CS32 Lecture 5. Stack and Queue

Jene Hojin Choi·2021년 7월 21일


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아래의 글은 제가 재학중인 UCLA의 CS 32: Data Structures의 렉쳐를 들으며 작성하는 글입니다.

📝 Stack

Why do we learn it?

Every CPU has a built-in stack used to hold

  • local variables
  • function parameters

LIFO (Last-In-First-Out)

You can only access the top item of the stack, since the other items are covered!

code (if I implement it on my own)

class Stack
    void push(int i);
    int pop();
    bool is_empty(void);
    int m_stack[SIZE];
    int m_pop;

Using STL

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;

int main() 
    stack<int> istack; // stack of ints 
    cout << istack.top(); 

Things to note:

  • The STL pop() command simply throws away the top item from the stack, but it does not return it.

Class challenge

Show the resulting stack after the following program runs:

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;

int main() 
    stack<int> istack; // stack of ints 
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) 
       int n = istack.top();

📝 Postfix Expression

  • what people use : infix expression
    e.g.: A+B
  • what computers prefer: postfix expression
    e.g: A B+

Postfix expressions are easier for a computer to compute than infix expressions since they're unambiguous.

Postfix Evaluation Algorithm

  1. Start with the left-most token.
  2. If the token is a number:
    a. push it onto the stack
  1. Else if the token is an operator:
    a. Pop the top value into a variable called v2 and the second-to-top value into v1.
    b. Apply operator to v1 and v2 (e.g., v1/v2)
    c. Push the result of the operation on the stack
  1. If there are more tokens, advance to the next token and go back to step #2.
  1. After all tokens have been processed, the top number on the stack is the answer!

Class Challenge

Given the following postfix expression: `6 8 2 / 3 * -``

Show the contents of the stack after the 3 has been processed by our postfix evaluation algorithm.

Infix to Postfix conversion

  1. Begin at left-most Infix token.
  2. If it's a number, append it to end of postfix string followed by a space.
  1. If it's a "(", push it onto the stack.
  1. If it's an operator and the stack is empty,
    a. Push the operator on the stack
  1. If it's an operator and the stack is not empty:
    a. Pop all operators with greater or equal precedence off the stack and append them on the postfix string.
    b. Stop when you reach an operator with lower precednece or a (.
    c. Push the new operator on the stack.
  1. If you encounter a ")", pop operators off the stack and append them onto the postfix string until you pop a matching "(".
  1. Advance to next token and go to #2.
  1. When all infix tokens are gone, pop each operator and append it } to the postfix string.

📝 Queue

FIFO (First-In-First-Out)


  • simple operations
enqueue(int a)
- inserts an item on the rear of the queue

int dequeue():
- removes and returns the top item from the front of the queue
  • However, unlike a stack, we can use an array or a linked list, but there is a cost!

Circular Queue

The circular queue is a clever type of array-based queue.

 private data:
    an array: arr
    an integer: head
    an integer: tail
    an integer: count

Class Challenge

Given a circular queue of 6 elements, show the queue's contents and the Head and Tail pointers after the following operations are complete.


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