found out that
visual processing starts with simple structure( ex. oriented edges) and brain builds up the complexity of the visual information
until it recognizes the complex visual world.
attempt to simplify visual world using simple geometric shapes to recognize them and reconstruct the shape
attempt to use summer workers in construction of a significant part of a visual system
similar to Hubel and Wiesel study!
Every object is compsed of simple geometric primitives!!
reduce complex structure into a collection of simpler shapes
just toy example levels in 60s,70s,80s
so in 90s, if object recognition is too hard, what about object segmentation first?
using graph theory algorithm
using Adaboost, real time face detectiion
feature based object recognition!
match some parts of a objects(features that are tend to remain diagnostic, invariant) to similar object! => easier than matching whole object
start to recognize holistic scenes
from different parts,resolution of the image, take features and put them in a feature descriptor then svm to understand image
using upper idea into human
comming to 20s century, images are getting better == better data!
began to have bench mark datasets
20 object classes benchmark dataset
most of ml models are very likely to overfit.
began for two reason
1. to recognize world of all the objects (many objects)
2. to overcome the ml bottleneck of overfitting
took about 3 years
success if top 5 results contain the correct label
error rate steadly decreases!
drop in 2012 is significant!! using CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK!
Alexnet == super vison
compuations developments, gpus => larger architectures, models
large high quality data!