Default Parameters는 어떠한 형태로든 설정이 가능하다.
const bookings = [];
const createBooking = function (
numPassengers = 1,
price = 199 * numPassengers
) {
// ES5
// numPassengers = numPassengers || 1;
// price = price || 199;
const booking = {
createBooking('LH123', 2, 800); //{flightNum: 'LH123', numPassengers: 2, price: 800}
createBooking('LH123', 2); //{flightNum: 'LH123', numPassengers: 2, price: 398}
createBooking('LH123', 5); //{flightNum: 'LH123', numPassengers: 5, price: 995}
createBooking('LH123', undefined, 1000); //{flightNum: 'LH123', numPassengers: 1, price: 1000
const flight = 'LH234';
const jonas = {
name: 'jonas',
passport: 234234234,
const checkIn = function (flightNum, passenger) {
flightNum = 'LH999'; = 'Mr. ' +;
if (passenger.passport === 234234234) {
alert('Check in');
} else {
alert('Wrong passport!');
checkIn(flight, jonas);
console.log(flight); //LH234 -primitive type
console.log(jonas); // {name: 'Mr. jonas', passport: 234234234} - reference type
primitive type -> flightNum(parameter)는 copy of that original value. (not the original value of the flight variable) 그렇기에 flightNum으로 flight의 값을 바꾸는 것은 불가능. 전혀 다른 value임.
reference type -> as we are manipulating the passenger object, it is exactly the same as manipulating the Jonas object. They both are the same object in the memory heap.
요약 : primitive type의 값을 함수에 전달하는 것은 그 값의 복사본을 전달하는 것과 같다. reference type의 값을 함수에 전달하는 것은 객체의 복사본을 전달하는 것과 같다. 그렇기에 값을 수정하게 되면 기존의 객체 또한 수정이 된다.
Passing a primitive type to a function is really just the same as creating a copy like this, outside of the function. value is simply copied.
Passing a reference type is really just like copying an object. So whatever we change in a copy will also happen in the original.
const newPassport = function (person) {
person.passport = Math.trunc(Math.random() * 10000000);
newPassport(jonas); // passport 정보 바뀜
checkIn(flight, jonas); // 마찬가지. issue 발생 => two functions manipulating the same object
JavaScript does not have passing by reference! Only passing by value.
For objects, we do in fact pass in a reference. So the memory address of the object. However, that reference itself is still a value. It's simply a value that contains a memory address. So we pass a reference to the function, but we do not pass by reference.
passing by reference: you can pass a reference to any value, instead of the value itself. you could pass a reference to the value of five, and then original value outside of the function would be changed.
- JS treats functions as first-class citizens.
- This means that functions are simply values.
- Functions are just another 'type' of object.
Object가 value이기 때문에 function또한 value인 것!
const add = (a,b) => a + b;
const counter = {
value : 23,
inc : function(){this.value++;}
const greet = ()=> console.log('Hey Jonas');
btnClose.addEventListener('click', greet);;
- A function that receives another functions as an argument, that returns a new function, or both.
- This is only possible because of first-class functions.
const greet = () => console.log('Hey Jonas');
btnClose.addEventListener('click', greet);
addEventListener : Higher-order function
greet : callback function
function count(){
let founter = 0;
return function(){
count : Higher-order function
유의사항) First-class function과 Higher-order function의 의미는 약간 다르다. First-class function은 (이론적)개념. 실전용이 아님. just a feature that a programming language either has or does not have which implies all functions are values
Higher-order function은 practice. 실전에서 쓰이는 함수. language가 first-class function을 support하므로!