Hello my name is im hyeong jun but i go by the name ims.
the reason why I named ims , because my family name is im, and i added s at the end.
you know, Everything has its ups and down. and Of course, it's same for me.
I have been doing music for years but I have not achieved from it
But, Whether I achieved from it or not, time is just flow. i think is like bow.
And I have to choose another job for a rest of my life.
And I choose the job what Im originally majoring, the computer science.
Now im looking for my job server developer.
And I think the period of my music career, I have come to like this job more.
and now become, my music is my hobby.
when im doing my job, typing the code, I like to listening the hip hop music.
I recommand music that what i recently listened
the title of the song is drugs and rejjie snow sang it.
Hello my name is im hyeong jun but i go by the name ims.
the reason why i choosed the named ims is because my family name is im, and i added s at the end.
you know, Everything has its ups and down. and Of course, it's same for me.
I have been doing music for years but I haven't achieved anything yet here in korea
But, Whether I achieved anything from it or not in time, Lifes goes on.
And I would have to choose another job for the rest of my life.
And I would have to choose another job for the rest of my life and that will be computer science
it's my major
Now im looking a job as a server developer.
And I think of the period of my music career over, I have come to like this job more. **
now music becomes my hobby.
when im doing my job like typing the code, I like to listen to hip hop music.
I recommend music the recent music that I listend to the title of the song is drugs and rejjie snow sang it.
Thank you for listening for my long introduction.
I was helped by papago
Im doing the laundry now
And 남용 x
문장을 어렵게 쓰려고 하지 말고, 깔끔하게 떨어지게 쓰려고 할 것.
내 수준에 맞게 말하려고 할 것. 한국어로 할 수 있는 얘기를 그대로 옮기려고 하지 말고, 일단 최대한 쉬운 단어와 표현으로 깔끔하게 말하려고 하는게 나을듯.
- What im trying to say here? let me say again
- All right, that wasnt clear at all. let me say again.
- sorry, i must be drunk. let me say again.
Skip 하는게 낫다
3가지 주제는 완벽하게 할 수 있어야 한다.
ex) 인터넷의 사용에 대해서 말해보라
만약 내가
에 대해서 준비했다고 생각해보자
그러면 I think people of different age groups stream music differently using the internet.
--> internet : music 쪽으로 가는 것
all about
Starbucks is all about space.
easy to use
But you know what? Let's talk about food industry.
Ok let's focus on the food industry
past experience is important
description + past experience
habit + pe
comparsion + pe