Present vs Past modals of probability; 현재와 과거의 가능성을 나타내는 조동사 비교

Kiwoong Park·2023년 2월 8일
Present modals of probabilityPast modals of probability
현재의 가능성 표현과거의 가능성 표현
He must / will be nervous! = certainty(+)He must / will have been nervous! = certainty(+)
He won't / can't be nervous! = certainty(-)He won't / can't have been nervous! = certainty(-)
He might / may / could be nervous! = possibilityHe might / may / could have been nervous! = possibility

조동사 표현된 문장 특: 직관적으로 이해하기 너무 어렵..

You matter, never give up

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