JavaScript was the very first programming language that I had started out when I first started my journey of becoming a developer as a non-major. Refl
According to the official definition, JavaScript is a high-level, object-oriented, multi-paradigm, programming language. What does any of this mean th
Values are pieces of data that are stored and used for certain programming purposes. In programming terms, a value is the smallest unit of information
This is just a quick post about conventions used in naming variables. Except for a few minor cases, there is actually no limit to naming variables in
Variables can store various types of data in their container. Before going into it any further, it is important to first address the categories within
When first studying JavaScript, it is
Today is a bit of recap on basic operators used in JavaScript. Once we have our values in our variables, what can we do with them? We can manipulate J
This will be another quick post on operator precedence within JavaScript code. This is a rather interesting concept to talk about as there seems to be
When creating long strings in code, it is common usage to use the '+' operator to combine strings together. However, this method can become very tedio
In this post, I want to talk about the importance of using if/else statments. We need to remember that computers do things differently than that of hu
When we try to write code for a program, we often need to deal with changing the code from one type to another such as a 'string to a number' or a 'nu
In previous posts, I talked about the importance and functions of logical operators (>, <). But, what if two values are equal to each other. Beside
Boolean logic is a branch of computer science that uses true or false values to solve complex logical problems. This concept is not only introduced in
The switch statement is simply an alternative method to the if/else statement. Although it is not used commonly today, the switch statement method det
Besides the if/else statement and the switch statement, there is also the conditonal (ternary) operator. this is known as 'ternary' because there is a
When we dive deeper into javascript and especially, web developing, we learn the various different versions of JavaScript such as ES5 and ES6 which we
Functions are the fundamental building blocks of real-world JavaScript applications. In more simpler mearning, functions are pieces of code that can b
When we have a mass amount of data, we not only need to know how to use the data, but also where to store them. This is where data structures come int
An object is also a type of data structure used for storing various data. In arrays, we find our data by referencing a specific position number in whi
A loop is one of the most essential control method used in JavaScript. We use loops to specifically automate repetitive tasks that are performed again