Directional changes in Python

이향기·2022년 4월 19일

Intrinsic time and direciontal changes

Physical time vs. Intrinsic time

  • Physical time
    • point-based
    • daily, hourly,...
  • Traditional approachs to observe price movements in financial time series are based on physical time changes
    • It has become difficult and challenging to obeserve using this. Why?
    • Significant patterns of the trading activity are ignored when using physical time
  • Intrinsic time
    • event-based
    • What is event?
      • an event is characterized by a fixed threshold λ\lambda
      • is defined as the absolute price change between two local extremal values exceeding a given threshold λ\lambda
      • Directional changes are used to define event
  • Physical time vs. Intrinsic time
Physical timeIntrinsic time
time scales equally spacedtime triggers only at periodic events
  • See Figure below:
    • The lines in the graph summarize the price movements using intrinsic and physical time
    • Significant events of trading activity are ignored when we consider changes over time based on fixed time intervals

Directional-change : definition


Extreme point / DCC point

  • If the inequality just above holds,
TermDescriptionExample in figure
Extreme pointthe time at PEXTP_{EXT}points AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG
DCC pointthe time at PcP_{c}points A0.1A^{0.1}, B0.1B^{0.1}, C0.1C^{0.1}, D0.1D^{0.1}, E0.1E^{0.1}, F0.1F^{0.1}, G0.1G^{0.1}
  • Note that whilst an extreme point is the end of the one trend, it is also the start point of the next trend
  • An extreme point is only recognized in hindsight; precisely at the DCC point

DC event / OS event

  • DC means "Directional Change" and OS does "Overshoot"
TermDescriptionExample in figure
DC event-starts with an extreme point
-ends with a DCC point
intervals [A,A0.1][A,A^{0.1}], [B,B0.1][B,B^{0.1}], \dots, [G,G0.1][G,G^{0.1}]
DCC point-starts at the DCC point
-ends at the next extreme point
ntervals [A0.1,B][A^{0.1},B], [B0.1,C][B^{0.1},C], \dots, [E0.1,F][E^{0.1},F]
  • Note that for a given time series and a predetermined threshold, the DC summary is unique

Definition of DC

  • A directional-change(DC) event can take one of the two forms
    • a downturn event
    • an upturn event
  • Note that a downturn event occurs in upward run and an upturn event occurs in downward run
downward runupward run
A period between a downturn event and the next upturn eventA period between a upturn event and the next downturn event
The last low price pLp_{L} is continuosly updated to the minimum of the current market price p(t)p(t) and the last low price pLp_{L}The last high price pLp_{L} is continuosly updated to the maximum of the current market price p(t)p(t) and the last high price pHp_{H}
An upturnupturn event is an event when the absolute price change between the current market price p(t)p(t) and the last low price PLP_{L} is higher than a given threshold ΔxDC\Delta x_{DC}, i.e., p(t)pL(1+ΔxDC)p(t)\ge p_{L}(1+\Delta x_{DC})

If this holds, the point which the price last troughed (PL)P_{L}) is the starting point of a upturn event
An downturndownturn event is an event when the absolute price change between the current market price p(t)p(t) and the last high price PHP_{H} is lower than a given threshold ΔxDC\Delta x_{DC}, i.e., p(t)pH(1ΔxDC)p(t)\le p_{H}(1-\Delta x_{DC})

If this holds, the point which the price last peaked (PH)P_{H}) is the starting point of a downturn event

Implementation in Python

def myDC(data, d=0.2):
    - Aloud, M., Tsang, E., Olsen, R. & Dupuis, A. (2012). A Directional-Change Event Approach for Studying Financial Time Series. Economics, 6(1), 20120036.
    - data : a list or array-like time series object
    - d : theta value, which is a threshold to decide upturn/downturn event
    p = pd.DataFrame({
    "Price": data
    p["Event"] = ''
    run = "upward" # initial run
    ph = p['Price'][0] # highest price
    pl = ph # lowest price
    pl_i = ph_i = 0

    for t in range(0, len(p)):
        pt = p["Price"][t]
        if run == "downward":
            if pt < pl:
                pl = pt
                pl_i = t
            if pt >= pl * (1 + d):
      [pl_i, 'Event'] = "start upturn event"
                run = "upward"
                ph = pt
                ph_i = t
                # print(">> {} - Upward! : {}%, value {}".format(pl_i, round((pt - pl)/pl, 2), round(pt - pl,2)))
        elif run == "upward":
            if pt > ph:
                ph = pt
                ph_i = t
            if pt <= ph * (1 - d):
      [ph_i, 'Event'] = "start downturn event"
                run = "downward"
                pl = pt
                pl_i = t
                # print(">> {} - Downward! : {}%, value {}".format(ph_i, round((ph - pt)/ph, 2), round(ph - pt,2)))
    return p


Data science & Machine learning, baking and reading(≪,≫)

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