello this is my website!</h1>
<h5>Hello this is my website!</h1>
<h6>Hello this is my website!</h1>

Hello this is my website!

Hello this is my website!

Hello this is my website!

Hello this is my website!

Hello this is my website!
Hello this is my website!


  • Two kinds of list: ordered(ol) and unordered(ul).
  • Ordered list has a specific order while an unordered list does not have an order.
  • Additionally, we need a list item(li) for each specific list.
// unordered list
  • beer
  • Kimchi
  • meat
  • milk
// ordered list
  1. beer
  2. Kimchi
  3. meat
  4. milk


  • Some tags, such as anchor elements, require attributes to work.
  • An anchor element requires a href attribute which links a url.
<a href="http://google.com" target="blank">Go to google.com</a>

Go to google.com


  • An image tag also requires a source attribute to display images.
  • For image elements, there is no closing tag (self-closing tag).
  • Usually if a tag does not reqire a content, it has a self-closing tag.
  • Image sources can either come from the web or a separate image file.
  • We need to make sure we specify the exact address of the image for it to be displayed.
<img src="" />
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