Tree-Structured Indexes

박종욱·2021년 11월 24일

database system

목록 보기
  1. Basic Concepts
    An index file consists of records (called data entry or index entry)
    search-key | pointer
    Index files are typically much smaller than the original file

  2. Index-based Access on Heap file

  3. Trade-off: Search time vs. Space/Insertion/Deletion overhead

  4. Clustered vs. Non-Clustered Index
    If data records are sorted according to the index key, then clustered index.

  5. Structure of B+ Tree

  6. Search

    접근하는 페이지가 달라지면 증가시켜줌
    클러스더가 안되어있으면 매우 큼 (힙파일개수 -> 레코드개수)

  8. Inserting 8* into Example B+ Tree

    키가 바뀜, this is usually not done in practice

  9. Insertion/deletion at ( log N / log F) cost
    F = fanout; N = # leaf pages

  10. Hashing

  11. Bitmap indexes for data warehouse

    gender F & rating 5 -> bit : 1

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