우선 파워셀에
pip install Faker
pip install mysqlclient
pip install sqlalchemy
를 입력해서 파이썬 더미데이터 생성에 필요한 라이브러리를 설치한다.
gpt의 힘을 빌려서
import csv
import random
from faker import Faker
# Faker instance to generate random data
fake = Faker()
# List of accommodation types
accommodation_types = ["GUESTHOUSE", "HOTEL", "MOTEL", "PENSION", "HANOK", "APARTMENT"]
# Number of records to generate
num_records = 200000
# CSV file path
csv_file_path = 'accommodations.csv'
# Function to generate a random positive integer
def random_positive_int(start=1, end=100):
return random.randint(start, end)
# Function to generate a list of random hashtags
def generate_hashtags(num_hashtags=5):
return [fake.word() for _ in range(num_hashtags)]
# Create CSV file and write data
with open(csv_file_path, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Write header
"name", "price", "address", "maxCapacity", "roomCount",
"bedCount", "description", "amenity", "accommodationType", "hashtagContents"
for _ in range(num_records):
fake.company(), # name
random_positive_int(50, 500), # price
fake.address(), # address
random_positive_int(1, 10), # maxCapacity
random_positive_int(1, 10), # roomCount
random_positive_int(1, 10), # bedCount
fake.text(max_nb_chars=200), # description
fake.text(max_nb_chars=100), # amenity
random.choice(accommodation_types), # accommodationType
"|".join(generate_hashtags(random_positive_int(1, 10))) # hashtagContents
print(f'{num_records} records have been written to {csv_file_path}')
python C:/Users/정연호/Desktop/테스트/ddd.py
20만건의 데이터를 랜덤으로 생성하는 스크립트를 짰다.
이 데이터는 csv 파일로 만들어진다.
포스트맨으로 먼저 데이터를 넣어보려고 했는데 계속 안들어가서 봤더니
"name": "숙소61",
"price": 1000,
"address": "부천시 소사",
"maxCapacity": 2,
"roomCount": 2,
"bedCount": 1,
"description": "방이 예뻐요",
"amenity": "없음",
"hostId": 1,
"hashtags": null,
"accommodationType": "HOTEL"
-->이거 데이터가 application/json으로 가게끔 설정을 변경해야 했다.
target: "ip"
- duration: 100
arrivalRate: 10
rampTo: 100
Authorization: "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBY2Nlc3NUb2tlbiIsImlkIjoiZHVzZ2gxMjM0IiwiZXhwIjoxNzIwMTc5ODkyfQ.wgV5df8S8k1UrrzdZvrWixt_D4sITc2ncLpOjZpSafZpovQCciG6dPopXFNq5JxnVmcuFMphGKxPhYV7kmKgJQ"
path: "accommodations.csv"
- "name"
- "price"
- "address"
- "maxCapacity"
- "roomCount"
- "bedCount"
- "description"
- "amenity"
- "accommodationType"
- "hashtagContents"
- name: "create accommodation"
- post:
url: "/accommodations"
Content-Type: "application/json"
body: |
"name": "{{ name }}",
"price": {{ price }},
"address": "{{ address }}",
"maxCapacity": {{ maxCapacity }},
"roomCount": {{ roomCount }},
"bedCount": {{ bedCount }},
"description": "{{ description }}",
"amenity": "{{ amenity }}",
"accommodationType": "{{ accommodationType }}",
"hostId": 1,
"hashtags": "{{ hashtagContents }}"
스크립트를 짜는데 계속 mutlpart 부분 데이터를 어떻게 보내야할지 몰라서 실행이 안된다...
지금 코드를 변경하기보단 우선 user를 만들고 login하는 걸 테스트해보기로 했다.
import csv
import random
from faker import Faker
from datetime import datetime
# Faker instance to generate random data
fake = Faker()
# Number of records to generate
num_records = 200000
# CSV file path
csv_file_path = 'user.csv'
# Function to generate a random birthdate
def random_birthdate(start_year=1950, end_year=2000):
start_date = datetime(start_year, 1, 1)
end_date = datetime(end_year, 12, 31)
return fake.date_between(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# Create CSV file and write data
with open(csv_file_path, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Write header
"loginId", "name", "password", "address", "birthdate"
for _ in range(num_records):
fake.user_name(), # loginId
fake.name(), # name
fake.password(), # password
fake.address(), # address
random_birthdate() # birthdate
print(f'{num_records} records have been written to {csv_file_path}')
target: "ip"
- duration: 100
arrivalRate: 10
rampTo: 100
path: "user.csv"
- "loginId"
- "name"
- "password"
- "address"
- "birthdate"
- name: "create user"
- post:
url: "/user"
loginId: "{{ loginId }}"
name: "{{ name }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
address: "{{ address }}"
birthdate: "{{ birthdate }}"
user 가입의 경우 상당한 지연시간이 걸리는 걸 알 수 있다.
public Long save(JoinRequestServiceDto requestDto){
String hash = bCryptPasswordEncoder.encode(requestDto.getPassword());
User user = new User(requestDto.getLoginId()
, requestDto.getName()
, hash
, requestDto.getAddress()
, requestDto.getBirthdate());
return userRepository.save(user).getId();
비밀번호 암호화를 비동기 처리할까? 고민했는데 어차피
db에는 암호화된 비밀번호가 저장돼야 한다. 그렇다면, 비동기를 해도 큰 의미가 없다.
근데 여기서 반환타입이 db에 저장되고서 id를 가져오는건데...
이렇게 하는 걸
public void save(JoinRequestServiceDto requestDto){
String hash = bCryptPasswordEncoder.encode(requestDto.getPassword());
User user = new User(requestDto.getLoginId()
, requestDto.getName()
, hash
, requestDto.getAddress()
, requestDto.getBirthdate());
코드를 이렇게 변경해보았다.
다시 배포서버로 보낸뒤
docker-compose down
후에 docker-compose up -d
다시 테스트해보니 차이가 거의 없었따 ㅎ....