JavaScript #9 ~ if / else Statements

HJ's Coding Journey·2021년 6월 5일

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In this post, I want to talk about the importance of using if/else statments. We need to remember that computers do things differently than that of humans. Although computers possess powerful task-achieving capabilities, they can only do things in a 100% logical manner. As such, in order for computers to be useful, we need to tell them to do things differently within various situations. This is where the if/else statement is very helpful.

While writing code for a program, developers often times need to make decisions for various situations. In such cases, developers use conditional statements that gives the program to make certain decisions based on various situations. The if/else statement can also be called a 'control structure' where developers are able to take control over the ways in which the code functions.

During the use of 'if/else statements', we use boolean to decide whether the statement will be executed or not.

// if/else statement structure
if () {    // if statement 1 is true
} else if {   // if statement 1 if false and statement 2 is true
} else { // If all the previous condition fails
// Ex) driving age
const age = 18;
if (age >= 18) {
  console.log('Sarah can start driving');
} else {
  const yearsLeft = 18 - age;
  console.log(`Sarah is too young. Wait another ${yearsLeft} years :)`);
// Ex) find the century
const birthYear = 2012;
let centure;
if (birthYear <= 2000) {
  centure = 20;
} else {
  century = 20;
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2024년 11월 4일

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